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What Drives the End User to Build a Feral Information System? [chapter]

Anthony Spierings
Feral Information Systems Development  
A Feral Information Systems (FIS) is any technological artefact (e.g. spreadsheets) that end users employ instead of the mandated Enterprise System (ES).  ...  Rather than submitting to the ES, the end user can employ FIS to block or circumvent aspects of the ES.  ...  rd Australasian Conference on Information Systems What Drives the End User to build an FIS?  ... 
doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-5027-5.ch008 fatcat:yxezgyhb2vbvtbhukktix7xzvi

Issues that support the creation of ICT workarounds: towards a theoretical understanding of feral information systems

Anthony Spierings, Don Kerr, Luke Houghton
2016 Information Systems Journal  
One solution is a type of ICT workaround, a Feral Information Systems (FIS).  ...  We define an FIS as a workaround designed to achieve certain requirements using any information technology tool that an End User employs in conjunction with, or instead of the mandated Information System  ...  /Coding Skills End Users acquired the IT skills to build a Feral Information System from a variety of sources.  ... 
doi:10.1111/isj.12123 fatcat:zixvf26nuzcclngk7det2puqdq

Power Relationships that Lead to the Development of Feral Systems

D.V Kerr, Luke Houghton, Kevin Burgess
2007 Australasian Journal of Information Systems  
A lack of trust in the ERP, ineffective training methods and complexity in extracting the data from the ERP were identified as a problem which lead to the development of "Feral Systems" (systems outside  ...  the accepted ERP or corporation condoned information systems -sometimes called skunkworks).  ...  This study tries to identify the organisational cultural factors and reward systems that drive the employee perceived need to develop feral systems where end users develop their own systems presumably  ... 
doi:10.3127/ajis.v14i2.473 fatcat:bogo2ue4sjgh3h5ngb5qp6ecdy

Feral Information Systems Creation as Sensemaking

Luke Houghton, Don Kerr
2015 Systems  
In particular, we explore how Feral Information Systems (FIS) are actually a creative way to work around complex information systems and need to be acknowledged as such.  ...  This paper discussed the role of actors in creating their own sensemaking devices as Feral Information Systems.  ...  Secondly, the need to 'workaround' a process is provoking a kind of 'sensemaking' that drives users to create novel ways to approach and adapt to their work.  ... 
doi:10.3390/systems3040330 fatcat:rwmacnophjaltigxfnduk5biaq

Adoption of Social Media in Socio-Technical Systems: A Survey

Gianfranco Lombardo, Monica Mordonini, Michele Tomaiuolo
2021 Information  
In this survey, we compare and classify current research works according to multiple features, including: the use of Social Network Analysis and Social Capital models, users' motivations for participation  ...  This article describes the current landscape in the fields of social media and socio-technical systems.  ...  Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable. Data Availability Statement: No new data were created or analyzed in this study. Data sharing is not applicable to this article.  ... 
doi:10.3390/info12030132 fatcat:lfkcg3aakjg55ho5jabgz3neci

Just in time or Just in case: A Case study on the impact of context in ERP implementations

Don V Kerr, Luke Houghton
2010 Australasian Journal of Information Systems  
The paper concludes with a call to build more contextual research in the study of ERP implementations.  ...  This paper argues that context and the ideals of ERP systems are often mismatched which leads to the development of feral systems, poor inventory practices and ERP systems implementation failure.  ...  This statement indicates a high level of internal information systems (feral systems) are developed and used to either supplement the SAP system or replace it.  ... 
doi:10.3127/ajis.v16i2.549 fatcat:7u37ukp7jzgu5c7bbjoj65jnxi

Business Resilience System Integrated Artificial Intelligence System

2022 International Journal of Theoretical & Computational Physics  
By the same talking, a Business Resilience System (BRS) is a combination of intelligent software and hardware combined in an integrated system.  ...  these two systems of BRS and AIS, one can offer the most intelligent system that an organization or an enterprise can own, in order to have the best possible solution in place to have the best possible  ...  delivered to your end users exactly when and where they need them (Bahman & Mossavar, 2022).  ... 
doi:10.47485/2767-3901.1019 fatcat:iv32xxesyfevvbfeb32rtfhxye

Reorienting the Information Systems Function to Support Increasing Levels of Business Service

Magno Queiroz, Tim Coltman
2014 International Conference on Information Systems  
In this paper, we employ a multi-case research design to investigate the role of the IS function in supporting increasing levels of service.  ...  Our study contributes to the literature by showing that differences in IS service orientation and collaborative capabilities affect the ability of firms to support service.  ...  The information systems (IS) function is not excluded from this change because it is a key enabler of business service.  ... 
dblp:conf/icis/QueirozC14 fatcat:cfthycsf3fhufdxwqy3qupszcm

Shadow Systems, Risk, and Shifting Power Relations in Organizations

Daniel Furstenau,, Hannes Rothe, Matthias Sandner
2017 Communications of the Association for Information Systems  
Drawing on notions of power and the social construction of risk, we build new theory to understand the persistence of shadow systems in organizations.  ...  However, empirical findings suggest that the weakening tendency of formal risk-management programs may not be sufficient to stop the shadow systems cycle spinning if they fail to address the underlying  ...  Furthermore, we thank participants at the 22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) in San Diego, CA, for their helpful comments.  ... 
doi:10.17705/1cais.04103 fatcat:r235xpigh5enjpixgmpujd6sjm

A paradigm shift for bring your own device (BYOD)

Donald Kerr, Amir Talaei-Khoei, Amir Hossein Ghapanchi
2018 Americas Conference on Information Systems  
The article informs IS researchers that there is a need to study the phenomena of technology adaption further.  ...  The paper extends the literature on adoption and combines them with the body of work on BYOD. The article compares these two concepts to build a theoretical framework in which BYOD can be examined.  ...  In this paper we are referring to these workarounds as feral information systems (FIS), based on the work of Kerr and Houghton 2010.  ... 
dblp:conf/amcis/KerrTG18 fatcat:ixuxbt32kfg2ho7yust4yhkwty

Stigmergic Hyperlink

Artur Sancho Marques, José Figueiredo
2011 International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change  
In a system of stighs, like a Web page, the objects that users do use grow "healthier", while the unused "weaken", eventually to the extreme of their "death", being autopoieticaly replaced by new destinations  ...  At the single Web page scale, these systems perform like recommendation systems and embody an "ecological" treatment to unappreciated links.  ...  We argued that a system of stighs can perform as a recommender system of preferred Web destinations and as an automatic solution for the replacement of undesired links.  ... 
doi:10.4018/jissc.2011100103 fatcat:eaqk2e2fjba6nhafz5em2im2gm

Shadow Analytics

Hope Koch, Uchenna Peters
2017 Americas Conference on Information Systems  
Using technology affordances and constraints theory, we investigate what enables and constrains a shadow analytics initiative.  ...  Unfortunately, many internal IT departments lack the business acumen, financial resources and data science expertise to initiate analytics initiatives (Goldberg 2012).  ...  This phenomenon of end-users launching their own IT initiatives is well-documented in the literature on end-user computing, feral IT or shadow IT.  ... 
dblp:conf/amcis/KochP17 fatcat:36d7ma4tybeovpndsxm7n4bpte

Scenario analysis for biodiversity conservation: A social–ecological system approach in the Australian Alps

Michael Mitchell, Michael Lockwood, Susan A. Moore, Sarah Clement
2015 Journal of Environmental Management  
In part, this is attributable to insufficient attention being paid to the social and governance processes that drive decisions and can undermine their implementation.  ...  Scenario planning that draws on social-ecological systems (SES) analysis provides a useful means to systematically explore and anticipate future uncertainties regarding the interaction between humans and  ...  We thank the workshop participants who contributed their time and expertise to our research, and in particular Gillian Anderson for her contributions and support.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2014.11.013 pmid:25438114 fatcat:66zu4g7gmre43isj7xawbkdloa

Business-managed IT: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Illustration

Andreas Kopper, Daniel Fuerstenau, Stephan Zimmermann, Christopher Rentrop
2018 European Conference on Information Systems  
From a practical point of view, the distinction can be used to discuss the distribution of task responsibilities for information systems.  ...  This paper therefore proposes the term "Business-managed IT" to describe "overt" information systems developed or managed by business entities.  ...  One step further, board members or IT managers may have some minor information that a business workgroup or end user operates an own system.  ... 
dblp:conf/ecis/KopperFZR18 fatcat:tifyx2lgm5bp3irhlo75qxoqt4

Biodiversity governance and social-ecological system dynamics: transformation in the Australian Alps

Michael Lockwood, Michael Mitchell, Susan A. Moore, Sarah Clement
2014 Ecology and Society  
We undertook a resilience assessment to address the following question: What are the ramifications of social-ecological system dynamics for biodiversity governance of a nationally significant landscape  ...  The vulnerability of the Alps system to climate change suggests that it is moving into a release stage, with subsequent transformation hypothesized.  ...  Acknowledgments: This work is an output from the Landscapes and Policy Research Hub. The hub is supported through funding from the Australian government's National Environmental Research Program.  ... 
doi:10.5751/es-06393-190213 fatcat:mgmzfirc5bc77nfwkdlh4cocja
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