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Neural Machine Translation-Based Automated CPT Classification System Using Procedure Text: Development and Validation Study (Preprint) release_6z63gt2kvvezpdlsaq3ntssjju

by Hyeon Joo, Michael Burns, Sai Saradha Kalidaikurichi Lakshmanan, Yaokun Hu, V.G.Vinod Vydiswaran

Published in JMIR Formative Research by JMIR Publications Inc..

2020   Volume 5, Issue 5, e22461


Administrative costs for billing and insurance-related activities in the United States are substantial. One critical cause of the high overhead of administrative costs is medical billing errors. With advanced deep learning techniques, developing advanced models to predict hospital and professional billing codes has become feasible. These models can be used for administrative cost reduction and billing process improvements. In this study, we aim to develop an automated anesthesiology current procedural terminology (CPT) prediction system that translates manually entered surgical procedure text into standard forms using neural machine translation (NMT) techniques. The standard forms are calculated using similarity scores to predict the most appropriate CPT codes. Although this system aims to enhance medical billing coding accuracy to reduce administrative costs, we compare its performance with that of previously developed machine learning algorithms. We collected and analyzed all operative procedures performed at Michigan Medicine between January 2017 and June 2019 (2.5 years). The first 2 years of data were used to train and validate the existing models and compare the results from the NMT-based model. Data from 2019 (6-month follow-up period) were then used to measure the accuracy of the CPT code prediction. Three experimental settings were designed with different data types to evaluate the models. Experiment 1 used the surgical procedure text entered manually in the electronic health record. Experiment 2 used preprocessing of the procedure text. Experiment 3 used preprocessing of the combined procedure text and preoperative diagnoses. The NMT-based model was compared with the support vector machine (SVM) and long short-term memory (LSTM) models. The NMT model yielded the highest top-1 accuracy in experiments 1 and 2 at 81.64% and 81.71% compared with the SVM model (81.19% and 81.27%, respectively) and the LSTM model (80.96% and 81.07%, respectively). The SVM model yielded the highest top-1 accuracy of 84.30% in experiment 3, followed by the LSTM model (83.70%) and the NMT model (82.80%). In experiment 3, the addition of preoperative diagnoses showed 3.7%, 3.2%, and 1.3% increases in the SVM, LSTM, and NMT models in top-1 accuracy over those in experiment 2, respectively. For top-3 accuracy, the SVM, LSTM, and NMT models achieved 95.64%, 95.72%, and 95.60% for experiment 1, 95.75%, 95.67%, and 95.69% for experiment 2, and 95.88%, 95.93%, and 95.06% for experiment 3, respectively. This study demonstrates the feasibility of creating an automated anesthesiology CPT classification system based on NMT techniques using surgical procedure text and preoperative diagnosis. Our results show that the performance of the NMT-based CPT prediction system is equivalent to that of the SVM and LSTM prediction models. Importantly, we found that including preoperative diagnoses improved the accuracy of using the procedure text alone.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2020-07-31
Language   en ?
DOI  10.2196/22461
PubMed  34037526
PMC  PMC8190648
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ISSN-L:  2561-326X
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