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15,021 Hits in 6.0 sec

Full Reference Screen Content Image Quality Assessment by Fusing Multi-level Structure Similarity [article]

Chenglizhao Chen, Hongmeng Zhao, Huan Yang, Chong Peng, Teng Yu
2020 arXiv   pre-print
The screen content images (SCIs) usually comprise various content types with sharp edges, in which the artifacts or distortions can be well sensed by the vanilla structure similarity measurement in a full  ...  reference manner.  ...  of very importance to design an effective quality assessment method for SCIs.  ... 
arXiv:2008.05396v1 fatcat:clbtsdqqercc5mkajffikehjrq

A Study of Calorie Estimation in Pictures of Food (Preprint)

Jun Zhou, Dane Bell, Sabrina Nusrat, Melanie Hingle, Mihai Surdeanu, Stephen Kobourov
2017 Interactive Journal of Medical Research  
We examined estimated accuracy on the basis of expertise, demographic data, and food qualities using linear mixed-effects models with participant and image index as random variables.  ...  Women were more accurate than men (P<.001), and younger people were more accurate than older people (P<.001). The calorie content of energy-dense foods was overestimated (P=.02).  ...  Portion estimation of in-person food remains poor, whether in reference to images on computer screens or on printed images [38] .  ... 
doi:10.2196/ijmr.9359 pmid:30401671 fatcat:tmq5luhx6bdlxbjvza2pgbcvue

Influence of affective image content on subjective quality assessment

Ian van der Linde, Rachel M. Doe
2012 Optical Society of America. Journal A: Optics, Image Science, and Vision  
In this study, participants (n 25) were found to be unable to disentangle affective image content from objective image quality in a standard IQA procedure (single stimulus numerical categorical scale).  ...  We propose that this issue is worthy of consideration, particularly in single stimulus IQA techniques, in which a small number of handpicked images, not necessarily representative of the gamut of affect  ...  For example, classical work examining biases in the interpretation of visual information found that poor children estimated the size of coins to be larger than wealthier children [45] .  ... 
doi:10.1364/josaa.29.001948 pmid:23201952 fatcat:vugca6bkk5dp7m7afwmbbqg3ea

Hybrid view- synthesizing approach for multiview applications

Iliya Koreshev, Mahsa T. Pourazad, Panos Nasiopoulos
2012 2012 3DTV-Conference: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video (3DTV-CON)  
Filling these holes with natural looking color and texture information is challenging.  ...  We present a new hybrid approach for synthesizing multiview videos, which utilizes an effective hole filling method that preserves the perceptual quality of 3D content.  ...  The main issue with the synthesizing process is related to estimating the information of the occluded areas.  ... 
doi:10.1109/3dtv.2012.6365466 dblp:conf/3dtv/KoreshevPN12 fatcat:75jp7h3rwvbhnleyup5patv7bq

A unified approach to restoration, deinterlacing and resolution enhancement in decoding MPEG-2 video

B. Martins, S. Forchhammer
2002 IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology (Print)  
We address the special problems associated with pictures of variable but somehow parameterized quality such as MPEG-decoded video.  ...  The processing involves an estimated quality of individual pixels based on MPEG image type and local quantization value.  ...  The mean-squared error (MSE) caused by the quantization depends on the distribution of . This distribution varies with the image content and is hard to estimate accurately.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tcsvt.2002.803227 fatcat:d2yk4mubi5bdrh5mpwn4itlpjq

A Self-regulating Spatio-Temporal Filter for Volumetric Video Point Clouds [chapter]

Matthew Moynihan, Rafael Pagés, Aljosa Smolic
2020 Communications in Computer and Information Science  
We use a state of the art Spatio-Temporal Edge-Aware scene flow estimation to accurately model the motion of points across a sequence and then, leveraging the spatio-temporal inconsistency of unstructured  ...  The following work presents a self-regulating filter that is capable of performing accurate upsampling of dynamic point cloud data sequences captured using wide-baseline multi-view camera setups.  ...  These techniques require a very dense and accurate motion estimation for every pixel to acquire accurate depth maps, together with a camera setup with a very narrow baseline.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-41590-7_16 fatcat:uuozxj5qf5ev3cckmtqwii6xrq

A Hitchhiker's Guide to Structural Similarity

Abhinau K. Venkataramanan, Chengyang Wu, Alan C. Bovik, Ioannis Katsavounidis, Zafar Shahid
2021 IEEE Access  
The Structural Similarity (SSIM) Index is a very widely used image/video quality model that continues to play an important role in the perceptual evaluation of compression algorithms, encoding recipes  ...  This "bendable ruler" makes the process of quality assessment of encoding algorithms unreliable.  ...  No-Reference (NR) quality models have been developed that can accurately predict picture or video quality without a reference, by measuring NSS deviations.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3056504 fatcat:jxc4xptxqnhfpi6yvbbcsxosui

Perceptual image quality assessment: a survey

Guangtao Zhai, Xiongkuo Min
2020 Science China Information Sciences  
Third, the performances of the state-of-the-art quality measures for visual signals are compared with an introduction of the evaluation protocols.  ...  Perceptual quality assessment plays a vital role in the visual communication systems owing to the existence of quality degradations introduced in various stages of visual signal acquisition, compression  ...  . • Screen content image quality (SCIQ) database [37] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11432-019-2757-1 fatcat:kizmju2lbbbcxjb42y6stct5sq


C. Briese, G. Zach, G. Verhoeven, C. Ressl, A. Ullrich, N. Studnicka, M. Doneus
2012 The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences  
The geometry is typically generated from the laser scanning point cloud and the radiometric information is the result of image acquisition.  ...  For the analysis the geometry of a scene is generated by both techniques independently. Then, the paper focuses on the quality assessment of both techniques.  ...  Using this information as input, the locations of those feature points can be estimated and rendered as a sparse 3D point cloud.  ... 
doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-xxxix-b5-163-2012 fatcat:dzux5gy3m5eu7eec7iniogrcpi

Dense Light Field Coding: A Survey

Caroline Conti, Luis Ducla Soares, Paulo Nunes
2020 IEEE Access  
Since then, the topic of LF content coding has become a booming research area, attracting the attention of many researchers worldwide.  ...  For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.  ...  encoded reference picture.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.2977767 fatcat:w6ij6m253ffldism2s5jcjnjjm

Augmented visualization with natural feature tracking

Gábor Sörös, Hartmut Seichter, Peter Rautek, Eduard Gröller
2011 Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia - MUM '11  
We propose to track natural features of the display content with the built-in camera of mobile devices.  ...  Tracking the visualized scene allows pose estimation of the mobile devices with six degrees of freedom.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank the members of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Handheld AR for assisting with the experiments.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2107596.2107597 dblp:conf/mum/SorosSRG11 fatcat:kqtrjfnvbrhmxnq4afyo22nmru

Optimization of Hybrid Multimedia Art and Design Teaching Mode in the Era of Big Data

Hua Tian, Tongguang Ni
2021 Scientific Programming  
The types of information overload problems in multimedia-assisted teaching are summarized as follows: unreasonable presentation of information, which causes audiovisual redundancy; too much teaching irrelevant  ...  will add to the psychological and visual sensory burden of students and easily cause the information overload problem.  ...  Two hot zone comparison pictures with very strong synthesis, very weak sequence type, very weak synthesis type, and very strong sequence type are referred to as comprehensive type and sequence type hereinafter  ... 
doi:10.1155/2021/8266436 fatcat:oexol3r62fgbfe2dfotqtvlrxi

Software Annotations for Power Optimization on Mobile Devices

R. Cornea, A. Nicolau, N. Dutt
2006 Proceedings of the Design Automation & Test in Europe Conference  
The runtime behavior of these applications can be accurately estimated most of the time by analyzing the data to be processed and annotating the stream with the information collected.  ...  Results from analysis and simulation show that up to 65% of backlight power can be saved through our technique, with minimal or no visible quality degradation.  ...  By taking a picture of the PDA displaying the original frame (reference snapshot) and comparing it with a picture of the same frame after adjustment (compensated snapshot), we can objectively estimate  ... 
doi:10.1109/date.2006.244043 dblp:conf/date/CorneaND06 fatcat:pygxa77q4fbndhh3oenjh2gvae

RAPIQUE: Rapid and Accurate Video Quality Prediction of User Generated Content [article]

Zhengzhong Tu, Xiangxu Yu, Yilin Wang, Neil Birkbeck, Balu Adsumilli, Alan C. Bovik
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Blind or no-reference video quality assessment of user-generated content (UGC) has become a trending, challenging, unsolved problem.  ...  Accurate and efficient video quality predictors suitable for this content are thus in great demand to achieve more intelligent analysis and processing of UGC videos.  ...  screen contents, and 209 gaming videos, as shown in Fig. 11(b).  ... 
arXiv:2101.10955v1 fatcat:sg4xf6rg3rhy3pnc3yx5az2joy

3D-TV Production From Conventional Cameras for Sports Broadcast

Adrian Hilton, Jean-Yves Guillemaut, Joe Kilner, Oliver Grau, Graham Thomas
2011 IEEE transactions on broadcasting  
3DTV production of live sports events presents a challenging problem involving conflicting requirements of maintaining broadcast stereo picture quality with practical problems in developing robust systems  ...  A prototype system is presented with results of sports TV production trials for rendering of stereo and free-viewpoint video sequences of soccer and rugby.  ...  media and EU IST FW7 Project 3D4YOU -Content Generation and Delivery for 3D Television.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tbc.2011.2131870 fatcat:tb6jz4a3rrdzvdzewdj3mjaof4
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