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Using multi-terminology indexing for the assignment of MeSH descriptors to health resources in a French online catalogue

Suzanne Pereira, Aurélie Névéol, Gaétan Kerdelhué, Elisabeth Serrot, Michel Joubert, Stéfan J Darmoni
2008 AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings  
To assist with the development of a French online quality-controlled health gateway(CISMeF), an automatic indexing tool assigning MeSH descriptors to medical text in French was created.  ...  In this paper,we compare lemmatization and stemming as methods to process French medical text for indexing. We also evaluate the multi-terminology approach implemented in F-MTI.  ...  The authors would like to thank CISMeF indexers for their help in the study design and result analysis.  ... 
pmid:18998933 pmcid:PMC2656077 fatcat:epbkenayv5aytcudzd6sasbw4a

Using multi-terminology indexing for the assignment of MeSH descriptors to health resources in a French online catalogue

Suzanne Pereira, Aurélie Névéol, Gaétan Kerdelhué, Elisabeth Serrot, Michel Joubert, Stéfan Darmoni
To assist with the development of a French online quality-controlled health gateway (CISMeF), an automatic indexing tool assigning MeSH descriptors to medical text in French was created.  ...  However, the multi-terminology approach outperforms indexing relying on a single terminology in terms of recall.  ...  The authors would like to thank CISMeF indexers for their help in the study design and result analysis.  ... 

Multi-terminology indexing for the assignment of MeSH descriptors to medical abstracts in French

Suzanne Pereira, Saoussen Sakji, Aurélie Névéol, Ivan Kergourlay, Gaétan Kerdelhué, Elisabeth Serrot, Michel Joubert, Stéfan J Darmoni
2009 AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings  
The French Multi-Terminology Indexer (F-MTI) implements a multiterminology approach using nine main medical terminologies in French and the mappings between them.  ...  To facilitate information retrieval in the biomedical domain, a system for the automatic assignment of Medical Subject Headings to documents curated by an online quality-controlled health gateway was implemented  ...  The authors would like to thank CISMeF indexers for their help in the study design and result analysis.  ... 
pmid:20351910 pmcid:PMC2815432 fatcat:wqxt7s257zb3ng6fmaogwqzvue

Evaluation of a simple method for the automatic assignment of MeSH descriptors to health resources in a French online catalogue

Aurélie Névéol, Suzanne Pereira, Gaetan Kerdelhué, Badisse Dahamna, Michel Joubert, Stéfan J Darmoni
2007 Studies in Health Technology and Informatics  
The growing number of resources to be indexed in the catalogue of online health resources in French (CISMeF) calls for curating strategies involving automatic indexing tools while maintaining the catalogue's  ...  To develop a simple automatic tool that retrieves MeSH descriptors from documents titles.  ...  The authors would like to thank CISMeF indexers for their help in the study design and result analysis.  ... 
pmid:17911749 fatcat:alhnw5355nb4vcbl7i3sycdv3q

Evaluation of multi-terminology super-concepts for information retrieval

Nicolas Griffon, Lina F Soualmia, Aurélie Névéol, Philippe Massari, Benoit Thirion, Badisse Dahamna, Stefan J Darmoni
2011 Studies in Health Technology and Informatics  
Following a recent change in the indexing policy for French quality controlled health gateway CISMeF, multiple terminologies are now being used for indexing in addition to MeSH®.  ...  To evaluate precision and recall of super-concepts for information retrieval in a multi-terminology paradigm compared to MeSH-only.  ...  CISMeF ([French] acronym for Catalogue and Index of Online Health Resources in French) is one such gateway, developed at the Rouen University Hospital.  ... 
pmid:21893798 fatcat:mtfdkumhejcy3jjub5audfttcq

Supporting E-Health Information Seekers: From Simple Strategies to Knowledge-Based Methods [chapter]

Lina F., Badisse Dahamna, Stefan J.
2012 eHealth and Remote Monitoring  
These terminologies were fully integrated into the CISMeF back-office. They can be used for indexing resources (allowing a more precise indexing) and thus for querying the catalogue.  ...  The CISMeF catalogue describes and indexes a large number of health-information resources of high quality (n=13,452 in October 2003; n=90,056 in May 2012).  ... 
doi:10.5772/50348 fatcat:xd2g7yxqerd7rdvygeom2opljq

Health Information Retrieval – State of the art report [article]

Carla Teixeira Lopes
2022 arXiv   pre-print
After a brief introduction to the more broader field of IR, the significance of HIR at current times is discussed.  ...  Specific characteristics of Health Information, its classification and the main existing representations for health concepts are described together with the main products and services in the area (e.g.  ...  In a Douyere's paper [15] the MeSH thesaurus is adapted to the broader field of health Internet resources and is used together with the Dublin Core metadata format to catalogue and index French health  ... 
arXiv:2205.09083v1 fatcat:zxvuz35ggnhmhl5g5jruib5y7m

Medical Vocabulary, Terminological Resources and Information Coding in the Health Domain [chapter]

C. Duclos, A. Burgun, J. B. Lamy, P. Landais, J. M. Rodrigues, L. Soualmia, P. Zweigenbaum
2013 Health Informatics Series  
Terminological resources are specific representations of medical language for dedicated use in particular health domains.  ...  ICD 10, SNOMED CT, and MeSH are among the terminologies used in the examples.  ...  Terminologies for Indexing There is a need for controlled vocabularies suitable for use in the indexing and cataloguing of biomedical publications.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-2-8178-0478-1_2 fatcat:eertyjzbmvblrojubtmrvhyw2e

Matching health information seekers' queries to medical terms

Lina F Soualmia, Elise Prieur-Gaston, Zied Moalla, Thierry Lecroq, Stéfan J Darmoni
2012 BMC Bioinformatics  
In this paper, we propose a simple yet efficient method in order to correct misspellings of queries submitted by health information seekers to an online search tool specialized in medicine.  ...  We propose here to combine them to increase the number of matched medical terms in French. We first took a sample of query logs to determine the thresholds and processing times.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Nikki Sabourin, Rouen University Hospital, for reviewing the manuscript in English.  ... 
doi:10.1186/1471-2105-13-s14-s11 pmid:23095521 pmcid:PMC3439674 fatcat:by3tsd5yebaizkinm2dne3u4nu

Classification Issues in 2008

Nancy J. Williamson
2010 Knowledge organization  
of subject access to online resources.  ...  "In a parallel but separate operation … each UDC code … assigned to an item in the library's catalogue was subsequently converted into one or more thesaurus descriptors."  ...  The paper explored the use of short extracts from UDC classification tables to provide a method of broader classes for use in bibliographic` listings, organization of physical documents, presentation of  ... 
doi:10.5771/0943-7444-2010-4-318 fatcat:tn44ok2hs5dtvouuhbrgcm7lwq

A Passage to Ontology Tool for Information Organisation in the Digital Age

Vivek Patkar
2011 DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology  
In this regard tools like classification, cataloguing, and indexing formed the basis of library practice for a long time.  ...  To facilitate access to relevant documents and information has been the core of the library and information science (LIS) profession.  ...  Cataloguing Though some form of cataloguing of records is found existing in the old library of Alexandria in ancient Egypt, the first national level cataloguing code was the French Code of 1791 4 .  ... 
doi:10.14429/djlit.31.2.861 fatcat:alslichjpvafpd52yejslh4xf4

European Landscape Of Tdm Applications Report

Stelios Piperidis, Kanella Pouli, Maria Gavriilidou, Dimitris Galanis, Juli Bakagianni
2016 Zenodo  
(mostly in terms of funded projects), the research output (in terms of scientific publications produced), the resources and tools available for TDM as well as the commercial activity (in terms of companies  ...  In this report, after a brief introduction to the different stakeholders and parameters involved in TDM, we focus on TDM in the European Union and try to paint the landscape of TDM research, development  ...  These assignments were used to estimate the distribution of TDM papers per application area as shown in Figure 26 .  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1240758 fatcat:ie25jfzuqne3bc37dc5qotcyyi

2. Knowledge, Language and Reason [chapter]

David Ingram
2023 Health Care in the Information Society  
Moving to the complex world of medical language and terminology, used in representing knowledge about medicine and health care, the chapter discusses difficulties faced in evolving their corpora of terms  ...  It closes with a light-hearted take on how we use the terms knowledge, information and data, and a reflection on the traction that is needed in the unfolding of new knowledge and its application in practical  ...  The Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®) thesaurus is a controlled vocabulary produced by the National Library of Medicine and used for indexing, cataloguing, and searching for biomedical and health-related  ... 
doi:10.11647/obp.0335.02 fatcat:rxmjrv3ghjhf5ekiroiscpljoy

Analysis, evaluation and comparison of knowledge extraction tools in the Environmental and Health domain. A holistic approach [chapter]

Anna Rovella, Alexander Murzaku, Eugenio Cesario, Martin Critelli, Armando Bartucci, Francesca M.C. Messiniti
2022 Knowledge Organization and Management in the Domain of Environment and Earth Observation (KOMEEO)  
The facets used to describe a concept in science and technology included a problem and a solution.  ...  A search query would be matched with the literature in multiple facets to retrieve holistically similar literature, or to suggest a solution to a problem from elsewhere in technology or the natural world  ...  The FITS file format for the long-term preservation of digital objects ...e Wells, Donald C., and Eric W. Greisen. 1979  ... 
doi:10.5771/9783956508752-121 fatcat:oyci76cggfathbabmg46l3kfyy

The FITS file format for the long-term preservation of digital objects in the Environment and Earth Observation domain [chapter]

Stefano Allegrezza
2022 Knowledge Organization and Management in the Domain of Environment and Earth Observation (KOMEEO)  
The facets used to describe a concept in science and technology included a problem and a solution.  ...  A search query would be matched with the literature in multiple facets to retrieve holistically similar literature, or to suggest a solution to a problem from elsewhere in technology or the natural world  ...  The FITS file format for the long-term preservation of digital objects ...e Wells, Donald C., and Eric W. Greisen. 1979  ... 
doi:10.5771/9783956508752-29 fatcat:jxkqldji5ngi3dlfmi3xsi7v7m
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