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TaaS for Improving Quality of Restful Web Services

Shueh-Cheng Hu, I-Ching Chen
2013 International Journal of Information and Education Technology  
This kind of services will be helpful in speeding up the testing tasks of restful Web applications, as well as improving quality of restful Web service software, in terms of correctness.  ...  Consequently, this article presents a service for improving the efficiency of testing restful Web service programs, the corresponding design rationale and impact are described.  ...  Even with automatic test data generator, there is still a major obstacle in front of us toward an efficient and affordable automatic software testing scheme: state/path explosion [19] , [20] .  ... 
doi:10.7763/ijiet.2013.v3.321 fatcat:j6ciktyuz5f2renzxxfchs4qzm

Feedback-directed exploration of web applications to derive test models

Amin Milani Fard, Ali Mesbah
2013 2013 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE)  
However, a general web application crawler that exhaustively explores the states can become mired in limited specific regions of the web application, yielding poor functionality coverage.  ...  Dynamic exploration techniques play a significant role in automated web application testing and analysis.  ...  [33] recently proposed a guided test generation technique for web applications, called WATEG.  ... 
doi:10.1109/issre.2013.6698880 dblp:conf/issre/FardM13 fatcat:k4pt6fqbbvdo3bvlqsctpzuzkq

Testing web database applications

Yuetang Deng, Phyllis Frankl, Jiong Wang
2004 Software engineering notes  
A set of paths through the graph is selected and test cases are generated for each path.  ...  The current implementation is targeted toward web applications written as Java Servlets and uses an algorithm based on cyclomatic complexity to generate paths.  ...  VeriWeb [1] is a tool for automatically discovering and systematically exploring web-site execution paths that can be followed by a user in a web application.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1022494.1022528 fatcat:ofx3m5kwtfeojknvejo2mdjprm

AutoDBT: A Framework for Automatic Testing of Web Database Applications [chapter]

Lihua Ran, Curtis E. Dyreson, Anneliese Andrews
2004 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
AutoDBT uses the model along with the test criteria to generate test cases for functional testing of the application.  ...  AutoDBT automatically generates a guard query for each test case. The guard determines whether the test can be performed given the current state of the database.  ...  Table 2 . 2 The update specification for the Modify and Cancel Reservation paths present an architecture for test tools that is directed towards testing web applications.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-30480-7_20 fatcat:aemcdgam2vgdvltm6rc6jchcam

A Systematic Review on Regression Testing for Web-Based Applications

Anis Zarrad
2015 Journal of Software  
Process of Regression Testing in Web Application The process of regression testing for Web application can be defined as follow: Version 1 1. Develop web application -WA1 2.  ...  testing for database applications [13]-[15] , and regression testing for GUI [16], [17], contrary regression testing for Web applications has received relatively limited attention from testing research  ...  Izzat Alsmadi for his assistance in collecting research papers and valuable comments.  ... 
doi:10.17706//jsw.10.8.971-990 fatcat:kqavmlgganb6bciffemjbbtvve

A Systematic Review on Regression Testing for Web-Based Applications

Anis Zarrad
2015 Journal of Software  
Process of Regression Testing in Web Application The process of regression testing for Web application can be defined as follow: Version 1 1. Develop web application -WA1 2.  ...  testing for database applications [13]-[15] , and regression testing for GUI [16], [17], contrary regression testing for Web applications has received relatively limited attention from testing research  ...  Izzat Alsmadi for his assistance in collecting research papers and valuable comments.  ... 
doi:10.17706/jsw.10.8.971-990 fatcat:ufbgatqeqvhateuas3cxkkogee

Towards an automatic evaluation of web applications

Leandro Guarino de Vasconcelos, Laércio Augusto Baldochi
2012 Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC '12  
For modern Web applications, usually developed, tested and deployed in "Internet Time", this approach is simply not feasible.  ...  The reported solutions based on this approach usually fail on providing efficient tools for the definition of tasks, specially in large and dynamic Web applications.  ...  The authors would like to thank the Brazilian agencies FAPEMIG, CAPES and CNPq for the financial support.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2245276.2245410 dblp:conf/sac/VasconcelosB12 fatcat:mypf4hi4onejrm5dswosvcb4ae

Invariant-Based Automatic Testing of Modern Web Applications

A. Mesbah, A. van Deursen, D. Roest
2012 IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering  
We propose a method for testing AJAX applications automatically, based on a crawler to infer a state-flow graph for all (client-side) user interface states.  ...  The testing method we propose is based on CRAWLJAX 9 a crawler capable of automatically deriving a state machine from an AJAX web application, which we originally proposed in early 2008 [24] .  ...  We would also like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable and constructive comments.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tse.2011.28 fatcat:2qadzni4cjez7jvabb2nqtqbty

Towards Model-Driven Testing of a Web Application Generator [chapter]

Luciano Baresi, Piero Fraternali, Massimo Tisi, Sandro Morasca
2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
correctness of Web applications produced by model-driven code generators.  ...  The paper examines an industrial case study carried out in a software factory where code generators are produced for a commercial Web CASE tool.  ...  In the experimentation, the output is a Web application for the J2EE platform automatically produced by the WebRatio code generator from a WebML schema; for testing purposes, such an application is associated  ... 
doi:10.1007/11531371_13 fatcat:asgwu77i55enjc7egn7swwqcka

Expanding, theory, and practice: Report on the 4th International Workshop on the Automation of Software Test

Dimitris Dranidis, Stephen P. Masticola, Paul Strooper
2009 2009 31st International Conference on Software Engineering - Companion Volume  
Li, Zhu, Zhang and Mitsumori, in their regular paper "Towards a Practical and Effective Method for Web Services Test Case Generation," propose a practical Web services test data generation framework.  ...  Li and Weiss, in their case study paper "Using Testing Trace for Automatic User Categorization," present a practical usage of testing traces for automatic user categorization and web profiling.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icse-companion.2009.5071061 dblp:conf/icse/DranidisMS09 fatcat:qsczznxicffinaf5ac6uvkor3y


Carlo Bellettini, Alessandro Marchetto, Andrea Trentini
2005 Proceedings of the 2005 ACM symposium on Applied computing - SAC '05  
This paper describes techniques for semi-automatic test case definition and for user 1 -driven testing (based on statistical testing or coverage analysis) from Web applications reverse engineered UML models  ...  WebUml is a reverse engineering tool that generates class and state diagrams through static and dynamic Web application analysis.  ...  For every executed path, TestUml computes coverage level based on user-selected criteria and the UML application model.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1066677.1067060 dblp:conf/sac/BellettiniMT05 fatcat:2v3mnrmoeffy7ovmwvpl7evucy

Cross-View of Testing Techniques Toward Improving Web-Based Application Testing [article]

Mostafa Kandil, Ehab Hassanein, Sherif Mazen
2012 arXiv   pre-print
This research analyzed the main testing approaches for WA's and GUI applications. Also we have an overview of Test-Driven Development and its effects on the current development.  ...  Web Applications (WA's) failures may lead to collapse of the institutions, therefore the importance of good quality WA's is increasing over the time.  ...  as genetic algorithm may be very successful to generate all available test paths for GUI but for a complete enterprise applications huge number of test cases must be tested, most of them have no impact  ... 
arXiv:1205.6677v1 fatcat:htnb3k3vonhwbmp7xp6waxicpm

Invariant-based automatic testing of AJAX user interfaces

Ali Mesbah, Arie van Deursen
2009 2009 IEEE 31st International Conference on Software Engineering  
We propose a method for testing AJAX applications automatically, based on a crawler to infer a flow graph for all (client-side) user interface states.  ...  This not only makes them fundamentally different from traditional web applications, but also more error-prone and harder to test.  ...  VeriWeb offers no support for generating test suites as we do in Section 7. Tools such as WAVES [10] and SecuBat [11] have been proposed for automatically assessing web application security.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icse.2009.5070522 dblp:conf/icse/MesbahD09 fatcat:cnfknrepefgmjhqx3i7rnrcjfi

Research Issues in the Automated Testing of Ajax Applications [chapter]

Arie van Deursen, Ali Mesbah
2010 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
There is a growing trend to move desktop applications towards the web. This move is made possible through advances in web technologies collectively known as Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax).  ...  Based on an analysis of the current challenges in testing Ajax, we formulate directions for future research.  ...  Introduction There is a growing trend to move applications towards the Web.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-11266-9_2 fatcat:hl7rernczjfgbcnojvimtvn7qm

Automatic Test Case Generation for Orchestration Languages at Service Oriented Architecture

Ebrahim Shamsoddin-Motlagh
2013 International Journal of Computer Applications  
This document presents an approach for test cases generation automatically at the SOA system.  ...  Then, the test cases create randomly of the primary test for graph in the generated system.  ...  In the reference [41] is testing techniques to generate a set of test cases for web services automatically.  ... 
doi:10.5120/13876-1756 fatcat:jyxuyjmlqjeb7ilqeq5mlr3bii
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