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Dec 4, 2015 · Abstract: Geometric range search is a fundamental primitive for spatial data analysis in SQL and NoSQL databases.
Abstract—Geometric range search is a fundamental primitive for spatial data analysis in SQL and NoSQL databases. It has ex-.
Specifically, we first design a scheme supporting circular range queries (i.e., retrieving points inside a circle) over encrypted spatial data. Instead of ...
This paper designs a symmetric-key searchable encryption scheme that can support geometric range queries on encrypted spatial data, and formally defines and ...
Geometric range search is a fundamental primitive for spatial data analysis in SQL and NoSQL databases. It has extensive applications in location-based ...
We propose FastGeo, an efficient two-level search scheme that can operate geometric ranges over encrypted spatial datasets. Our experiment results over a real- ...
Geohash and Geometrically Searchable Encryption (GSE).The plaintext index, Geohash, can be leveraged into GSE schemes for searching over ciphertexts if by ...
geometric range search process over the encrypted data, so as to enhance the data privacy. Geometric queries are the queries that deal with spatial data.
Feb 14, 2017 · In this talk, I will present my recent research in secure geometric range search over encrypted spatial data. The general approach is to ...
propose an efficient geometric range query scheme. (EGRQ) [11] supporting searching and access control over encrypted spatial data which uses secure kNN ...