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Your Exploit is Mine: Automatic Shellcode Transplant for Remote Exploits

Tiffany Bao, Ruoyu Wang, Yan Shoshitaishvili, David Brumley
2017 2017 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP)  
Developing a remote exploit is not easy. It requires a comprehensive understanding of a vulnerability and delicate techniques to bypass defense mechanisms.  ...  One such adaptation is the replacement of the original shellcode (i.e., the attacker-injected code that is executed as the final step of the exploit) in the original exploit with a replacement shellcode  ...  We would also like to thank Alexandre Rebert, Matthew Maurer and Vyas Sekar for their comments on the project.  ... 
doi:10.1109/sp.2017.67 dblp:conf/sp/BaoWSB17 fatcat:3xq4xdw7pzgllnpol3qh6y5yiy