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SITHON: An Airborne Fire Detection System Compliant with Operational Tactical Requirements

Charalabos Kontoes, Iphigenia Keramitsoglou, Nicolaos Sifakis, Pavlos Konstantinidis
2009 Sensors  
SITHON is a fully digital thermal imaging system, integrating INS/GPS and a digital camera, designed to provide timely positioned and projected thermal images and video data streams rapidly integrated  ...  It is envisaged that the SITHON system will be soon operated onboard various airborne platforms including fire brigade airplanes and helicopters as well as on UAV platforms owned and operated by the Greek  ...  Doukas in supporting the development and the operation of the SITHON airborne imaging system during its demonstration.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s90201204 pmid:22399963 pmcid:PMC3280855 fatcat:ltnkxdzfw5htleoncjw4wzi6iy

Airborne multi-sensor management support system for emergency teams in natural disasters

Alexander Almer, Thomas Schnabel, Johann Raggam, Armin Köfler, Roland Wack, Richard Feischl
2015 International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management  
This paper describes the development of a multi-functional airborne management support system within the frame of the Austrian national safety and security research programme.  ...  This article includes the individual system components as well as their performance using examples from lab tests and real-life deployments.  ...  The presented research activities were embedded into a project running within the Austrian national promotion programme for security research (KIRAS; see also http://www.kiras.at/) and are funded by the  ... 
dblp:conf/iscram/AlmerSRKWF15 fatcat:52um5g5wdjdsnmyfyb6b7m6xpm

Rapid Disaster Mapping through Data Integration from UAVs and Multi-sensors Mounted on Investigation Platforms of NDMI, Korea

S. S. Kim, S. H. Yoo, J. S. Park, S. B. Cho, T. H. Kim
2018 The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences  
For the enhancement of the direct geo-referencing accuracy of UAV imagery captured from on-board camera of DJI and the creation of more accurate map products, camera IOPs refinement and bundle adjustment  ...  <br> The purpose of this study is to propose a convergence approach between data acquired from different types of sensors on a van-type investigation platform and UAVs of NDMI and assess their applicability  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research outputs are part of the project "Establishment of Application System for Disaster Scientific Investigation (DSI)", which is supported by the NDMI(National Disaster Management  ... 
doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-xlii-3-w4-291-2018 fatcat:7sa7tjypofdxvmtqocsndszwm4


W. Xie, Y. Xue, L. Zhai, H. Sang
2013 The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences  
Remote sensing technology is playing a key role on precision agriculture.  ...  Finally, the paper summarizes potential trends tending to broaden the precision agriculture application of remote sensing data fusion.  ...  However, this kind of application involves an accurate geo-referencing processing of the images to a given geodetic reference system.  ... 
doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-xl-7-w1-189-2013 fatcat:kjraebbhsnhmxiomc6z2hqonpi


T. K. Kohoutek, M. Nitsche, H. Eisenbeiss
2012 The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences  
This paper presents the first experience of a close range bird's eye view photogrammetry with range imaging (RIM) sensors for the real time generation of high resolution geo-referenced 3D surface models  ...  Two commercial RIM cameras (SR4000 by MESA Imaging AG and a CamCube 2.0 by PMDTechnologies GmbH) were mounted on a lightweight crane and on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).  ...  The acquired 3D images of the mounted RIM camera have to be matched by connecting points that have been measured by a total station or global navigation satellite system (GNSS) to be geo-referenced in  ... 
doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-xxxviii-5-w12-151-2011 fatcat:4glnvhhw4zfufbi4c7wo6nzyma

Realistic Façade Texturing of Digital Building Models

Changjae Kim, Eugene Rhee
2014 International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications  
In this regards, this paper suggests a more automated framework for the realistic façade texturing of 3D building models.  ...  Linear features such as wire-frame of a building are used for georeferencing of terrestrial images taken around the buildings in question.  ...  However, our goal is to develop a methodology which can deal with off-the-shelf digital cameras or even camera phones. Some of those come with a built-in GPS for fast geo-location.  ... 
doi:10.14257/ijseia.2014.8.1.17 fatcat:uhdqezhyobbkbkiqwpbzydi2pq

NIR-Green-Blue High-Resolution Digital Images for Assessment of Winter Cover Crop Biomass

E. Raymond Hunt, W. Dean Hively, Greg W. McCarty, Craig S. T Daughtry, Patrick J. Forrestal, Robert J. Kratochvil, James L. Carr, Nathaniel F. Allen, Joseph R. Fox-Rabinovitz, Christopher D. Miller
2011 GIScience & Remote Sensing  
Many small unmanned aerial systems use true-color digital cameras for remote sensing. For some cameras, only the red channel is sensitive to near-infrared (NIR) light.  ...  Given a camera with this spectral capability, we modified it to obtain NIR-green-blue images. One advantage of this low-cost system is that images can be inspected directly from the camera.  ...  Each geo-referenced photograph was remapped to a UTM projection and resampled to create an ortho-tile with the desired resolution.  ... 
doi:10.2747/1548-1603.48.1.86 fatcat:wb5gtdrz7fb6jbi2ytj6ixkbem


X. Hu, Z. Zhang, Y. Duan, Y. Zhang, J. Zhu, H. Long
2012 The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences  
Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) is a technology capable of measuring geo-referenced coordinate of object points in a straightforward way.  ...  Nowadays main LiDAR system vendors are providing integrated laser scanning and camera sensors in many of their systems (or at least offering camera as optional equipment).  ...  The highly coupling system shares one POS offering direct geo-referencing for both the LiDAR and camera system.  ... 
doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-xxxviii-5-w12-181-2011 fatcat:ezwrchn7gzg73epxyiyvq7n4dy


M. L. Tsai, K. W. Chiang, Y. H. Tseng, J. Y. Rau, Y. W. Huang, C. F. Lo
2012 The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences  
The proposed UAV based platform has a direct georeferencing module including an low cost INS/GPS integrated system, low cost digital camera as well as other general UAV modules including immediately video  ...  monitoring communication system.  ...  The integration of GPS/INS puts the geo-referencing of photogrammetric data on a new level and frees it from operational restrictions.  ... 
doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-xxxix-b1-457-2012 fatcat:wxykt2radnc2lhpnshyonb6mce


N. Polat, M. Uysal
2017 The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences  
The main scope of this paper is evaluating performance of cameras integrated UAV for geomatic applications by the way of Digital Terrain Model (DTM) generation in a small area.  ...  Their benefits however are not entirely detected due to the integration capabilities of other equipment such as; digital camera, GPS, or laser scanner.  ...  It starts with uploading photos from camera to computer and eliminating distorted or blurred ones. We used 420 selected images. The GCPs were used for geo referencing.  ... 
doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-xlii-4-w6-77-2017 fatcat:7kjx7yhhdbeubd7z7gb64kaejm

An efficient method for geo-referenced video mosaicing for environmental monitoring

Zhigang Zhu, Edward M. Riseman, Allen R. Hanson, Howard Schultz
2005 Machine Vision and Applications  
On the other hand, the 3D geo-data from GPS, a laser profiler, an INS system provides a globally correct track of the motion without error propagation.  ...  The paper describes an effective twotrack method for combining two different sources of data to achieve a seamless and geo-referenced mosaic, without 3D reconstruction or complex global registration.  ...  evaluating the geo-referenced mosaics.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00138-005-0173-x fatcat:cpcxfeyudjeippsm5y625vwoni


A. Wendel, C. Hoppe, H. Bischof, F. Leberl
2012 ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences  
Second, accurate geo-referencing of reconstructions is difficult because of shadowed GPS signals in urban areas, so alignment based on GPS information is often not possible.  ...  We approximate orthographic depth maps for the individual parts and iteratively align them in a global coordinate system.  ...  The models are created using both ground-based and airborne laser scanners, as well as digital cameras for texturing.  ... 
doi:10.5194/isprsannals-i-3-81-2012 fatcat:r7lav2mkxjharj2q2fmjyiw7ni

Automated motion imagery exploitation for surveillance and reconnaissance

Stephen Se, France Laliberte, Vinay Kotamraju, Melanie Dutkiewicz
2012 Full Motion Video (FMV) Workflows and Technologies for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) and Situational Awareness  
The 3D reconstruction tool creates calibrated geo-referenced photo-realistic 3D models.  ...  The mosaicking tool produces a geo-referenced 2D map from the sequence of video frames. The change detection tool identifies differences between two repeat-pass videos taken of the same terrain.  ...  As video exploitation products have to be geo-referenced precisely to be useful for analysis, AMIE provides a Ground Control Points (GCP) marking facility which allows the user to mark additional correspondences  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.920498 fatcat:ac3fkmvmszgsncuq6yd444bhki

Automatic 3D Building Footprint Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Image using OSM

In parallel, a profound neural system for pixel-wise semantic picture division is prepared so as to extricate the structure limits as shape proof.  ...  Thusly, a streamlining incorporating the shape proof from multi-see pictures as a requirement brings about a refined 3D building model with improved impressions and stature.  ...  At last, those UAV pictures with realized camera stances are associated with a worldwide streamlining for camera postures of all UAV pictures. Along these lines, all UAV pictures get geo-enrolled.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.l3161.1081219 fatcat:xbzdotqxyrcdtl325wy5ihqmjy

A Framework for the Integration of Remote Sensing Systems for 3D Urban Mapping

Ayman Habib, Changjae Kim, Eunju Kwak
2010 The International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering  
In other words, the proliferation of direct geo-referencing, digital imaging system (including medium-format digital camera) and LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) provide the respective research body  ...  As the second component of the framework, a registration procedure is conducted to ensure that the datasets from different systems are georeferenced with respect to a common reference frame.  ...  Hence, there is a need to enhance the surface models by introducing Digital Building Models (DBM) with precise building boundary information.  ... 
doi:10.21608/iccae.2010.45110 fatcat:impgkwt5orda7iip3olr2k2diy
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