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Assessing Effectiveness of Exercised Variants of Machine Learning Techniques release_3dig3j6ja5hovmazntsm3ldt3m

Published in VOLUME-8 ISSUE-10, AUGUST 2019, REGULAR ISSUE by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP.

2020   p3259-3267


Currently, the research field of machine learning is receiving more attention due to the automatic visual inspection of different tasks. Thus, the machine learning scheme is incorporated with deep learning and artificial intelligence technology. However, there are different schemes (perception based, instance-based and logic based) to provide an effective classification, prediction, and data recognition in terms of characterizing the features at different conditions to design a suitable module. This investigational study provides a comprehensive study on different algorithmic approaches which are categorized in terms of classification-based, prediction-based and segmentation based approaches. Also, this study evaluates the performance of various machine learning methods and their applications in different fields and also their limitations. Finally, this study leads to identifying the research gaps in the machine learning approach, which can be addressed by further research.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2020-02-10
Language   en ?
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ISSN-L:  2278-3075
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Revision: 1acbb122-5e19-4bd9-b4a5-ec94ca7277ad