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Virtual Handcrafting: Building Virtual Wood Models Using ToolDevice

Ryan Arisandi, Mai Otsuki, Asako Kimura, Fumihisa Shibata, Hideyuki Tamura
2014 Proceedings of the IEEE  
This paper introduces a number of new physical world tools to manipulate virtual objects and the research behind their construction.  ...  All of them understood the operations after seeing a simple demonstration and were able to build models easily. h  ...  The participants were required to build the same model using our MR handcrafting system and Trimble SketchUp.  ... 
doi:10.1109/jproc.2013.2294243 fatcat:wczmeycy2zbsjeethjpmnao2uu

Enjoying virtual handcrafting with ToolDevice

Ryan Arisandi, Yusuke Takami, Mai Otsuki, Asako Kimura, Fumihisa Shibata, Hideyuki Tamura
2012 Adjunct proceedings of the 25th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology - UIST Adjunct Proceedings '12  
By repeating these operations, users can build virtual wood models.  ...  ToolDevice is a set of devices developed to help users in spatial work such as layout design and three-dimensional (3D) modeling.  ...  CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK In this paper, we have described an MR handcrafting system that allows users to create 3D models using our ToolDevice.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2380296.2380306 dblp:conf/uist/ArisandiTOKST12 fatcat:eyigokmbrfdutkn4a2vldu4wby

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2014 Proceedings of the IEEE  
Virtual Wood Models Using ToolDevice By R.  ...  Franz |CONTRIBUTED PAPER| This paper explores the use of augmented reality for therapeutic applications and a cognitive model to aid in therapeutic application design. 185 Virtual Handcrafting: Building  ... 
doi:10.1109/jproc.2014.2298103 fatcat:qohc7cyg3vanzmvwxkhuevh6lu