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SSR: SAM is a Strong Regularizer for domain adaptive semantic segmentation release_hpm532rtvrc4bkdtzt3flnsega

by Yanqi Ge, Ye Huang, Wen Li, Lixin Duan

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We introduced SSR, which utilizes SAM (segment-anything) as a strong regularizer during training, to greatly enhance the robustness of the image encoder for handling various domains. Specifically, given the fact that SAM is pre-trained with a large number of images over the internet, which cover a diverse variety of domains, the feature encoding extracted by the SAM is obviously less dependent on specific domains when compared to the traditional ImageNet pre-trained image encoder. Meanwhile, the ImageNet pre-trained image encoder is still a mature choice of backbone for the semantic segmentation task, especially when the SAM is category-irrelevant. As a result, our SSR provides a simple yet highly effective design. It uses the ImageNet pre-trained image encoder as the backbone, and the intermediate feature of each stage (ie there are 4 stages in MiT-B5) is regularized by SAM during training. After extensive experimentation on GTA5→Cityscapes, our SSR significantly improved performance over the baseline without introducing any extra inference overhead.
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Type  article
Stage   submitted
Date   2024-01-26
Version   v1
Language   en ?
arXiv  2401.14686v1
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Revision: 1ca1825a-cdac-4e3c-8212-f0fed6c4c329