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TraMNet - Transition Matrix Network for Efficient Action Tube Proposals [article]

Gurkirt Singh, Suman Saha, Fabio Cuzzolin
2018 arXiv   pre-print
action micro-tubes.  ...  To avoid this problem, we introduce a Transition-Matrix-based Network (TraMNet) which relies on computing transition probabilities between anchor proposals while maximising their overlap with ground truth  ...  However, the model we propose is able to generate a rich set of action proposals (which we call anchor micro-tubes, cf. Fig. 1 ) using a transition matrix (cf.  ... 
arXiv:1808.00297v1 fatcat:bqo2dd2gfngpbiocawxzi6kedy

D6.1 – Real-time surgeon action detection and recognition

Fabio Cuzzolin
2019 Zenodo  
Its output is, for each video frame, a number of bounding boxes showing where the various actions of interest are taking place, with attached scores (produced by a neural network) for each action class  ...  of what actions the main surgeon performs using standard laparoscopic tools, either manually or in tele-operation via a da Vinci master robot available at University of Verona.  ...  A transition matrix network Further progress was made in November 2018, with the publication by OBU of "TraMNet -Transition Matrix Network for Efficient Action Tube Proposals" [14] , as a direct evolution  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.5749947 fatcat:swltflsrbff4zbxkrloseu4xnu

Online Spatiotemporal Action Detection and Prediction via Causal Representations [article]

Gurkirt Singh
2020 arXiv   pre-print
An action tube is a set of bounding connected over time, which bounds an action instance in space and time.  ...  We start with the conversion of the traditional offline spatiotemporal action detection pipeline into an online spatiotemporal action tube detection system.  ...  Acknowledgements Improving temporal action detection We observed in Chapter 2 in Section 2.2 that proposal based methods for temporal action detection are best at finding temporal boundaries of action  ... 
arXiv:2008.13759v1 fatcat:j6fgbpppkzdjzigtwxjy3zigje

D8.2 –Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination (Y1)

Michela Severgnini
2020 Zenodo  
The Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of Results is a document which summarizes the beneficiaries' strategy and concrete actions related to the protection, dissemination and exploitation of the  ...  WEB IECON 2018 01/08/18 TraMNet -Transition Matrix Network for Efficient Action Tube Proposals Gurkirt Singh, Suman Saha, and F.  ...  Washington DC, USA 2018 Researchers (T3) http://iec on2018.or g/ web 02/12/18 ACCV 2018 TraMNet -Transition Matrix Network for Efficient Action Tube Proposals Computer vision OBU The  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3752937 fatcat:nfoii2nv2ra4vhx53intjhhy5q