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Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Techniques for Combinatorial Optimization Problems: Overview and Recent Advances

Md Ashikur Rahman, Rajalingam Sokkalingam, Mahmod Othman, Kallol Biswas, Lazim Abdullah, Evizal Abdul Kadir
2021 Mathematics  
as vehicle routing problems, traveling salesman problems, and supply chain network design problems.  ...  From the authors' point of view, there is still a lack of comprehensive surveys on current research directions.  ...  [23] designed a modified firefly algorithm on a VRP to find maximum prize collection with a minimum carbon emission factor.  ... 
doi:10.3390/math9202633 fatcat:tk2ymswg4fau3bpx2kxmcmmyoi

An improved hybrid algorithm for capacitated fixed-charge transportation problem

C.-M. Pintea, P. C. Pop
2015 Logic Journal of the IGPL  
Fişa de verificare a ȋndeplinirii crieteriilor minimale corespunzătoare domeniului Informatică a) Etica cercetării Subsemnatul, Petrica Pop Sitar, am respectat toate normele de etica a cercetării şi prin  ...  urmare perspectiva a) o evaluez cu calificativul: îndeplinit.  ...  Yang, A Gravitational Facility Location Problem based on Prize-Collecting Traveling Salesman Problem, IEEE Int. Conf. on Automation and Logistics, ICAL 2012, art. no. 6308257, pp. 511-516, 2012. P.C.  ... 
doi:10.1093/jigpal/jzv014 fatcat:6boxa6wgmzelpdg5ovbxrteebu

Reliable Data Collection Techniques in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey

Xiaohui Wei, Hao Guo, Xingwang Wang, Xiaonan Wang, Meikang Qiu
2021 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials  
In this paper, we first review the problems specific to UWSNs and their impact on reliable data collection.  ...  and lengthy travel time.  ...  This is formulated as a Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and the Ant Colony Algorithm (ACA) is applied to solve the TSP problem.  ... 
doi:10.1109/comst.2021.3134955 fatcat:hu2jn3bp45fl7i3kt767gchiq4

Coverage Path Planning Techniques for Inspection of Disjoint Regions with Precedence Provision

Zeba Khanam, Sangeet Saha, Shoaib Ehsan, Rustam Stolkin, Klaus McDonald-Maier
2020 IEEE Access  
To meet the challenges, the problem is divided into two phases: inter-region and intra-region path planning.  ...  This has created a global demand to equip agents with the ability to autonomously inspect such environments by computing a coverage path effectively and efficiently.  ...  The multiple targets visiting problem was then formulated as Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) [10] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3044987 fatcat:x2e67g2mlvd6no3d2paylpvgke

Nonstandard Finite Difference Schemes

Ronald E. Mickens
2018 Notices of the American Mathematical Society  
Vergara from Politecnico di Milano, and A. Manzoni from EPFL are gratefully acknowledged. Mathematical Modeling, Analysis and Applications in  ...  We discovered these results unexpectedly when studying a more general family of polytopes. Acknowledgments The contributions of EPFL MEDIACOM, L. Dedè and C.  ...  Travel This meeting will take place on the main campus of The Ohio State University located in Columbus, Ohio.  ... 
doi:10.1090/noti1617 fatcat:nzhfdj7fsncndnhfiaegkizvue

Planning for opportunistic surveillance with multiple robots

Dinesh Thakur, Maxim Likhachev, James Keller, Vijay Kumar, Vladimir Dobrokhodov, Kevin Jones, Jeff Wurz, Isaac Kaminer
2013 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems  
Furthermore, the robots are allocated specific times to reach their respective goal locations and as a result they have to decide which robots have to visit which waypoints.  ...  We present an algorithm that runs a series of graph searches to solve the problem and provide theoretical analysis that our approach yields an optimal solution.  ...  The OP is also known as the Selective Traveling Salesman Problem (STSP), Maximum Collection Problem, Bank Robber Problem, Prize Collecting TSP, among other problems.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iros.2013.6697189 dblp:conf/iros/ThakurLKKDJWK13 fatcat:gaa5a7z76nashkkhckad2ltjce

Economics at the millennium

Robert S. Goldfarb, Thomas C. Leonard
2002 Society (New Brunswick)  
One example involves methods for determining good choices where the best-possible (that is, "optimal") choice is not computable, as in traveling-salesman-type problems.  ...  For concreteness, consider a traveling salesman who must map out a route which includes visits to N cities. The optimal solution involves minimizing travel time.  ...  If both play gold, each gets a payoff of one; if both play silver, each gets a payoff of one. If they fail to coordinate, each gets zero.  ... 
doi:10.1007/bf02802966 fatcat:3ekuahojpfcrxmbmbuqmqwnn7q

Results of the Survey on the Future of HEP [article]

B. T. Fleming, J. Krane, G. P. Zeller, F. Canelli, B. Connolly, R. Erbacher, G. T. Fleming, D. A. Harris, E. Hawker, M. Hildreth, B. Kilminster, S. Lammers, D. Medoff (+7 others)
2001 arXiv   pre-print
Following sections analyze the collected opinions on the desire for balance in the field, the impact of globalization, the necessity of outreach, how to build the field, the physics that drives the field  ...  The Young Physicists Panel (YPP) summarizes results from their Survey on the Future of High Energy Physics, which was conducted from July 2 to July 15, 2001.  ...  We need to go after realistic targets, but in trying to choose based on the expected physics results, keep in mind that none of the Nobel Prizes that resulted from any of the existing facilities were even  ... 
arXiv:hep-ex/0108040v3 fatcat:pfohmd76g5gy7bdfc43gxywkdy

Pioneering: on the frontier of electronic data processing, a personal memoir

J.W. Birkenstock
2000 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing  
cities in which these facilities were located.  ...  Now, we focused on locating the customers' problems and then planning, in concert with IBM Engineering, to apply invention, innovation, and technical solution to these problems.  ... 
doi:10.1109/85.815465 fatcat:gmpyrkqyxbaudmsbue6cdid3za

Marketing Articles in Review …

William S. Penn
1959 Journal of Marketing  
This report appears as a special feature and is based on discussions with scores of experts across the country.  ...  Starch has written a three-part article to report a three-year study based on inquiries from 8,200 advertisements in national magazines.  ... 
doi:10.1177/002224295902400221 fatcat:abjvx5sxw5cb7ljhmhnwoy6mru

The Effects of Southern White Workers on Race Relations in Northern Plants

Lewis M. Killian
1952 American Sociological Review  
The project was carried on in 1964-65 at the Vocational GuidanCe and Rehabilitation Services, Cleveland, Ohio and was financed through the researchprogram of the Office of Manpower, ,Automa-tion and Training  ...  agutions: The generalizations are based on the behavior of one sales group in one store located in a midwestern metropolis.  ...  -In drder to accomplish a sale, the salesman will play up or tone down the desirability of certain symbols connected with a property, e.g. ,location of schools.  ... 
doi:10.2307/2088078 fatcat:lqedv5opazc43jp555avbbgxqi

To the editors

Dulcy B. Miller
1991 The journal of ambulatory care management  
I am very satisfied with the outcomes of the research, the awards that Devi has received as a result of it and the fact that the outcomes have a commercial value.  ...  This research has cemented my view of the aged care industry as a hot spot for research possibilities and of the usefulness of both quality control and continuous improvement for positive organisational  ...  In order to increase the delegate response rate further, encouragement was provided through reminder announcements, a small incentive in the form of a draw prize and the strategic location of 'drop boxes  ... 
doi:10.1097/00004479-199104000-00003 fatcat:tuse6giauvds3opszsgxiyjlbq

On Eschewing Teleology

William T. Powers
1959 Science  
At a time when the importance of tracer and isotope techniques in biology and medicine is underscored by the be- stowal of the Atoms for Peace prize on the Nobel prize winner G. de Hevesy, the student  ...  Temporary facilities will be established in Santa Barbara, Calif., pending construction of a research facility in that area.  ... 
doi:10.1126/science.129.3349.610 fatcat:2cz4szkiifeith7ukuo7ptb6di

German Scientists and the Atom Bomb

William G. Schlecht
1959 Science  
, which will be located in the new exhibit facilities of the Mor- rison Hotel, Chicago.  ...  10 of one nik = in different locations, any | A wees he a | vantage point.  ... 
doi:10.1126/science.129.3347.438-c fatcat:lujmi3nn4rdxvfndmaei72o7oe

German Scientists and the Atom Bomb

William G. Schlecht
1959 Science  
, which will be located in the new exhibit facilities of the Mor- rison Hotel, Chicago.  ...  10 of one nik = in different locations, any | A wees he a | vantage point.  ... 
doi:10.1126/science.129.3347.438.c fatcat:h7ujopylmzhivjsmwwigrbb2dq
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