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Engineering warp drives

Brice N. Cassenti
2000 AIP Conference Proceedings  
Engineers and scientists usually ignore the possibility because of the apparently insurmountable obstacles required to create a warp drive.  ...  The promise and the problems of warp drives are examined in three parts: 1) a review of some of the current literature, 2) a summary of the physics, and 3) the engineering developments required to develop  ...  SUMMARY OF GENERAL REALTIVITY The Theory of Special Relativity (Einstein, 1905) was proposed to reconcile experimental and theoretical conflicts that existed in physics at the beginning of the twentieth  ... 
doi:10.1063/1.1290909 fatcat:m6rhqryfmfdltbbcwycxfgu4lm

Neolithic genetic engineering

Svante Pääbo
1999 Nature  
But such an effect has not been seen.  ...  Figure 2 also shows an energy gap: at this momentum photoemission intensity is suppressed at low energies.  ... 
doi:10.1038/18315 pmid:10094040 fatcat:67xxmpikorhcrb3pdrcoy7gsxa

Applied Logic in Engineering [article]

Maria Spichkova
2016 arXiv   pre-print
In this technical report, we present an overview of common challenges in teaching of formal methods and discuss our experiences from the course Applied Logic in Engineering.  ...  This course was taught at TU Munich, Germany, in Winter Semester 2012/2013.  ...  The exam for this course was organised as an open book exam, as our goal was to examine whether the students understand and are able to apply the core principles of logic methods, rather than check they  ... 
arXiv:1602.05170v1 fatcat:vmk3zbnfyvcozfrwprtp2gniby

Engineering societies library

1921 Journal of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers  
The talk was illustrated with a series of lantern slides showing examples of illumination. Attendance 25. Baltimore.-May 20, 1921, Engineers Club. Mr. J. T.  ...  Einstein. Paris,Gauthier-Villars, et Cie., 1921. 120 pp., 7 x 5 in., paper. 7 fr.This French edition of Dr.  ... 
doi:10.1109/joaiee.1921.6591227 fatcat:dqwkt6m7jre5dgjyk4gfeg5lyu

Benchmarking black hole heat engines, II

Avik Chakraborty, Clifford V. Johnson
2018 International Journal of Modern Physics D  
As in the static case, we find an exact formula for the benchmark efficiency in an ideal-gas-like limit, which may serve as an upper bound for rotating black hole heat engines in a thermodynamic ensemble  ...  We study Kerr black holes in four spacetime dimensions as an example.  ...  This work was partially supported by a grant from the Simons Foundation (#395705 to Clifford Johnson). CVJ would also like to thank Amelia for her patience and support.  ... 
doi:10.1142/s0218271819500068 fatcat:2md232jilba5tog2oamzsgspz4

Do Web search engines suppress controversy?

Susan Gerhart
2004 First Monday  
This controversy was mentioned once in passing in a page from the simple "Albert Einstein" query.  ...  The Einstein/Maric controversy was swept away by biographies from standard science resource sites.  ... 
doi:10.5210/fm.v9i1.1111 fatcat:3acolcfi45h2blr7cy4s2iydbi

Quantum Fusion System in Nuclear Engineering

Solomon Budnik
2017 SciFed Journal of Nuclear Science  
"We explore Casimir effect on an interacting Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) inside a cylindrical tube.  ...  Einstein maintains there "the interpretation, according to which |ψ|² expresses the probability that this particle is found at a given point, assumes an entirely peculiar mechanism of action at a distance  ...  Citation: Solomon Budnik I (2017) Quantum Fusion System in Nuclear Engineering . SF J Nuclear Science 1:2.  ... 
doi:10.23959/sfjns-1000012 fatcat:ulhuz4rgdbao3isdoob6kclsda

Study of Engineering Education

1923 Science  
A committee was appointed “to formulate an answer to the question, What can the society do in a compre- hensive way to develop, broaden and enrich engineer- ing education?”  ...  Tue Josiah Willard Gibbs lectures, recently estab- lished by the American Mathematical Society, were to have been inaugurated this winter with an address on the Einstein Theory by the late Charles Proteus  ... 
doi:10.1126/science.58.1508.417.a fatcat:efu5bn2hyndr3js6cdztlfkaom


1923 Science  
A committee was appointed “to formulate an answer to the question, What can the society do in a compre- hensive way to develop, broaden and enrich engineer- ing education?”  ...  Tue Josiah Willard Gibbs lectures, recently estab- lished by the American Mathematical Society, were to have been inaugurated this winter with an address on the Einstein Theory by the late Charles Proteus  ... 
doi:10.1126/science.58.1508.417 fatcat:n2n63z3b5vcqrnrstmudl7zn4i

Engineering societies library

1921 Journal of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers  
Einstein has attempted, as far as possible, to give an exact insight into the theory of relativity to those readers who are interested in it, from a general scientific and philosophical viewpoint, but  ...  The subject of this biography was born in South Carolina, in 1851. Educated at the University of South Carolinaland Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, he first became an assistant to Alexander L.  ... 
doi:10.1109/joaiee.1921.6593076 fatcat:nbe2qvxcmzdhvhz5kfsi6gsnsq

God as Engineer

Carl Glen Henshaw
2013 Dialogue : A Journal of Mormon Thought  
Written from the point of view of faithful LDS scientists and engineers, Bushman and Howe (an aerospace engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab) attempt to tackle a question that has long fascinated me:  ...  Einstein did not believe in a personal God, of course, but A. Scott Howe and Richard L.  ...  As much as I was intrigued by what was in the book, though, I was equally disappointed by what was left out.  ... 
doi:10.5406/dialjmormthou.46.2.0153 fatcat:xvsh6g7qh5gazbbihdx2lplf7u


K.M. Tallman
2015 Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA)  
The main goal of the course was to give engineering students the opportunity to extend their creativity beyond standard engineering practice.  ...  INTRODUCTION This presentation discusses and analyzes an approach to developing student creativity in an elective course at the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, University of Toronto.  ... 
doi:10.24908/pceea.v0i0.5928 fatcat:wdv276k45vfpravzuzzhh2oreq

Engineering societies library

1922 Journal of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers  
Owen was born in Milwaukee, Wis., in 1876, and was graduated in electrical engineering from the University of Wisconsin.  ...  After nearly two years there he left for Cuba, where he was assistant chief electrical engineer with the Cuban American Sugar Company.  ... 
doi:10.1109/joaiee.1922.6593997 fatcat:zqoojpg3mfamxlj32x2lezqxzq

Postmodernism and Control Engineering [chapter]

Marius M. Bǎlaş, Valentina E. Bǎlaş
2009 Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing  
The modernism was initially supported by the mechanization of the industry, fired by the invention of the steam engines.  ...  Further on, the electrical engineering was able not only to value another form of energy, but also to control the industrial processes. The same person, J.K.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-93802-6_18 fatcat:rswclr2eqnbqporlzswgz7je2q

Rethinking the economics of software engineering

Todd W. Schiller, Michael D. Ernst
2010 Proceedings of the FSE/SDP workshop on Future of software engineering research - FoSER '10  
In an ASA tool, a task is decomposed and the computationally difficult subtasks are performed by less-skilled workers using an adaptive user interface, reducing or eliminating the skilled developer's effort  ...  Reliance on skilled developers reduces the return on investment for important software engineering tasks such as establishing program correctness.  ...  This work was supported in part by IBM through a John Backus Award.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1882362.1882429 dblp:conf/sigsoft/SchillerE10 fatcat:ti5tp7554zdmxikwckuvzk74fi
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