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OpenCBD: A Network-Encrypted Unknown Traffic Identification Scheme Based on Open-Set Recognition release_d2f2frvwhvgzzjs6ofdmzpogzi

by Xinyi Hu, Chunxiang Gu, Yihang Chen, Xi Chen, Fushan Wei

Published in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing by Hindawi Limited.

2022   Volume 2022, p1-18


The encryption of network traffic promotes the development of encrypted traffic classification and identification research. However, many existing studies are only effective for closed-set experimental data, that is to say, only for traffic of known classes, while there are often lots of unknown classes traffic in the real environment of open sets, and many studies have difficulty identifying the traffic of unknown classes and can only misclassify them as known classes. How to identify unknown traffic and classify known traffic in an open-collection environment is one of the focuses of traffic analysis research. Considering these problems, this paper proposes a novel solution, which applies the open-set recognition method to the unknown traffic identification, and constructs a model based on deep learning and ensemble learning. The method constructs a model based on a convolutional neural network and a transformer encoder and then uses a three-stage training and testing process, combined with a novel loss function, to generalize to the open space to form OpenCBD. Experiments on public datasets show that the proposed method is significantly better than other open-set identification methods. It can not only distinguish known traffic from unknown traffic but also identify specific classes of known traffic.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2022-05-12
Language   en ?
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Open Access Publication
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ISSN-L:  1530-8669
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