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The role of structural reflection in distributed Virtual Reality

Paul Okanda, Gordon Blair
2003 Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology - VRST '03  
virtual world applications be aware of and adapt to frequent variations in their context of execution.  ...  We propose the use of structural reflection as an approach that not only addresses these requirements but also offers added value in the form of providing a framework for scalability, persistence and responsiveness  ...  concurrency, event broadcast and several primitives for gaining fine control over program execution.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1008653.1008679 dblp:conf/vrst/OkandaB03 fatcat:qklbaym4izbllgzkxueracqmvm

Towards a Virtual Prototyping Environment [chapter]

U. Jasnoch, H. Kress, J. Rix
1995 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
, process management and documentation, and virtual reality to offer a distributed desktop, computer-based environment to support the concurrent engineering method as it is applied to the product development  ...  The ability to rapidly prototype a proposed design in a Virtual Environment is becoming a key contributor towards fulfilling the business requirements embodied in a short time-to-market, in cost-effective  ...  For the underlying product data model, we use the application protocol (AP) Configuration Controlled Design [IS0-203] as the basis.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-34904-6_14 fatcat:a7mec6hz7vdzpgz3lpe3l4tb3m

Virtualizing Transactional Memory

Ravi Rajwar, Maurice Herlihy, Konrad Lai
2005 SIGARCH Computer Architecture News  
This paper proposes Virtual Transactional Memory (VTM), a user-transparent system that shields the programmer from various platform-specific resource limitations.  ...  While many system-level challenges remain, VTM takes a step toward making transactional models more widely acceptable.  ...  We thank Haitham Akkary, Iris Bahar, Jim Goodman, and Eric Rotenberg for comments on earlier drafts, and Galen Hunt, Jim Larus, and David Tarditi for discussions regarding the ideas in the paper.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1080695.1070011 fatcat:ygmq6ytbjfe4nnnkig3a5w7jl4

Managing Collaboration in the nanoManipulator

Thomas C. Hudson, Aron T. Helser, Diane H. Sonnenwald, Mary C. Whitton
2004 Presence - Teleoperators and Virtual Environments  
support collaboration, and guidelines for selecting appropriate synchronization and concurrency control schemes.  ...  Based on our experience developing the CnM, we present: a method of analyzing applications to characterize the requirements for sharing data between collaborating sites, examples of data structures that  ...  Acknowledgements More than a dozen computer and information scientists worked on the nanoManipulator project during the development and initial deployment of the system; in particular, Kelly Maglaughlin  ... 
doi:10.1162/1054746041382447 fatcat:m4n3fs2dtnf5tj3gqlg52qoflu

Directional virtual carrier sensing for directional antennas in mobile ad hoc networks

Mineo Takai, Jay Martin, Rajive Bagrodia, Aifeng Ren
2002 Proceedings of the 3rd ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking & computing - MobiHoc '02  
This paper presents a new carrier sensing mechanism called DVCS (Directional Virtual Carrier Sensing) for wireless communication using directional antennas.  ...  In this study, the performance of DVCS for mobile ad hoc networks is evaluated using simulation with a realistic directional antenna model and the full IP protocol stack.  ...  • Beam Locking and Unlocking When the node receives an RTS frame from a neighbor, it adapts its beam pattern to maximize the received power and locks the pattern for the CTS transmission.  ... 
doi:10.1145/513800.513823 dblp:conf/mobihoc/TakaiMBR02 fatcat:avoa23u7obbsxprk4w6fhistba

Directional virtual carrier sensing for directional antennas in mobile ad hoc networks

Mineo Takai, Jay Martin, Rajive Bagrodia, Aifeng Ren
2002 Proceedings of the 3rd ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking & computing - MobiHoc '02  
This paper presents a new carrier sensing mechanism called DVCS (Directional Virtual Carrier Sensing) for wireless communication using directional antennas.  ...  In this study, the performance of DVCS for mobile ad hoc networks is evaluated using simulation with a realistic directional antenna model and the full IP protocol stack.  ...  • Beam Locking and Unlocking When the node receives an RTS frame from a neighbor, it adapts its beam pattern to maximize the received power and locks the pattern for the CTS transmission.  ... 
doi:10.1145/513819.513823 fatcat:zw33odksubhbvhjls4gnannn6m

Samsara: Efficient Deterministic Replay in Multiprocessor Environments with Hardware Virtualization Extensions

Shiru Ren, Le Tan, Chunqi Li, Zhen Xiao, Weijia Song
2016 USENIX Annual Technical Conference  
In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a novel system, Samsara, which uses the hardware-assisted virtualization (HAV) extensions to achieve efficient and practical deterministic replay  ...  Deterministic replay, which provides the ability to travel backward in time and reconstruct the past execution flow of a multiprocessor system, has many prominent applications.  ...  We also thank Yunqi Zhang for his valuable feedback on the earlier drafts of this paper.  ... 
dblp:conf/usenix/RenTLXS16 fatcat:nisucxvzbfh5npyj3l6fva77ni

Vsculpt: a distributed virtual sculpting environment for collaborative design

F.W.B. Li, R.W.H. Lau, F.F.C. Ng
2003 IEEE transactions on multimedia  
Abstract-A collaborative virtual sculpting system supports a team of geographically separated designers/engineers connected by networks to participate in designing three-dimensional (3-D) virtual engineering  ...  Through adapting some techniques we developed earlier and integrating them with some techniques developed here, the proposed framework provides a real-time intuitive environment for collaborative design  ...  This type of concurrency control mechanisms, however, does not provide the required interactivity for virtual sculpting.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tmm.2003.814795 fatcat:cfhwy3sgxfajpbynnpvhlt3jci

Design and performance analysis of a distributed Java Virtual Machine

M. Surdeanu, D. Moldovan
2002 IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems  
A novelty of the system is its object-based, multiple-writer memory consistency protocol (OMW).  ...  AbstractÐThis paper introduces DISK, a distributed Java Virtual Machine for networks of heterogenous workstations. Several research issues are addressed.  ...  We envision a distributed Java Virtual Machine with adaptable protocols, depending on the application type and size.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tpds.2002.1011415 fatcat:pn2oxud2ezdizl6aao3xnhhaci

ATLAS: A Scalable Network Framework for Distributed Virtual Environments

Dongman Lee, Mingyu Lim, Seunghyun Han, Kyungmin Lee
2007 Presence - Teleoperators and Virtual Environments  
In this paper, we classify the approaches for improving scalability of DVE into four categories: communication architecture, interest management, concurrency control, and data replication.  ...  A distributed virtual environment (DVE) is a software system that allows users on a network to interact with each other by sharing a common view of their states.  ...  ATLAS VS Server ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank members of CDSN laboratory for their work and comments during development of the system.  ... 
doi:10.1162/pres.16.2.125 fatcat:wdnkiiactngy5o4sxjyxuallty

Shared virtual memory with automatic update support

Liviu Iftode, Matthias Blumrich, Cezary Dubnicki, David L. Oppenheimer, Jaswinder Pal Singh, Kai Li
1999 Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Supercomputing - ICS '99  
Shared virtual memory systems provide the abstraction of a shared address space on top of a messagepassing communication architecture.  ...  However, there has not yet been a real system on which an implementation of this protocol could be evaluated.  ...  We thank Stefanos Damianakis for his help in improving the quality of the presentation.  ... 
doi:10.1145/305138.305191 dblp:conf/ics/IftodeBDOSL99 fatcat:t5map2ohjzgmtaeoesf3vbgp6q

Exploiting virtual synchrony in distributed systems

K. Birman, T. Joseph
1987 Proceedings of the eleventh ACM Symposium on Operating systems principles - SOSP '87  
Virtually synchronous environments One way out of the problems enumerated in Sec. 2.2 would be to base the system on atomic multicast protocols, l A multicast is atomic if all of its opera-  ...  terns, transactional concurrency control can be overly restrictive: many of the behaviors listed above are inherently nonserializable.  ... 
doi:10.1145/41457.37515 dblp:conf/sosp/BirmanJ87 fatcat:kzsg5pc5jrhgjmeqrqqfpezxia

Performance Impact of Lock-Free Algorithms on Multicore Communication APIs [article]

K. Eric Harper, Thijmen de Gooijer
2014 arXiv   pre-print
A model of the lock-free exchange predicts performance at the system architecture level and provides a stop criterion for the refactoring.  ...  Removing the locks is non-trivial and packaging lock-free algorithms for developers reduces the possibility of concurrency defects.  ...  A usermode reader/writer lock controls access to the partition and a single OS kernel lock guards changes to the reader/writer lock.  ... 
arXiv:1401.6100v1 fatcat:5dtymeo4trcn3cjrpzutpxt6ym

Analysis Domain Model for Shared Virtual Environments

Manuel Oliveira, Joel Jordan, Joao Pereira, Joaquim Jorge, Anthony Steed
2009 International Journal of Virtual Reality  
The second contribution is a reference domain model for discussing and describing solutions - the Analysis Domain Model.  ...  The field of shared virtual environments, which also encompasses online games and social 3D environments, has a system landscape consisting of multiple solutions that share great functional overlap.  ...  Broadcast The broadcast model consists of a host sending a packet to all reachable hosts across all interconnecting networks.  ... 
doi:10.20870/ijvr.2009.8.4.2745 fatcat:nbgciiycgfa5zckhleuct3bjyi

$C\!\!-\!\!Lock$ : Energy Efficient Synchronization for Embedded Multicore Systems

Seung Hun Kim, Sang Hyong Lee, Minje Jun, Byunghoon Lee, Won Woo Ro, Eui-Young Chung, Jean-Luc Gaudiot
2014 IEEE transactions on computers  
However, none of these methods consider the nature of embedded systems which have demanding and sometimes conflicting requirements not only for high performance, but also for low power consumption.  ...  As an answer to these problems, we propose , an energy-and performance-efficient data synchronization method for multicore embedded systems. achieves balanced energy-and performance-efficiency by combining  ...  Hybrid Approach There has been a hybrid approach to combine the merits of lock and TM. Adaptive locks [27] is a hybrid method which dynamically selects TM or a mutex lock to improve performance.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tc.2013.84 fatcat:kaigds4epfesjcvthg34wo7z3i
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