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Authors Index

2018 2018 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE)  
of Chinese Education 635 Li, Li Teaching Students about Machine Learning through a Gamified Approach 1011 Li, Lin Using Virtual Reality to Enhance Learning in a Chinese Architectures Course: A Flipped  ...  ' Interest in STEM 855 Im, Siu Wo Tarloff Using Virtual Reality to Enhance Learning in a Chinese Architectures Course: A Flipped Classroom 624 Imamura, Makoto Assessment Map for Multidisciplinary  ... 
doi:10.1109/tale.2018.8615278 fatcat:xj5a2hge6jcypol2jwemnvt4pu

Table of contents

2018 2018 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE)  
) IEEE catalog: CFP18TAL-ART ISBN: 978-1-5386-6522-0 Short Papers Using Virtual Reality to Enhance Learning in a Chinese Architectures Course: A Flipped Classroom Approach 624-629 Basic Construction  ...  ISBN: 978-1-5386-6522-0 An Essential Applied Statistical Analysis Course using RStudio with Project-Based Learning for Data Science 581-588 Exploring Approaches for Teaching and Learning Engineering  ... 
doi:10.1109/tale.2018.8615132 fatcat:gc5yy6clbffkvhpyerg6l47vzu

Investigation on the Use of Virtual Reality in the Flipped Teaching of Martial Arts Taijiquan Based on Deep Learning and Big Data Analytics

Zhang HanLiang, Zhang LiNa, Sweta Bhattacharya
2022 Journal of Sensors  
This paper intends to investigate the use of virtual reality technology in martial arts education. The architecture of virtual reality based on the deep learning algorithm is suggested.  ...  Flipping classroom teaching of martial arts "Taijiquan" is a contemporary teaching method that primarily uses information technology tools to accomplish the natural fusion of information technology and  ...  The study's findings paved the way for more VR technology use in the classroom. In their presentation of a calculus course in "virtual reality," Bos et al.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/3921842 fatcat:h4uishrkkrd5jprojvkdkqglzy


Igor Moreno Pessoa, Luz Maria Vergara, Willem Korthals Altes, Roberto Rocco
2019 Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning  
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) are becoming a popular educational tool in different disciplines. Urban planning education is no exception and new MOOCs are being released every year.  ...  This article sheds light on this issue using the case of the Rethink the City MOOC organised by the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of TU Delft.  ...  , in their own local realities, what they learned in the course.  ... 
doi:10.24306/traesop.2019.01.006 fatcat:splnqmboa5c2pmynhwr5u74mzi

Virtual Reality and Learning: A Case Study of Experiential Pedagogy in Art History

James Hutson, Trent Olsen
2022 Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications  
This study seeks to review the pedagogical use of VR in art history current in the field and introduces results from a study of the most effective ways to use these immersive experiences using Bloom's  ...  At the same time, the latest technology that proves revolutionary for the field has had very little study-virtual reality (VR).  ...  tool to enhance learning.  ... 
doi:10.4236/jilsa.2022.144005 fatcat:vwxdx27sfvb6zhl63xnjvez2la

Front Matters

2019 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education (TALE)  
Learning Field 74 1570576315 Using Flipped Classroom and Team-Based Learning in a First- Semester Programming Course: An Experience Report 75 1570577067 A Hybrid-based Architecture for Web Service  ...  1570590832 Gamified Flipped Classroom Learning Approach: A Case Study of AJ University 163 1570591472 Prediction Learning Achievement Indicators in Distance Learning Students 164 1570591527  ... 
doi:10.1109/tale48000.2019.9225889 fatcat:vzowsu6y7je5rdu4yn4xc3irc4

EDUCON 2020 Table of Contents

2020 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)  
Innovative Learning in Smart Schools using Internet of Things 1024-1030 Virtual Reality as a tool for active learning and student engagement: industrial engineering experience 1031-1037 Key factors  ...  by means of Project development 504-511 Improving the Flipped Classroom Model by the Use of Inductive Learning 512-520 Teaching Triangle Rigidity to K-12 Students with Applications to Civil Engineering  ... 
doi:10.1109/educon45650.2020.9125298 fatcat:2to4hfxbdbacvfagm4vizppvhu

Blended Learning Tools and Practices: A Comprehensive Survey

Adarsh Kumar, Rajalakshmi Krishnamurthi, Surabhi Bhatia, Keshav Kaushik, Neelu Jyoti Ahuja, Anand Nayyar, Mehedi Masud
2021 IEEE Access  
This article has prepared a comprehensive survey of student, teacher, and management experiences in blended learning courses during COVID-19 and pre-COVID-19 times.  ...  The survey will be useful to faculty members, students, and management to adopt new tools and mindsets for positive outcomes.  ...  FBL provides a fluid learning schedule that is useful for many working professionals registered in university-level programs. • FCBL: Flipped classroom-based learning is a pedagogical approach of shifting  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3085844 fatcat:amgsvsbp2jdbdbsd7ifgwtuj4i

Simulated speaking environments for language learning: insights from three cases

Tetyana Sydorenko, Tom F. H. Smits, Keelan Evanini, Vikram Ramanarayanan
2018 Computer Assisted Language Learning  
This seems to be a reality in both face to face and online learning.  ...  It was carried out in an online course taught in 2016 by two teachers at a Brazilian university. The course was offered twice for groups of approximately 70 students each.  ...  The use of virtual reality for language learning is certainly not new.  ... 
doi:10.1080/09588221.2018.1466811 fatcat:56weegbwy5djzk7a4toj7bzqiy

Virtual Reality Applications and Language Learning

Panagiotis Panagiotidis
2021 International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education  
Finally, future research directions are discussed, in order to identify the perspectives of Virtual Reality in language learning.  ...  This is why Extended (Virtual, Augmented and Mixed) Reality market, in the last few years is growing at a rapid pace.  ...  Lan et al [15] , used Second Life to create several virtual contexts, such as a zoo and two restaurants (western and Chinese), to help students of Chinese as a second language (CSL).  ... 
doi:10.20533/ijcdse.2042.6364.2021.0543 fatcat:3bnsu2tbsvan7oi2xqsgroijgm

Design and Implementation of Curriculum Knowledge Ontology-Driven SPOC Flipped Classroom Teaching Model

Yanchun Zhu, Wei Zhang, Yi He, Jianbo Wen, Mingyi Li
2018 Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice  
Coupled with new teaching models like SPOC and flipped classroom, the author developed a new SPOC-based flipped classroom teaching model driven by curriculum ontology.  ...  Then, the new teaching model was applied in the design of a teaching plan, and verified in the course of Electronic Commerce.  ...  Then, this approach was verified through a case study on SPOC-based flipped classroom teaching.  ... 
doi:10.12738/estp.2018.5.034 fatcat:ylmvrotofzhqxdwc2gva4p6gr4

Editorial for EAIT issue 2, 2022

Arthur Tatnall
2022 Education and Information Technologies : Official Journal of the IFIP technical committee on Education  
They suggest that educational transformation of flipped classroom continues to be the important approach to increasing students' readiness for flipped learning.  ...  this student-centred learning approach, but little is known concerning the assessment of students' readiness to learn through Web-based Instruction (WBI) in a flipped classroom and the role of parent-school  ...  a digital environment. They were evaluated with respect to their ability to use digital devices.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10639-022-10982-0 pmid:35283660 pmcid:PMC8898997 fatcat:v3fjvniisjgmbnujtnrz622ruu

Current Current Challenges and Future Research Directions in Augmented Reality for Education

Muhammad Iqbal, Eleni Mangina, Abraham Campbell
2022 Multimodal Technologies and Interaction  
The latest innovation in teaching is the use of Augmented Reality (AR).  ...  Due to COVID-19, the landscape of technology-enhanced learning has shifted more toward blended learning, personalized learning spaces and user-centered approach with safety measures.  ...  The use of AR to enhance the learner's interest in the Chinese library classification scheme was supported by using a physical presentation agent [29] .  ... 
doi:10.3390/mti6090075 fatcat:bsp5jcyr6ndrjdxi22xguypkrq

Application of Lightweight Deep Learning Model in Vocal Music Education in Higher Institutions

Zhen Zhu, Zhongqiu Xu, Jing Liu, Vijay Kumar
2022 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience  
This article takes Vocal Music Education (VME) method as the research object to explore the teaching reform of Music Major courses.  ...  Firstly, this article makes an in-depth study on Big Data Analytics (BDA) and Digital Twins (DTs) technology and constructs a DTs platform connecting real teaching space and virtual teaching space.  ...  [8] helped students learn music by designing a new method based on Mixed Reality (MR) and games to stimulate students' interest in learning.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/6757341 pmid:35378810 pmcid:PMC8976604 fatcat:psmfz2h2qjfd7n7vv5zh4dv7su

Instructional Developments and Progress for Open and Equal Access for Learning [chapter]

Gonca Telli Yamamoto, Mürşide Özgeldi, Deniz Altun
2018 Open and Equal Access for Learning in School Management  
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are the digital mediums created to present realities in real life or realities to be displayed in a 360°and/or 3D environment beyond the perception capacity  ...  Finally, we also tried to discuss, the advantages of virtual reality (increased reality) in terms of content for open and equal access and the content construction to include AR and VR to the Learning.  ...  Using virtual reality in the field of education offers to enhance students' learning experiences by exploring new ideas to develop positive learning behaviors in the learning process.  ... 
doi:10.5772/intechopen.71947 fatcat:2uyzv2l4hfaexmrxrjap7yppw4
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