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Human Motion Analysis: A Review

J.K. Aggarwal, Q. Cai
1999 Computer Vision and Image Understanding  
Ilfacking human motion wing a single or multiple cameras focuses on higher-level processing, in which moving humans are tracked without identifying specific parts of the body structure.  ...  We focus on three major areas related to interpreting human motion: 1) motion analysis involving human body parts, 2) tracking of human motion wing single or multiple cameras, and 8) recognizing human  ...  Figure 5 : 5 A stick-figure human model (based on Chen and Lee% work [ll]). Figure 6 : 6 A 2D contour human model (similar to L e ung and yang,s model [261).  ... 
doi:10.1006/cviu.1998.0744 fatcat:uazu7o5qerfzfnnokfpks6k3ju

Tracking people interacting with objects

Hedvig Kjellstrom, Danica Kragic, Michael J. Black
2010 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  
We use a standard formulation of the body tracking problem but add an explicit model of contact with objects.  ...  We find that constraints from the world make it possible to track complex articulated human motion in 3D from a monocular camera.  ...  We thank A. Weiss for help in acquiring the sequences used here and A. Balan for the base APF implementation.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr.2010.5540140 dblp:conf/cvpr/KjellstromKB10 fatcat:rmzw4ejaojh4fp3omfa3adsq4i

Modeling and Simulation of Athlete's Error Motion Recognition Based on Computer Vision

Luo Dai, Wei Wang
2021 Complexity  
, we propose a motion energy model based on the direct motion energy decomposition of the video clips of human error actions in the 3 Deron action sequence space through the filter group.  ...  expression method based on the fusion of features for human body error action recognition.  ...  Figure 1 :Figure 2 : 12 Model-based human motion recognition technology framework.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2021/5513957 fatcat:zewjnihqy5byxj4aeo7i4opejq

Stochastic kinematic modeling and feature extraction for gait analysis

S.L. Dockstader, M.J. Berg, A.M. Tekalp
2003 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing  
This research presents a new model-based approach toward the three-dimensional (3-D) tracking and extraction of gait and human motion.  ...  We suggest the use of a hierarchical, structural model of the human body that introduces the concept of soft kinematic constraints.  ...  Not based on physical measurements, but rather on learned examples of human motion, are the soft kinematic constraints.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tip.2003.815259 pmid:18237970 fatcat:h4dago5mrfecdbst275jlbpdyu

Automated Markerless Analysis of Human Gait Motion for Recognition and Classification

Jang-Hee Yoo, Mark S. Nixon
2011 ETRI Journal  
A sequential set of 2D stick figures is used to represent the human gait motion, and the features based on motion parameters are determined from the sequence of extracted gait figures.  ...  The automated system consists of three stages: i) detection and extraction of the moving human body and its contour from image sequences, ii) extraction of gait figures by the joint angles and body points  ...  The simplified 2D stick figure model, with six joint angles, is closely related to the observation that human motion is essentially the movement of the human skeleton; thus, the stick figure can be described  ... 
doi:10.4218/etrij.11.1510.0068 fatcat:ozn67jfg5ndgxn2yev3kvrn4ki

Tracking Human Motion with Multiple Cameras Using an Articulated Model [chapter]

Davide Moschini, Andrea Fusiello
2009 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The skeletonization produces a set of 3D points roughly distributed around the limbs' medial axes. Then, the ICP-based algorithm fits an articulated skeletal model (stick figure) of the human body.  ...  This paper presents a markerless motion capture pipeline based on volumetric reconstruction, skeletonization and articulated ICP with hard constraints.  ...  Thanks to A. Giachetti for inspiring discussions.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-01811-4_1 fatcat:cagsj3nmpvfife7h6oie7zyoji

Real-Time Upper-Body Human Pose Estimation Using a Depth Camera [chapter]

Himanshu Prakash Jain, Anbumani Subramanian, Sukhendu Das, Anurag Mittal
2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
A stick figure model is used to represent the detected body parts. Then, the fitting is performed independently for each limb, using the weighted distance transform map.  ...  A stick figure model is used to represent the detected body parts. Then, the fitting is performed independently for each limb, using the weighted distance transform map.  ...  Figure 8 : 8 Template Matching based tracking logic. Figure 10 : 10 The stick model used for human upper-body skeleton fitting. Figure 9 : 9 Results for template matching based tracking.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-24136-9_20 fatcat:wxcq6v3up5bdho2moexegwvzra

An audio-driven dancing avatar

Ferda Ofli, Yasemin Demir, Yücel Yemez, Engin Erzin, A. Murat Tekalp, Koray Balcı, İdil Kızoğlu, Lale Akarun, Cristian Canton-Ferrer, Joëlle Tilmanne, Elif Bozkurt, A. Tanju Erdem
2008 Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces  
The video is analyzed to capture the time-varying posture of the dancer's body  ...  We present a framework for training and synthesis of an audio-driven dancing avatar. The avatar is trained for a given musical genre using the multicamera video recordings of a dance performance.  ...  Acknowledgements A part of this work is developed during the ENTERFACE'07 Summer Workshop on Multi-Modal Interfaces 2 and it has been supported by the European Sixth Framework Programme Network of Excellence  ... 
doi:10.1007/s12193-008-0009-x fatcat:vnxmuu63rjgf3pvtgfcieh4lqq

Geometric constraints on 2D action models for tracking human body

Alexei Gritai, Arslan Basharat, Mubarak Shah
2008 Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Proceedings of the International Conference on  
We propose a 2D model-based approach for tracking human body parts during articulated motion.  ...  A human is modeled as a stick figure with thirteen landmarks, and an action is a sequence of these stick figures.  ...  Affine Constraint: A human action can be considered as a sequence of stick figures.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icpr.2008.4761437 dblp:conf/icpr/GritaiBS08 fatcat:dyltp2dg2zhobpnbsv4cg6p5jm

Nonrigid Motion Analysis: Articulated and Elastic Motion

J.K. Aggarwal, Q. Cai, W. Liao, B. Sabata
1998 Computer Vision and Image Understanding  
These approaches are classified as (1) motion recovery without shape models, and (2) model-based analysis.  ...  This paper presents an overview of existing work on articulated and elastic motion, motivated by problems relating to the motion of the human body and of an animal heart, respectively.  ...  The asterisk indicates the two areas we focus on in this paper. FIG. 3 . 3 A stick-figure human body model (based on Chen and Lee's work [7] ).  ... 
doi:10.1006/cviu.1997.0620 fatcat:mouq7mt7yjgmrmnwvwll3gguxm

Vision-based biomechanical markerless motion classification

Yu Liang Liew, Jeng Feng Chin
2023 Machine Graphics and Vision: international journal  
This study used stick model augmentation on single-camera motion video to create a markerless motion classification model of manual operations.  ...  This research advances methodological and applied knowledge on the capture and classification of human motion using a single camera view.  ...  A stick-figure model is a skeleton-like structure used to represent important body joints and track body motion patterns [21] .  ... 
doi:10.22630/mgv.2023.32.1.1 fatcat:dm3b7pkxofdcvdfj76jnzchsxy

A Survey of Computer Vision-Based Human Motion Capture

Thomas B. Moeslund, Erik Granum
2001 Computer Vision and Image Understanding  
A comprehensive survey of computer vision-based human motion capture literature from the past two decades is presented.  ...  The focus is on a general overview based on a taxonomy of system functionalities, broken down into four processes: initialization, tracking, pose estimation, and recognition.  ...  16 Body Sticks 3 1998 Wren [145] Stick- Figure 5 U Body Blobs 3 1998 Yamamoto [151] CAD Model 9 Body Motion 3 1998 Yaniz [154] Stick- Figure 16 Body Sticks 3 1999 Cham [ Note.  ... 
doi:10.1006/cviu.2000.0897 fatcat:apz6aw74lffjtdcr5ad4z773mq

Human Motion Segmentation Using Active Shape Models [chapter]

Maria João M. Vasconcelos, João Manuel R. S. Tavares
2015 Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics  
A widely used database (CASIA Gait Database) was used to build a Point Distribution Model (PDM) of the structure of the human body.  ...  Human motion analysis from images is meticulously related to the development of computational techniques capable of automatically identifying, tracking and analyzing relevant structures of the body.  ...  In [8] the authors proposed a model-based on a pose of the human body using ASMs with stick figures for frontal poses and they obtained good results.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-15799-3_18 fatcat:vhomrc32dffrdhapvvbc3cyciq

The Visual Analysis of Human Movement: A Survey

D.M Gavrila
1999 Computer Vision and Image Understanding  
The scope of this survey is limited to work on whole-body or hand motion; it does not include work on human faces.  ...  The ability to recognize humans and their activities by vision is key for a machine to interact intelligently and effortlessly with a human-inhabited environment.  ...  Herman [34] described a rule-based system to interpret body posture given a 2-D stick figure.  ... 
doi:10.1006/cviu.1998.0716 fatcat:ep75ekg4h5elzebmm3pasqlqdy

An appearance-based representation of action

A. Bobick, J. Davis
1996 Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition  
Using a \sitting" action as an example, and using a manually placed stick model, we develop a representation and veri cation technique that collapses the temporal variations of the motion parameters into  ...  Finally we show the type of patch-based motion model we intend to employ in a data driven action segmentation and recognition system.  ...  Figure 6 :Figure 7 : 67 Mean and 3 acceptance region for one stick of the motion model for sitting as a function of view angle . Automatic tracking of patches.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icpr.1996.546039 dblp:conf/icpr/BobickD96 fatcat:6txe4dywtrgzpd7zx42ww3cb3q
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