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Brain-like combination of feedforward and recurrent network components achieves prototype extraction and robust pattern recognition [article]

Naresh Balaji Ravichandran, Anders Lansner, Pawel Herman
2022 arXiv   pre-print
We approach this problem by combining a recurrent attractor network with a feedforward network that learns distributed representations using an unsupervised Hebbian-Bayesian learning rule.  ...  The associative memory is also shown to perform prototype extraction from the training data and make the representations robust to severely distorted input.  ...  learning algorithms.  ... 
arXiv:2206.15036v2 fatcat:ugjorhvldvc7rnmjkvbrv2bgpm

Using Machine Learning to Improve Personalised Prediction: A Data-Driven Approach to Segment and Stratify Populations for Healthcare [chapter]

Will Yuill, Holger Kunz
2022 Studies in Health Technology and Informatics  
This study combines unsupervised clustering for segmentation and supervised classification, personalised to clusters, for stratification.  ...  Cluster a priori or Unsupervised Classify PARR-30 or GLMM Predict Optimise Risk Cutoff Figure 1 . Flowchart of methods used to cluster-then-predict using both supervised and unsupervised learning.  ...  would result in improved predictions, unsupervised clustering was undertaken using k-prototypes in order for both binary and continuous variables to be used [14] .  ... 
doi:10.3233/shti210851 pmid:35062084 fatcat:5umuj2ek4bax5j5bequmhi5xsm

Learning in Computer Vision and Image Understanding

Hayit Greenspan
1993 Neural Information Processing Systems  
Methods to combine unsupervised and supervised data clustering with elastic matching to learn a discriminant metric and enhance saliency of prototypes were discussed.  ...  Eric Saund of Xerox introduced the window registration problem in unsupervised learning of visual features.  ... 
dblp:conf/nips/Greenspan93 fatcat:qrnzgx267vbhvg62em24zo3om4

Unsupervised Representation Transfer for Small Networks: I Believe I Can Distill On-the-Fly

Hee Min Choi, Hyoa Kang, Dokwan Oh
2021 Neural Information Processing Systems  
A current remarkable improvement of unsupervised visual representation learning is based on heavy networks with large-batch training.  ...  We also introduce a network driven multi-view generation paradigm to capture rich feature information contained in the network itself.  ...  Introduction Recently, there has been a growing attention in unsupervised and self-supervised learning where the goal is to effectively learn useful features from a large amount of unlabeled data.  ... 
dblp:conf/nips/ChoiKO21 fatcat:6jqp3jlwcjgupekiwfbzyzkogq

Prototyping Machine Learning Through Diffractive Art Practice

Hugo Scurto, Baptiste Caramiaux, Frederic Bevilacqua
2021 Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2021  
tools, with the hope of revealing the computational materiality of ML, and the potential of embodiment to craft prototypes of ML that reconfigure conceptual or technical approaches to ML.  ...  We derive five interference conditions for such art-based ML prototypes-situational whole, small data, shallow model, learnable algorithm, and somaesthetic behaviourand describe their widening of design  ...  their precious time and feedback experimenting with them.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3461778.3462163 fatcat:aorswggm5fa6pkdttpbt3m76ku

Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning with Semantic Grouping [article]

Xin Wen, Bingchen Zhao, Anlin Zheng, Xiangyu Zhang, Xiaojuan Qi
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Instead, we propose contrastive learning from data-driven semantic slots, namely SlotCon, for joint semantic grouping and representation learning.  ...  Based on the learned data-dependent slots, a contrastive objective is employed for representation learning, which enhances the discriminability of features, and conversely facilitates grouping semantically  ...  We propose contrastive learning from data-driven semantic slots, namely SlotCon, for joint semantic grouping and representation learning.  ... 
arXiv:2205.15288v2 fatcat:dafyhiaxijcn3mok4fbv6is6zm

Text Mining in Qualitative Research

Nina Janasik, Timo Honkela, Henrik Bruun
2008 Organizational Research Methods  
The SOM is a versatile quantitative method very commonly used across many disciplines to analyze large data sets.  ...  SOM creates multiple well-grounded perspectives on the data and thus improves the quality of the concepts and categories used in the analysis.  ...  Thus, unsupervised learning may give rise to novel model constructions autonomously emerging from the data.  ... 
doi:10.1177/1094428108317202 fatcat:puub5w3luzgjbaja2hv3l2nbfa

Biometric Encryption: Integrating Artificial Intelligence for Robust Authentication

Et al. Muhammad Saad Zahoor
2023 Dandao xuebao  
approach, aiming not only to overcome these challenges but also to adapt and evolve in response to emerging threats.  ...  This research paper delves into the intricate integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with biometric encryption systems to elevate authentication robustness to unprecedented levels.  ...  Dandao 3.1.2Unsupervised Learning: Unsupervised learning is applied when labeled training data is scarce.  ... 
doi:10.52783/dxjb.v35.121 fatcat:covke5rahffo5fqk6as75lgcdu

Learning Representations for Animated Motion Sequence and Implied Motion Recognition [chapter]

Georg Layher, Martin A. Giese, Heiko Neumann
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The paper develops a cortical model architecture for the unsupervised learning of animated motion sequence representations.  ...  We also show how sequence selective representations are learned in STS by fusing snapshot and motion input and how learned feedback connections enable making predictions about future input.  ...  Feedback between stabilizes the feature processing from raw input. Representations of prototypical form and motion responses are established by utilizing unsupervised Hebbian learning.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33269-2_37 fatcat:poflinvf75fnbii2vnqwn6ccka

Probabilistic Models and Generative Neural Networks: Towards an Unified Framework for Modeling Normal and Impaired Neurocognitive Functions

Alberto Testolin, Marco Zorzi
2016 Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience  
These models overcome many limitations associated with classic connectionist models, for example by exploiting unsupervised learning in hierarchical architectures (deep networks) and by taking into account  ...  (C) Different types of high-level features (receptive fields) emerging from unsupervised deep learning.  ...  For example, in the domain of visual object recognition, unsupervised deep learning can lead to the emergence of extremely high-level visual features (Figure 2C) , such as those representing prototypical  ... 
doi:10.3389/fncom.2016.00073 pmid:27468262 pmcid:PMC4943066 fatcat:vlybqbpt4re5dmbc2fsg5c2opu

Environment and Goals Jointly Direct Category Acquisition

Bradley C. Love
2005 Current Directions in Psychological Science  
Existing models of category learning, such as exemplar and prototype models, neglect the role of goals in shaping conceptual organization.  ...  Clusters reflect the natural bundles of correlated features present in our environment.  ...  Recent work in collaboration with Yasuaki Sakamoto has demonstrated that inference learning leads to more complete knowledge of feature correlations than does classification learning, even for features  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.0963-7214.2005.00363.x fatcat:ajuy2du6jnbwxeubzc64swu5vi

Modeling language and cognition with deep unsupervised learning: a tutorial overview

Marco Zorzi, Alberto Testolin, Ivilin P. Stoianov
2013 Frontiers in Psychology  
This approach does not require labeled data (i.e., learning is unsupervised).  ...  Deep unsupervised learning in stochastic recurrent neural networks with many layers of hidden units is a recent breakthrough in neural computation research.  ...  Accordingly, for each pattern the network performs a data-driven, positive phase (+) and a model-driven, negative phase (-).  ... 
doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00515 pmid:23970869 pmcid:PMC3747356 fatcat:hnszejz7yfeufgsdfbuxktplbe

Memory Organization for Invariant Object Recognition and Categorization

Guillermo Sebastián Donatti
2016 ELCVIA Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis  
The overall results indicate that medium-sized image features with  ...  These patches are represented by regular-shaped graphs, whose nodes are labeled with elementary features that capture texture information from the object view.  ...  The present work also studies alternatives employing emergent structures from the unsupervised clustering of the feature distribution using the Enhanced Tree Growing Neural Gas [13] .  ... 
doi:10.5565/rev/elcvia.954 fatcat:pzi7ynxognfurinhelumk5ayve

The Impact of AI and Machine Learning on Innovation: A Comprehensive Review

Prashant Sen, Anil Pimpalapure
2023 Zenodo  
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have emerged as transformative technologies with the potential to revolutionize various industries and spur innovation.  ...  Unsupervised Learning: Unsupervised learning involves training models on unlabeled data to discover patterns or structures within the data.  ...  Integration of AI and ML with Emerging Technologies: The integration of AI and ML with other emerging technologies will shape the future of innovation.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10071190 fatcat:rxpli5dtm5b43cj3xylcvp2yry

An NWDAF Approach to 5G Core Network Signaling Traffic: Analysis and Characterization [article]

Dimitrios Michael Manias, Ali Chouman, Abdallah Shami
2022 arXiv   pre-print
The work presented in this paper focuses on demonstrating a working system prototype of the 5G Core (5GC) network and the Network Data Analytics Function (NWDAF) used to bring the benefits of data-driven  ...  Analyses of the network-generated data explore core intra-network interactions through unsupervised learning, clustering, and evaluate these results as insights for future opportunities and works.  ...  This was accomplished by leveraging unsupervised learning, and the k-Means clustering algorithm with a variable number of clusters set a priori.  ... 
arXiv:2209.10428v3 fatcat:2ieoe7t6lvaapl53xaks6ctbqe
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