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Virtual routers on the move

Yi Wang, Eric Keller, Brian Biskeborn, Jacobus van der Merwe, Jennifer Rexford
2008 Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2008 conference on Data communication - SIGCOMM '08  
Hence, we propose VROOM (Virtual ROuters On the Move), a new network-management primitive that avoids unnecessary changes to the logical topology by allowing (virtual) routers to freely move from one physical  ...  The complexity of network management is widely recognized as one of the biggest challenges facing the Internet today.  ...  Specifically, we propose VROOM (Virtual ROuters On the Move), a new network-management primitive where virtual routers can move freely from one physical router to another.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1402958.1402985 dblp:conf/sigcomm/WangKBMR08 fatcat:4ezrpwdyibeeli4tat7j76tzqi

Virtual routers on the move

Yi Wang, Eric Keller, Brian Biskeborn, Jacobus van der Merwe, Jennifer Rexford
2008 Computer communication review  
Hence, we propose VROOM (Virtual ROuters On the Move), a new network-management primitive that avoids unnecessary changes to the logical topology by allowing (virtual) routers to freely move from one physical  ...  The complexity of network management is widely recognized as one of the biggest challenges facing the Internet today.  ...  Specifically, we propose VROOM (Virtual ROuters On the Move), a new network-management primitive where virtual routers can move freely from one physical router to another.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1402946.1402985 fatcat:bdwisclbwzh6lpjrggvtfikjaa

VROOM: Virtual ROuters On the Move

Yi Wang, Jacobus E. van der Merwe, Jennifer Rexford
2007 ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks  
Our VROOM (Virtual ROuters On the Move) architecture supports live virtual router migration and re-mapping of virtual links, by capitalizing on recent innovations in programmable transport networks, packet-aware  ...  access networks, virtual server migration and virtual router technologies.  ...  VIRTUAL ROUTERS ON THE MOVE In Section 2 we showed live router migration to be an attractive network management primitive that can enable a number of network management tasks.  ... 
dblp:conf/hotnets/WangMR07 fatcat:ayhmaipicvdrtlyo7rrxkruohm


2014 ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems  
We in particular proposed VROOM (that is Virtual Routers on the Move), with newer management process of network primitive, whereby virtual routers can move freely from a physical router to other.  ...  VROOM has been identified as a new mode of network-management that has primitive for supporting live migration over the virtual routers from a physical router to the other.  ... 
doi:10.16962/eapjcsis/issn.2349-0441/20140930.v1i1.05 fatcat:hyhpoz2wgjdxnkv4v3hhx3gyjy

XenFlow: Seamless migration primitive and quality of service for virtual networks

Diogo Menezes Ferrazani Mattos, Otto Carlos Muniz Bandeira Duarte
2014 2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference  
First, it provides a flexible virtual network migration primitive, as it deploys a Software Defined Networking between virtual machines, based on OpenFlow.  ...  Besides, live-migration provides a flexible and seamless topology remapping feature for virtual networks, but it is usually limited to a local area network.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank FINEP, FUNTTEL, CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ and UOL for their financial support.  ... 
doi:10.1109/glocom.2014.7037155 dblp:conf/globecom/MattosD14 fatcat:nukk5ggesbhtpa7pqilpmaghu4

OpenFlow and Xen-Based Virtual Network Migration [chapter]

Pedro S. Pisa, Natalia C. Fernandes, Hugo E. T. Carvalho, Marcelo D. D. Moreira, Miguel Elias M. Campista, Luís Henrique M. K. Costa, Otto Carlos M. B. Duarte
2010 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
Migration is an important feature for network virtualization because it allows the reallocation of virtual resources over the physical resources.  ...  We developed two prototypes, using Xen and OpenFlow, and we performed evaluation experiments to measure the impact of the network migration on traffic forwarding.  ...  Network virtualization requires new control and management primitives for redistributing physical resources among the virtual nodes. One of these primitives is the live virtual network migration.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-15476-8_17 fatcat:qrn5ialpajdx7nx3kywzjcm5lq

Optimal virtual network migration: A step closer for seamless resource mobility

Márcio Melo, Susana Sargento, Jorge Carapinha
2016 Journal of Network and Computer Applications  
One of the key assets with Network Virtualization is the ability to move components of the virtual network, or even the entire virtual network, from one or several physical hosts to others in real-time  ...  This paper addresses virtual resource mobility from a new perspective: it proposes Virtual Network (VN) Clone migration, which requires no assumptions regarding the protocols running inside the virtual  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author was partially supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) with a scholarship No. SFRH/BDE/33751/2009.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jnca.2015.12.015 fatcat:xkl5cfv3z5gmpcrm7x3cujcdqy

Towards an Autonomic Piloting Virtual Network Architecture

Ilhem Fajjari, Mouna Ayari, Othmane Braham, Guy Pujolle, Hubert Zimmermann
2011 2011 4th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security  
In this context, network virtualization presents a viable solution to deal with the current Internet impasse.  ...  However, in spite of its multiple advantages, network virtualization adds more complexity on network systems.  ...  To manage virtual networks, many papers propose different primitives and mechanisms. [11] proposes VROOM (Virtual Router on the Move), a primitive for virtual network management.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ntms.2011.5720639 dblp:conf/ntms/FajjariABPZ11 fatcat:iggnr7l5drb3jcz25tpvbjuy4a

Using System Virtualization to Create Virtualized Networks

Andreas Berl, Andreas Fischer, Hermann De Meer
2010 Electronic Communications of the EASST  
The network model consists of virtual networks, virtual routers, and virtual links that form overlays on top of the physical network.  ...  In this work, system virtualization is applied to core network elements (routers and links) in order to create a virtualized network.  ...  It is even possible to have a live migration [CFH + 05] . This means that a service in a VM can be moved to another RM without being interrupted.  ... 
doi:10.14279/tuj.eceasst.17.218 dblp:journals/eceasst/BerlFM09 fatcat:oozk3blcejbjdmh3xrybnkkffq

Towards a pluralist internet using a virtual machine server for network customization

Rafael dos Santos Alves, Miguel Elias M. Campista, Luís Henrique M. K. Costa, Otto Carlos M. B. Duarte
2012 Proceedings of the Asian Internet Engineeering Conference on - AINTEC '12  
The proposed VMS uses the idea of machine virtualization within the networking context. Instead of managing virtual machines, the VMS manages virtual routers and uses them to build virtual networks.  ...  As a consequence, virtual networks are often being used as a tool to experiment with new protocol architectures.  ...  ; the parameter live, which can receive boolean values, defines if the migration should be conducted live, i.e. without the interruption of the virtual machine operation.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2402599.2402601 dblp:conf/aintec/AlvesCCD12 fatcat:urm63fcvwjaflmcvcq5qeflq2a

Seamless BGP Migration with Router Grafting

Eric Keller, Jennifer Rexford, Jacobus E. van der Merwe
2010 Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation  
We focus on grafting a BGP session and the underlying link-from one router to another, or between blades in a cluster-based router.  ...  Our prototype implementation uses and extends Click, the Linux kernel, and Quagga, and introduces a daemon that automates the migration process.  ...  Instead, we view virtual-router migration as a complementary management primitive. Fortunately, extending existing router software to support grafting requires only modest changes.  ... 
dblp:conf/nsdi/KellerRM10 fatcat:mlqehg32xbhp7ksf6npfrr6mnq

Tunnel agents for enhanced Internet QoS

H. de Meer, J.-P. Richter, A. Puliafito, O. Tomarchio
1998 IEEE Concurrency  
that enables the management of that network. 1 A network management protocol, such as Internet's simple network management protocol (SNMP), exchanges the necessary control information to manage network-operation  ...  If only one edge of the tunnel has moved, the tunnel agent initiates its own migration to the new tunnel-edge location.  ... 
doi:10.1109/4434.678787 fatcat:dps2zspvtrhuhbinkowlpgpydi

Virtual networks: isolation, performance, and trends

Natalia C. Fernandes, Marcelo D. D. Moreira, Igor M. Moraes, Lyno Henrique G. Ferraz, Rodrigo S. Couto, Hugo E. T. Carvalho, Miguel Elias M. Campista, Luís Henrique M. K. Costa, Otto Carlos M. B. Duarte
2010 Annales des télécommunications  
Finally, we carry out experiments to compare Xen and OpenFlow performance acting as a virtualized network element (router/switch) in a personal computer.  ...  First, we establish the functionalities and primitives required by a virtual network architecture and show how Xen and OpenFlow satisfy such requirements.  ...  Finally, the live-migration mechanism implemented by Xen [5] allows virtual routers to move over different physical routers.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s12243-010-0208-9 fatcat:5n74wnlfbje2nfng7tm27zu45a

Green Wired Networks [chapter]

Alfonso Gazo Cervero, Michele Chincoli, Lars Dittmann, Andreas Fischer, Alberto E. Garcia, Jaime Galán-Jiménez, Laurent Lefevre, Hermann de Meer, Thierry Monteil, Paolo Monti, Anne-Cecile Orgerie, Louis-Francois Pau (+6 others)
2015 Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Energy Efficiency  
It is also a political one, especially as politicians come to terms with the consequences of the anticipated environmental changes.  ...  These include issues with migration and resilience. Finally a summary reviews the key themes that have been covered.  ...  For routers, it has been envisioned as a new network-management primitive [122] . Migrating routers, however, requires more sophisticated migration mechanisms.  ... 
doi:10.1002/9781118981122.ch3 fatcat:ssjbkvsjcnhk7h7nhfh6dn7bse

Scalable hardware support for conditional parallelization

Zheng Li, Olivier Certner, Jose Duato, Olivier Temam
2010 Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Parallel architectures and compilation techniques - PACT '10  
However, they all rely on a central hardware structure for distributing tasks among cores, which hampers the scalability and efficiency of these schemes.  ...  In this paper, we focus on conditional division, a divisionbased parallel approach which provides the additional benefit, over work-stealing approaches, of releasing the user from dealing with task granularity  ...  The hardware support essentially consists of low-cost add-ons in the routers of the on-chip network.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1854273.1854297 dblp:conf/IEEEpact/LiCDT10 fatcat:valptf2lfneljhmagetc6bk5nu
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