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Model Checking Aspectual Pervasive Software Services

Dhaminda B. Abeywickrama, Sita Ramakrishnan
2011 2011 IEEE 35th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference  
This paper explores model checking as a solution for modeling aspectual pervasive software services and their compositions, and rigorously verifying the process behavior of these models against specified  ...  The crosscutting contextdependent functionality of interacting pervasive services can be modeled as aspect-oriented models in UML.  ...  PROPERTIES SPECIFICATION AND VERIFICATION OF ASPECTUAL PERVASIVE SOFTWARE SERVICES This section discusses the properties specification and verification stages of the model checking process [4] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/compsac.2011.41 dblp:conf/compsac/AbeywickramaR11 fatcat:o3kx7bd2knbtfpjjm37ttby3y4

An aspect-oriented language for feature-modeling

Qinglei Zhang, Ridha Khedri, Jason Jaskolka
2013 Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing  
When modeling families of ambient systems, we experience a number of special challenges due to unpredictable variability in the environments of the systems.  ...  In this paper, we propose a new language AO-PFA, which adapts the aspect-oriented paradigm to product families. This paradigm enhances the adaptability and evolvability of product families.  ...  We thank the numerous reviewers for their comments that helped us improve the quality of this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s12652-013-0201-z fatcat:sodmpmczgnfahdc6z2l4avd2hq

Representing Shared Join Points With State Charts: A High Level Design Approach

Muhammad Naveed, Muhammad Khalid Abdullah, Khalid Rashid, Hafiz Farooq Ahmad
2008 Zenodo  
It also highlights the need of designing shared join point at high level, by providing the solutions of these issues using state chart diagrams in UML 2.0.  ...  High level design representation of shared join points also helps to implement the designed strategy in systematic way.  ...  It provides additional feature of handling the new aspectual requirement in systematic way.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1060483 fatcat:c6bogd4ds5f5pno3jk5v3f3qn4

Page 438 of Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts: LLBA Vol. 24, Issue 1 [page]

1990 Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts: LLBA  
Wierzbicka’s analysis critiqued, aspect expression; 9001042 English/German aspectual compositionality; verb classification ap- proach formulated, simple sentences’ temporal aspectual meaning prediction  ...  Kamp’s discourse rep- resentation theory compositional version framework; 9001385 Korean tense/aspect, tense/event time distinguished; 9001 109 Latin preverbs, lative/aspectual notions; 9001037 negation  ... 

Agile Service-Oriented Applications: Rule-based Foundation with Runtime Adaptability

Ali Alqahtani, Hussein Zedan
2010 International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications  
As a core further step, we semantically govern this aspectual service composition modeling with a tailored rewriting logic theory.  ...  In paper puts first milestones towards such challenging foundations. More precisely, we first propose ECA-driven architectural interconnections to handle service composition logic.  ...  Nevertheless, no formal verification / validation of the constructed composition is undertaken.  ... 
doi:10.4156/jdcta.vol4.issue1.2 fatcat:amcpxdzzl5hflh2e4js2geis64

A framework for extending agile methodologies with aspect-oriented features

Maryam Gerami, Raman Ramsin
The authors propose a framework for extending agile methodologies with AOSD features.  ...  phase of the agile development process.  ...  Each of the composition specification documents produced in this stage should represent a detailed model of composition.  ... 
doi:10.1109/rcis.2011.6006852 dblp:conf/rcis/GeramiR11 fatcat:b4uqokh7cffefhbpdl7c4rvh3e

An Approach Based on Maintainability Criteria for Building Aspect-Oriented Software Design Model

Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos, Heitor Augustus Xavier Costa, Cláudia Maria Lima Werner, André Fonseca Amâncio, Paulo Afonso Parreira Júnior, Antônio Maria Pereira de Resende, Fábio Fagundes Silveira
2010 Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada  
In this sense, maintainability and its subcharacteristics as presented in the ISO/IEC 9126 standard should be incorporated to the artifacts produced in the modeling activity aiming at designing software  ...  Software modeling is an important activity for maintenance since it can facilitate the software comprehension as well as the understanding of its activities towards evolution, correction and adaptation  ...  The aSideML modeling elements defined by the software engineer can be structural or behavioral. aSideML also has compositional modeling elements to describe elements in combination process (e.g., woven  ... 
doi:10.22456/2175-2745.12590 fatcat:tyqkljqxhje7flu7h6g3lzsw34

Entity and event coercion in a symbolic theory of syntax [chapter]

Laura A. Michaelis
2005 Constructional Approaches to Language  
The Present construction As shown in this figure, the Present construction signifies a deictic relation; the sem value of the Present suffix includes the frame EQUAL, which expresses an identity relation  ...  between reference time and the time of coding.  ...  Aspectual topology underlies space-time analogies that are widely used in aspectual theory, in which states count as masses and events as individuals based on criteria like enumerability and internal composition  ... 
doi:10.1075/cal.3.04mic fatcat:5ybvjav53ffozenouqnedyblsy

Domain-Driven Discovery of Stable Abstractions for Pointcut Interfaces [chapter]

Dimitri Van Landuyt, Steven Op de beeck, Eddy Truyen, Wouter Joosen
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The method employs systematic reengineering of use case models to discover stable abstractions that are anchored in the domain model of the application.  ...  We have applied this method in two applications, where we validate that pointcut interfaces can be reused for implementing the composition logic of different aspects without requiring modification to their  ...  , Belgian Science Policy, by the Research Fund K.U.Leuven, and by an SBO project grant from the Flemish Institute for the advancement of scientific-technological research in industry (IWT).  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35551-6_1 fatcat:qefpq5u7arelnmaspfzrt5hadq

Domain-driven discovery of stable abstractions for pointcut interfaces

Dimitri Van Landuyt, Steven Op de beeck, Eddy Truyen, Wouter Joosen
2009 Proceedings of the 8th ACM international conference on Aspect-oriented software development - AOSD '09  
The method employs systematic reengineering of use case models to discover stable abstractions that are anchored in the domain model of the application.  ...  We have applied this method in two applications, where we validate that pointcut interfaces can be reused for implementing the composition logic of different aspects without requiring modification to their  ...  , Belgian Science Policy, by the Research Fund K.U.Leuven, and by an SBO project grant from the Flemish Institute for the advancement of scientific-technological research in industry (IWT).  ... 
doi:10.1145/1509239.1509251 dblp:conf/aosd/LanduytbTJ09 fatcat:gejpia6l2zh7rmw3dwrmvyb2fm

An Aspect-oriented Software Architecture Description Language AO-ADL Based on XYZ

Yanting Cao, Mei Rong, Guangquan Zhang
2014 International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology  
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) can resolve the code tangling problem in Object- Oriented Programming (OOP) via using the technology of separation of concerns.  ...  Software architecture is becoming an important part in the phase of software design, it has the ability of helping designer to handle the structure and the complexity of large software systems, and Aspect-Oriented  ...  of Suzhou (SYG201241).  ... 
doi:10.14257/ijhit.2014.7.4.31 fatcat:bcdqwxvefjglfhkuzj4q4ff4qm

AO4AADL: Aspect oriented extension for AADL

Sihem Loukil, Slim Kallel, Bechir Zalila, Mohamed Jmaiel
2013 Open Computer Science  
AbstractManaging embedded system complexity and scalability is one of the most important problems in software development.  ...  This frequently results in poor descriptions of the software architectures and a tedious adaptation to constantly changing user requirements and specifications.  ...  to ensure the composition between base components and aspectual components.  ... 
doi:10.2478/s13537-013-0105-1 fatcat:yhgjujujbjhlhkpkrxlgrqmfaa

Type shifting in construction grammar: An integrated approach to aspectual coercion

Laura A. Michaelis
2004 Cognitive Linguistics  
I will argue that coercion phenomena actually provide strong support for a sign-based model of grammar, in which rules of morphosyntactic combination can shift the designations of content words with which  ...  Coercion data suggest that aspectual sensitivity is not merely a property of formally di¤erentiated past tenses, as in French and Latin, but a general property of tense constructions, including the English  ...  In the model of aspectual meaning that I will propose here, aspectual types are denoted not only by verbs and their projections, but also by morphosyntactic templates of varying degrees of specificity.  ... 
doi:10.1515/cogl.2004.001 fatcat:kvjqk7ajijapdndx5bs5yq52cq

AspectJ code analysis and verification with GASR

Johan Fabry, Coen De Roover, Carlos Noguera, Steffen Zschaler, Awais Rashid, Viviane Jonckers
2016 Journal of Systems and Software  
We demonstrate the use of GASR in two ways: we first automate the recognition of previously identified aspectual source code assumptions.  ...  In both uses GASR performs detection and verification of aspect assumptions on two well-known case studies that were manually investigated in earlier work.  ...  Thanks to Romain Robbes for feedback on draft versions of this text. The original research on aspect assumptions was partially funded by the European Union under Marie-Curie fellowship RIVAR.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jss.2016.04.014 fatcat:tjw2mdiepvdplakusnm3vgywme

Performance Evaluation of "Ga-Fc" Technique for Aspect-Oriented Software System

Susheela Hooda, Chitkara University, Rajpura, Punjab, India, Vikas Lamba, Amandeep Kaur
2021 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
Novelty: "GA-FC" technique generates the minimum number of test cases by composition of metaheuristic techniques.  ...  Method: To analyze the performance of "GA-FC" technique, two parameters namely, Effectiveness of Test Suite Minimization (ETSM) and Aspectual Branch Coverage (ABC) have been used against GA and FC technique  ...  Proposed Model for "GA-FC" In this section, an aspectual UML activity diagram-based test suite optimization model for proposed "GA-FC" technique for AOP has been developed.  ... 
doi:10.17485/ijst/v14i41.1141 fatcat:zxdpmbs7zzdjzefgh6gtl5bbre
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