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Zooming into Face Forensics: A Pixel-level Analysis [article]

Jia Li, Tong Shen, Wei Zhang, Hui Ren, Dan Zeng, Tao Mei
2019 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we zoom in on the problem by conducting a pixel-level analysis, i.e. formulating it as a pixel-level segmentation task.  ...  It is urgent to have face forensics techniques to distinguish those tampered images.  ...  Pretrained or From Scratch As implied by the analysis in the last section, face forensics is more like a low-level vision task.  ... 
arXiv:1912.05790v1 fatcat:mjbfwezitffwjm3stzbs52i3my

Bibliography of digital image anti-forensics and anti-anti-forensics techniques

2019 IET Image Processing  
This study also presents a bibliographic analysis of the-state-of-the-art publications in various venues.  ...  This survey study presents a comprehensive systematic overview of various anti-forensics and anti-AFTs that are proposed in the literature for digital image forensics.  ...  In [149] , the authors proposed a generalised 3D CNN for face anti-spoofing taking into consideration both spatial and temporal information.  ... 
doi:10.1049/iet-ipr.2018.6587 fatcat:mdgb7i7uxvgz3pqvoggldutufu

High-profile forensic analysis of images

S. Goldenstein, A. Rocha
2009 3rd International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP 2009)  
Amidst many different forms of image manipulation, how to convince a jury of a tampering? Is traditional expert opinions enough?  ...  In this paper, using a high-profile Brazilian case as a guideline, we explain how we can take advantage of important statistical methodologies and state-of-the-art techniques to verify evidences of digital  ...  As a consequence, on a daily basis we are faced with numerous images and videos -and it is likely that at least a few have undergone some level of manipulation.  ... 
doi:10.1049/ic.2009.0246 dblp:conf/icdp/GoldensteinR09 fatcat:erns33niyjeojjimmbqabg5szi

Currency security and forensics: a survey

J. Chambers, W. Yan, A. Garhwal, M. Kankanhalli
2014 Multimedia tools and applications  
Throughout history, issuers have faced one common threat: counterfeiting. Despite technological advancements, overcoming counterfeit production remains a distant future.  ...  Ultimately, a robust currency is desired.  ...  Forensic examination is achieved by discriminating print methods, scanning at a high resolution and zooming into the edges or by microscope to look for typical characteristics, clearly this method is subject  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11042-013-1809-x fatcat:7xqvdrf4ifeyxheuljp7fhsq5i

Content based information retrieval in forensic image databases

Zeno Geradts, Jurrien Bijhold
2002 Journal of Forensic Sciences  
Forensic image databases of fingerprints, faces, shoeprints, handwriting, cartridge cases, drugs tablets, and tool marks are described.  ...  The developments in research groups of searching in image databases is evaluated and compared with the forensic databases that exist.  ...  are also used in the analysis of faces.  ... 
pmid:11908596 fatcat:jig4opuyc5ab3pgibdp2cecdty

Deep Learning for Multimedia Forensics

Irene Amerini, Aris Anagnostopoulos, Luca Maiano, Lorenzo Ricciardi Celsi
2021 Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision  
Parallel to this problem, the identification of the source has been carefully studied as a forensic analysis tool.  ...  A Fourier transform is called a transform because it transforms the data from one form (the amplitude or pixel intensity over time) into a list of frequency coefficients controlling their contribution.  ... 
doi:10.1561/0600000096 fatcat:eb22cg3okzdx5knaarrwo646za

Data mining in forensic image databases

Zeno J. Geradts, Jurrien Bijhold, Zeno J. Geradts, Lenny I. Rudin
2002 Investigative Image Processing II  
Due to lighting conditions and altering of the face by aging, it is nearly impossible to find a right face from a database of one million faces in top position by a image searching method, without using  ...  Forensic Image Databases appear in a wide variety. The oldest computer database is with fingerprints.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS For this work we would like to acknowledge the Netherlands Forensic Institute, especially Hage Postema for his contribution to this work.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.474729 fatcat:jsadndadovfrnfty6k6kechqui

Forensic image analysis – CCTV distortion and artefacts

Dilan Seckiner, Xanthé Mallett, Claude Roux, Didier Meuwly, Philip Maynard
2018 Forensic Science International  
A review of the 'forensic image analysis' review is presented here. It will outline the image distortion types and detail the limitations of differing surveillance camera systems.  ...  Following this, a forensic practitioner, or expert witness can be required to analyse the footage of the Person of Interest.  ...  With this in mind, forensic gait analysis from surveillance footage will be discussed in a future paper.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.01.024 pmid:29453008 fatcat:bd2i2vklxzec3nl5umfhtw7tji

Deepfake Forensics via An Adversarial Game [article]

Zhi Wang, Yiwen Guo, Wangmeng Zuo
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Considering that AI-based face manipulation often leads to high-frequency artifacts that can be easily spotted by models yet difficult to generalize, we further propose a new adversarial training method  ...  that attempts to blur out these specific artifacts, by introducing pixel-wise Gaussian blurring models.  ...  [7] proposed a more generalizable deep face representation for achieving the goal, by introducing an auxiliary task of predicting face X-ray (i.e., artifacts incurred by blending fake faces into the  ... 
arXiv:2103.13567v2 fatcat:ngelu2wiung3lieeoe3eenilde

Overview of Image Inpainting and Forensic Technology

Kai Liu, Junke Li, Syed Sabahat Hussain Bukhari
2022 Security and Communication Networks  
So far, academia still lacks a unified understanding of image forgery and detection technology, and the research architecture of inpainting and forensic technology is not clear.  ...  Misusing the tools may trigger a crisis of trust in the image.  ...  [109] proposed a blind detection method for image seam carving for low zoom ratios. Zhang et al.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/9291971 doaj:9085f6d15bc64d13acd70f636181bf23 fatcat:pg5ncxzngjblzl42bstp3ykxpi

Instant Messaging Forensic Analysis on Android Operating System

Guntur Maulana Zamroni, Imam Riadi
2019 Kinetik  
This research conducted a forensic analysis of WA on unrooted Samsung C9 Pro devices using Belkasoft Evidence, Oxygen Forensic, Magnet AXIOM, and WA Key/DB Extractor.  ...  This research gives suggestion about forensic tools for conducting forensic analysis related to WA.  ...  Reference [12] also classified mobile forensics into five types according to the level of acquisition and the level of complexity.  ... 
doi:10.22219/kinetik.v4i2.735 fatcat:n25ztwfdp5e25dlliyyniot5xi

Forensic vs. Computing writing features as seen by Rex, the intuitive document retriever

Vlad Atanasiu
2011 IEEE International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition  
Rex, a software with such a capability, is introduced and used to explore the potentialities of this approach for script forensics.  ...  In particular, and including other areas of graphonomics and the general public, there exists a demand for software for the analysis of intuitive features, think "slant" or "roundness," as opposed to analytical  ...  The document and a mouse-over zoom with pixels colorcoded by orientation is presented, as well as the orientation profi le and a hyperlink to the original document. IV.  ... 
dblp:conf/icdar/Atanasiu11 fatcat:qgqajkob5vb23d3n6hcu7gwu7i

Video-based Evidence Analysis and Extraction in Digital Forensic Investigation

Jianyu Xiao, Shancang Li, Qingliang Xu
2019 IEEE Access  
We first propose a forensic video analysis framework that employs an efficient video/image enhancing algorithm for the low quality of footage analysis.  ...  To assist the video-based forensic analysis, a deeplearning-based object detection and tracking algorithm are proposed that can detect and identify potential suspects and tools from footages.  ...  analysis level.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2913648 fatcat:3byeelly4nh37fq64fr3egsjwi

A forensic image processing environment for investigation of surveillance video

M. Jerian, S. Paolino, F. Cervelli, S. Carrato, A. Mattei, L. Garofano
2007 Forensic Science International  
We present an image processing software suite, based on the Matlab environment, specifically designed to be used as a forensic tool by law enforcement laboratories in the analysis of crime scene videos  ...  Because of the strong correlation between the evidence source and the processing software, forensic image analysis products often come as a complete software-hardware solution.  ...  analysis.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2006.06.048 pmid:16872771 fatcat:2gpxwlxnmrbxdbsxutto6spwha

Face Tracking and Recognition at a Distance: A Coaxial and Concentric PTZ Camera System

Unsang Park, Hyun-Cheol Choi, A. K. Jain, Seong-Whan Lee
2013 IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security  
To address this problem, we propose an imaging system consisting of static and pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras to acquire high resolution face images up to a distance of 12 meters.  ...  However, face images have a low resolution when they are captured at a distance (say, larger than 5 meters) thereby degrading the face matching performance.  ...  [31] used multiple static cameras and a PTZ camera to accurately estimate the 3-D world coordinates of a subject's face and then zoom into the face to capture a high resolution image.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tifs.2013.2261061 fatcat:p4ag4zflszbjtbptfokfltgphy
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