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1,666 Hits in 2.4 sec

Viewer's Affective Feedback for Video Summarization

2015 Journal of Information Processing Systems  
Therefore, it has become urgent to propose a tool for the automatic video summarization job.  ...  The automatic video summarization aims at extracting all of the important moments in which viewers might be interested. All summarization criteria can differ from one video to another.  ...  Acknowledgement The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support for this work that was made possible by grants from the General Direction of Scientific Research (DGRST) in Tunisia, under the  ... 
doi:10.3745/jips.01.0006 fatcat:cppi5wx7ijgtno5hrx6j4tsjbq

An Affect-Based Multimodal Video Recommendation System

2016 Studies in Informatics and Control  
An analysis of a video viewer's facial expressions and physiological parameters leads to better control over alternative sequences of film clips for a video clips.  ...  The analysis of a video viewer's facial expressions and physiological parameters can indicate possible offers to viewers for video clips they prefer at the moment.  ...  affective label for the observed video clip), and (ii) implicit (detecting the user's affective response or analyzing the affective video component element automatically) (Niu et al. 2015) .  ... 
doi:10.24846/v25i1y201601 fatcat:qyen5vw4s5bqtfs74mllin2jf4

Generation of Multimedia Artifacts: An Extractive Summarization-based Approach [article]

Paulo Figueiredo and Marta Aparício and David Martins de Matos and Ricardo Ribeiro
2015 arXiv   pre-print
For content selection, we use centrality-based and diversity-based summarization, along with topic analysis.  ...  We use audio and video to present two case studies: generation of film tributes, and lecture-driven science talks.  ...  causality through the video segments that compose the artifact, adversely affecting the viewer's overall experience.  ... 
arXiv:1508.03170v1 fatcat:stbxcsugz5fhhhwhqluuqtwxvi

Emotional Responses Towards Unity YouTube Videos: Experts vs. Viewers Perspectives

Shamsiah Abd KADIR, Anitawati Mohd LOKMAN, Toshio TSUCHIYA
2021 International Journal of Affective Engineering  
The results obtained from both sessions were synthesised to find agreements and finally conclude a taxonomy of Kansei Words (KWs) related to the concept of unity, and the video design elements that affect  ...  The study conducted an in-depth interview with 3 experts, to determine valid specimen for the investigation, and then elaborate the cause and effect of each specimen from their expert point of view.  ...  /FRGS 5/3 (328/2019), as well as the Malaysia Association of Kansei Engineering (MAKE), for their assistance to the research paper.  ... 
doi:10.5057/ijae.ijae-d-20-00033 fatcat:2wsfrh5afjhqfkva2sznk6l24m

Implicit Media Tagging and Affect Prediction from video of spontaneous facial expressions, recorded with depth camera [article]

Daniel Hadar
2017 arXiv   pre-print
The automatic evaluation of emotional response, or affect, is a fascinating challenge with many applications, including human-computer interaction, media tagging and human affect prediction.  ...  method that is blind to the video clip being watch, revealing a significantly high agreement between the recordings of independent viewers.  ...  This distinction could be made clear by observing the triangular relationship between the video clip's affective tagging, the facial response to it and the viewer's reported emotional feedback (see Figure  ... 
arXiv:1701.05248v1 fatcat:q3xebigm5vh5vmdkynkgkjlejm

Adaptive Playback Control: A Framework for Cinematic VR Creators to Embrace Viewer Interaction

Lingwei Tong, Robert W. Lindeman, Holger Regenbrecht
2022 Frontiers in Virtual Reality  
We recommend more viewer control for projects aiming at viewer's participation and agency, but more director control for projects focusing on education and training.  ...  Content creators have been trying to produce engaging and enjoyable Cinematic Virtual Reality (CVR) experiences using immersive media such as 360-degree videos.  ...  For the Structure Guidelines, we looked at structures summarized by researchers from other immersive media, such as video games and VR games, and migrated them to narrative CVRs with proper modifications  ... 
doi:10.3389/frvir.2021.798306 fatcat:wabr6ajxzfasxhp7jzqzowxddu

Viewer's Role and Viewer Interaction in Cinematic Virtual Reality

Lingwei Tong, Robert W. Lindeman, Holger Regenbrecht
2021 Computers  
However, issues related to the Narrative Paradox and Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) can negatively affect the user experience.  ...  We focus on "swivel-chair" 360-degree video CVR with the aim of providing a framework of mediated CVR storytelling with interactivity.  ...  In the future, we plan to implement it in both 360-degree videos and computer generated 3D scenes. We will also conduct user studies to evaluate its effectiveness and gather user feedback.  ... 
doi:10.3390/computers10050066 fatcat:q4qhtktg6bf7fizu2ewsglhqhi

To skip or not to skip? A dataset of spontaneous affective response of online advertising (SARA) for audience behavior analysis

Songfan Yang, Le An, Mehran Kafai, Bir Bhanu
2015 2015 11th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG)  
The video dataset and self-reports are available upon request for the research community to study and analyze the viewers' behavior from their facial expressions.  ...  We also show that the classification performance of different ad categories correlates with the ad's intention for amusement.  ...  The self-reported feedback of these participants is summarized in Fig. 6 .  ... 
doi:10.1109/fg.2015.7163153 dblp:conf/fgr/YangAKB15 fatcat:mxhai4cljjff3a4jhfpyrd4qhy

Purposeful Visualization

Xiaoyan Bai, D White, D Sundaram
2011 2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences  
PVs fulfill a particular purpose for one or more stakeholders within a certain context.  ...  Their discussions and feedback around these questions provided useful and rich data for analyzing the key issue.  ...  A review of the existing work on visualization evaluation is summarized in Figure 8 . .  ... 
doi:10.1109/hicss.2011.353 dblp:conf/hicss/BaiWS11 fatcat:6re2mqekjrb6pcmqh7pvoubtqm

Affective video recommender systems: A survey

Dandan Wang, Xiaoming Zhao
2022 Frontiers in Neuroscience  
To analyze the recent efforts in the field of affective video recommendation, we collected 92 relevant published articles from Google Scholar and summarized the articles and their key findings.  ...  As a promising research domain, AVRS employs advanced affective analysis technologies in video resources; therefore, it can solve the cold-start problem.  ...  The main contributions of this survey are summarized in the following three aspects: (1) We systematically summarize and overview the current techniques in the affective video recommendation field. (2)  ... 
doi:10.3389/fnins.2022.984404 pmid:36090291 pmcid:PMC9459336 fatcat:f6545crzj5afvhnyj5tdcw2p4m

Teenage Uploaders on YouTube: Networked Public Expectancies, Online Feedback Preference, and Received On-Platform Feedback

Cédric Courtois, Peter Mechant, Lieven De Marez
2011 Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking  
The identified offline public expectancy (friends/ family) affects the importance attributed to off-platform feedback.  ...  An effect of the identified online public expectancy (viewers with a similar interest/activity) is found for the importance of feedback both on the platform (e.g., views, comments) and off the platform  ...  Acknowledgments We would like to thank Joris Willems for his help in programming the study's selection application.  ... 
doi:10.1089/cyber.2010.0225 pmid:21117981 fatcat:gebdqblwxbfx3c764lya2m3hoe

Region of Interest-Based Adaptive Multimedia Streaming Scheme

G.-M. Muntean, G. Ghinea, T.N. Sheehan
2008 IEEE transactions on broadcasting  
This paper presents a novel region of interest-based adaptive scheme (ROIAS) for multimedia streaming that when performing transmission-related quality adjustments, selectively affects the quality of those  ...  Current solutions affect equally the whole viewing area of the multimedia frames, despite research showing that there are regions on which the viewers are more interested in than on others.  ...  All these schemes perform adjustments of the streamed multimedia data such as it affects equally all the frames' regions, regarding of viewer's interest.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tbc.2008.919012 fatcat:mwkogmiv2jehvf3wkt4esruony

Factors Affecting the Performance of Recommender Systems in a Smart TV Environment

Alam, Khusro, Khan
2019 Technologies  
Results show that apart from all technological advancement, the viewers are enjoying smart TV as a passive, lean-back device, and mostly used for watching live channels and videos on the big screen.  ...  The paper further reports some overlooked factors that affect the recommendation process on a smart TV.  ...  We aim to design a recommender system for smart TV viewers that relies mostly on viewer's implicit feedbacks rather than explicit feedbacks.  ... 
doi:10.3390/technologies7020041 fatcat:uj4dgtzdsbfflb6suxmixqgdia

Brooke Leave Home: Designing a Personalized Film to Support Public Engagement with Open Data

Shauna Concannon, Natasha Rajan, Parthiv Shah, Davy Smith, Marian Ursu, Jonathan Hook
2020 Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems  
The film draws upon a range of video-based data storytelling techniques to present each viewer with a personalized perspective on the topic based on data from their own local area.  ...  design and describe how its storytelling techniques were developed to support viewers in understanding, and fostering empathic connections with, the data sources featured and the implications they have for  ...  The data upon which these differences are based is summarized in Table 1 .  ... 
doi:10.1145/3313831.3376462 dblp:conf/chi/ConcannonRSSUH20 fatcat:exlilxma6vak7gtzwfvfhs33gu

The Power of Sound Design in a Moving Picture: an Empirical Study with emoTouch for iPad

Maximilian Kock, Christoph Louven
2019 Empirical Musicology Review  
This study tries to establish some guidelines on sound design: In an experiment 240 participants gave feedback about their emotions while watching two videos, each combined with four different audio tracks  ...  The art of sound design for a moving picture rests basically on the work experience of pragmatists.  ...  The emoTouch-application was the ideal mapping tool for this research study, because it provided videos with an additional scaling background and thus enabled a spontaneous user feedback: The participants  ... 
doi:10.18061/emr.v13i3-4.6572 fatcat:q55kfjgljzcu5dreov6gcbzwfu
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