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Towards a folksonomy graph-based context-aware recommender system of annotated books

Sara Qassimi, El Hassan Abdelwahed, Meriem Hafidi, Aimad Qazdar
2021 Journal of Big Data  
The generated graphs express the semantic relatedness between these resources, i.e. books, by effectively modeling the folksonomy relationship between user-resource-tag and integrating contextual information  ...  In this regard, this article presents a folksonomy graphs based context-aware recommender system (CARS) of annotated books.  ...  Collaborative tagging techniques are useful for enhancing the recommendation of learning resources [4] .  ... 
doi:10.1186/s40537-021-00457-3 fatcat:iwudkpm6gfeqti3p2wmmcgb4oy

Towards Ranking in Folksonomies for Personalized Recommender Systems in E-Learning

Mojisola Anjorin, Christoph Rensing, Ralf Steinmetz
2011 International Semantic Web Conference  
This paper proposes a conceptual architecture describing how these semantics can be integrated in a personalized recommender system for learning purposes.  ...  Recommender systems offer the opportunity for users to no longer have to search for resources but rather have these resources offered to them considering their personal needs and contexts.  ...  The responsibility for the contents of this publication lies with the authors.  ... 
dblp:conf/semweb/AnjorinRS11 fatcat:nt4mdbyrgraglevcjxxgjxunvq

Towards a Semantic Graph-based Recommender System. A Case Study of Cultural Heritage

Sara Qassimi, El Hassan Abdelwahed
2021 Journal of universal computer science (Online)  
Our proposed approach represents a semantic graph-based recommender system of cultural heritage places through two steps; (1) constructing an emergent semantic description that semantically augments the  ...  However, collaborative tagging uses uncontrolled vocabulary which semanti- cally weakens the description of resources, consequently decreases their classification, clustering, thereby their recommendation  ...  Figure 1: Emergent Semantic of resources towards a Semantic graph-based recommender system The emergent semantic of resources is modeled using a conceptual model (see Figure 2 ).  ... 
doi:10.3897/jucs.70330 fatcat:7m7h5whp4jhvzatit5hbd6hdu4

Creating knowledge graphs for geographic data on the web

Elena Demidova, Alishiba Dsouza, Simon Gottschalk, Nicolas Tempelmeier, Ran Yu
2022 ACM SIGWEB Newsletter  
Verification, enrichment and semantic representation are essential for making geographic data accessible for the Semantic Web and machine learning.  ...  Geographic data plays an essential role in various Web, Semantic Web and machine learning applications.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was partially funded by DFG, German Research Foundation ("WorldKG", 424985896), the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), Germany ("d-E-mand", 01ME19009B  ... 
doi:10.1145/3522598.3522602 fatcat:i3a3fqzb2zgzjgemnlzmqmzqxm

Folksonomy-Based Recommender Systems: A State-of-the-Art Review

Daniela Godoy, Alejandro Corbellini
2015 International Journal of Intelligent Systems  
Web pages, pictures and video) using open-ended tags.  ...  In this context, tripartite relationships between users, resources and tags contained in folksonomies set new challenges for knowledge discovery approaches to be applied with recommendation purposes.  ...  [82] adapt the FolkRank graph to use word nodes instead of document nodes, enabling it to recommend tags for new documents based on their textual content. GroupMe!  ... 
doi:10.1002/int.21753 fatcat:ylf6d4a3ybdkpjrytblvgkvbuu

Tag Recommendation by Link Prediction Based on Supervised Machine Learning

Manisha Pujari, Rushed Kanawati
2021 Proceedings of the ... International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media  
The tagging history of the identified set of users is merged in one temporal sequence on bipartite graphs. The obtained sequence is used to learn a model of link prediction in bipartite graphs.  ...  The learned model is then applied to predict tags to be linked to the target resource and a list of top similar resources.  ...  These graphs are combined to create a single resource-tag bipartite graph for training (G learn ).  ... 
doi:10.1609/icwsm.v6i1.14315 fatcat:tihqu7k5o5bpfg7a5yz336d4sa

Frontiers in multimedia search

Alan Hanjalic, Martha Larson
2011 Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Multimedia - MM '11  
Larson • Making the most of the user • Making the most of the collection and search environment • Making the most of multimedia items • Integration towards useful MIR systems • Making impact M.  ...  Larson • Making the most of the user • Making the most of the collection and search environment • Making the most of multimedia items • Integration towards useful MIR systems • Making impact M. Larson  ...  Frontiers in Multimedia Search, ACM Multimedia, Scottsdale, US, November 2011 Revealing Hidden Cool Places Near2Me video (9 minutes)  ... 
doi:10.1145/2072298.2072398 dblp:conf/mm/HanjalicL11 fatcat:txi4arbwdfcyhgqk25cdqfvxbm

Web Resources Annotation for the Web of Learning

Jawad Berri
2013 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications  
In the education field, reusing hypermedia web resources can support to a great deal the design of modern instructional environments and the development of interactive and non-linear material for learning  ...  .Sharing and reusing these resources by different web applications and services presupposes that they are visible for retrieval through a semantic description of their content, function and relations  ...  Semantic annotation is very practical for organizing web resources as it improves the search of resources on the web and provides useful recommendations based on the resource content and correlations between  ... 
doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2013.041118 fatcat:vyulhfb345byzhkbnppuk34tni

Recommender Systems, Semantic-Based [chapter]

Fatih Gedikli, Dietmar Jannach
2014 Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining  
In the context of semantic-based recommenders, social data such as tagging data can be combined with other types of information such as content data [14] or data from the Semantic Web [15] .  ...  The recommendations of an RS can be based on different types of information.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-6170-8_116 fatcat:qdiedjovxrauxjitbpjx7zi3qe

A Proposed Model for Improving the Performance of Knowledge Bases in Real-World Applications by Extracting Semantic Information

Abdelrahman Elsharif Karrar
2022 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications  
The results are then used to explore the feasibility of applying knowledge bases to real-world tasks such as user-centric information access by encoding entities with deep semantic knowledge.  ...  such as content recommendation during a web search.  ...  The role of knowledge bases in utilizing semantic information generated from knowledge graphs to enrich search results is an important milestone towards the transformation of text-based search engines  ... 
doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2022.0130214 fatcat:h6vbprjcg5gexkcsmllnftxsqa


János Moldvay, Ingo Bax, Alexander Frerichs, Mirko Schuh
2010 Proceedings of the fourth ACM conference on Recommender systems - RecSys '10  
The methodology can be applied to different types of folksonomies which implies an enormous potential for future development of new recommender engines.  ...  Tagmantic is a web based social recommendation and search service which exploits the rich information within folksonomies.  ...  They enable the development of ontology based recommendation engines for arbitrary types of entities.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1864708.1864784 dblp:conf/recsys/MoldvayBFS10 fatcat:r27hnq32jrgkliccacucmeyrq4

Sound and Music Recommendation with Knowledge Graphs

Sergio Oramas, Vito Claudio Ostuni, Tommaso Di Noia, Xavier Serra, Eugenio Di Sciascio
2016 ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology  
Tags and textual descriptions are exploited to extract and link entities to external graphs such as WordNet and DBpedia which are in turn used to semantically enrich the initial data.  ...  Knowledge graphs are currently used, e.g., to explain search results, to explore knowledge spaces, to semantically enrich textual documents or to feed knowledge intensive applications such as recommender  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank Gabriel Vigliensoni for providing the user's listening habits corpus.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2926718 fatcat:z4m4rqda65g45ju46j4dybyq3y

Hybrid Music Recommendation Algorithm Based on Music Gene and Improved Knowledge Graph

Tingting Zhang, Shengnan Liu, Chin-Ling Chen
2022 Security and Communication Networks  
Combining music as a specific recommendation object, a hybrid recommendation algorithm based on music genes and improved knowledge graph is proposed for the traditional single recommendation algorithm  ...  In addition, deep learning method is applied to extract low-dimensional, abstract deep semantic features of users and items, based on which, score prediction is performed.  ...  Tag2word models further discover the semantics of tag information to improve recommendation methods. Deep learning is widely adopted in tag-based recommender systems.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/5889724 fatcat:x6xngsp5grdurpziwg3tqvi72m

Media Authoring with Ontological Reasoning: Use Case for Multimedia Information Extraction [chapter]

Insook Choi
2012 Multimedia Information Extraction  
We work towards modeling a deep structure for content networks.  ...  A navigation scheme with dynamic GUI shifts the interaction paradigm for content query and sharing. MF adopts a multimodal architecture anticipating emerging use cases and genres.  ...  Acknowledgement The Authors wish to thank Allan Walker for international partnership initiatives; Jeff Meyers, Allen Fairchild, Aaron Phillips, and Angel Petrov for technology support.  ... 
doi:10.1002/9781118219546.ch23 fatcat:o6e3mhr3rzfftcfuytv5hhudfy

A Survey on Decision Support Systems in Social Media

M. Thangaraj, R. Indra
2015 International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research  
Recommendations in social web are used to personalize the web [20] . Social Tagging System is one type of social media.  ...  In this paper we present the survey of various recommendations in Social Tagging Systems (STSs) like tag, item, user and unified recommendations along with semantic web and also discussed about major thrust  ...  Therefore, network-based methods are widely used to describe the tag-based graph.  ... 
doi:10.7753/ijcatr0409.1008 fatcat:zguexhxslvexxfpzdnnr2r4uma
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