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How to trust unlabeled data? Instance Credibility Inference for Few-Shot Learning release_m3ndupcmu5a3ngqcdj74cmootm

by Yikai Wang, Li Zhang, Yuan Yao, Yanwei Fu

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Deep learning based models have excelled in many computer vision task and appear to surpass humans performance. However, these models require an avalanche of expensive human labeled training data and many iterations to train their large number of parameters. This severely limits their scalability to the real-world long-tail distributed categories. Learning from such extremely limited labeled examples is known as Few-shot learning. Different to prior arts that leverage meta-learning or data augmentation strategies to alleviate this extremely data-scarce problem, this paper presents a statistical approach, dubbed Instance Credibility Inference to exploit the support of unlabeled instances for few-shot visual recognition. Typically, we repurpose the self-taught learning paradigm. To do so, we construct a (Generalized) Linear Model (LM/GLM) with incidental parameters to model the mapping from (un-)labeled features to their (pseudo-)labels, in which the sparsity of the incidental parameters indicates the credibility of corresponding pseudo-labeled instance. We rank the credibility of pseudo-labels of unlabeled instances along the regularization path of their corresponding incidental parameters, and the most trustworthy pseudo-labeled examples are preserved as the augmented labeled instances.This process is repeated until all the unlabeled samples are iteratively included in the expanded training set. Theoretically, under mild conditions of restricted eigenvalue, irrepresentability, and large error, our approach is guaranteed to collect all the correctly-predicted pseudo-labeled instances from the noisy pseudo-labeled set. Extensive experiments under two few-shot settings show that our approach can establish new state of the art on four widely used few-shot visual recognition benchmark datasets including miniImageNet, tieredImageNet, CIFAR-FS, and CUB.
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Type  article
Stage   submitted
Date   2020-07-15
Version   v1
Language   en ?
arXiv  2007.08461v1
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Revision: dc145395-76af-4d3a-b915-2252febbcd82