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Secure and Energy-Efficient Computational Offloading Using LSTM in Mobile Edge Computing release_cm54h5tfcze43btke5hdxctbqi

by Muhammad Arif, F. Ajesh, Shermin Shamsudheen, Muhammad Shahzad

Published in Security and Communication Networks by Hindawi Limited.

2022   Volume 2022, p1-13


The use of application media, gamming, entertainment, and healthcare engineering has expanded as a result of the rapid growth of mobile technologies. This technology overcomes the traditional computing methods in terms of communication delay and energy consumption, thereby providing high reliability and bandwidth for devices. In today's world, mobile edge computing is improving in various forms so as to provide better output and there is no room for simple computing architecture for MEC. So, this paper proposed a secure and energy-efficient computational offloading scheme using LSTM. The prediction of the computational tasks is done using the LSTM algorithm, the strategy for computation offloading of mobile devices is based on the prediction of tasks, and the migration of tasks for the scheme of edge cloud scheduling helps to optimize the edge computing offloading model. Experiments show that our proposed architecture, which consists of an LSTM-based offloading technique and routing (LSTMOTR) algorithm, can efficiently decrease total task delay with growing data and subtasks, reduce energy consumption, and bring much security to the devices due to the firewall nature of LSTM.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2022-01-07
Language   en ?
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ISSN-L:  1939-0122
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Revision: d4bd94e8-db21-4fa3-92b4-33f796ccf8df