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Convergence of Blockchain, Autonomous Agents, and Knowledge Graph to Share Electronic Health Records release_owjdonlm3jg7jpwbdwi6zzsrfe

by Yao Yao, Meghana Kshirsagar, Gauri Vaidya, Jens Ducrée, Conor Ryan

Published in Frontiers in Blockchain by Frontiers Media SA.



In this article, we discuss a data sharing and knowledge integration framework through autonomous agents with blockchain for implementing Electronic Health Records (EHR). This will enable us to augment existing blockchain-based EHR Systems. We discuss how major concerns in the health industry, i.e., trust, security and scalability, can be addressed by transitioning from existing models to convergence of the three technologies – blockchain, agent-based modeling, and knowledge graph in a decentralized ecosystem. Each autonomous agent is responsible for instantiating key processes, such as user authentication and authorization, smart contracts, and knowledge graph generation through data integration among the participating stakeholders in the network. We discuss a layered approach for the design of the proposed system leading to an enhanced, safer clinical decision-making system. This can pave the way toward more informed and engaged patients and citizens by delivering personalized healthcare.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2021-04-06
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ISSN-L:  2624-7852
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