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"Does God Play Dice?" - Randomness vs. Deterministic Explanations of Crowdsourcing Success

Nikolaus Franke, Christopher Lettl, Susanne Roiser, Philipp Tuertscher
2014 Academy of Management Proceedings  
Which factors are responsible for the success of crowdsourcing tournaments?  ...  Current theorizing on crowdsourcing appears to assume that there is a deterministic relationship between factors such as the organization of the tournament, characteristics of the participants attracted  ...  INTRODUCTION Recently, many companies have introduced crowdsourcing tournaments to outsource creative tasks such as idea generation, product or logo design to undefined solution bases outside the firm  ... 
doi:10.5465/ambpp.2014.235 fatcat:lkystijqv5hnpmv2ci5w3j6mtm

Crowdsourcing as a Tool for Urban Emergency Management: Lessons from the Literature and Typology

Ramon Chaves, Daniel Schneider, António Correia, Claudia L. R. Motta, Marcos R. S. Borges
2019 Sensors  
Through a systematic literature review, our study makes a comparison between crowdsourcing tools designed for urban planning and urban emergency management and proposes a five-dimension typology of quality  ...  As a result, crowdsourcing approaches for disaster prevention and management have been proposed and evaluated.  ...  The funders had no role in the design of the study, in the collection, analysis, or interpretation of data, in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s19235235 pmid:31795219 pmcid:PMC6928978 fatcat:anmy5w6iebhthe4eux2jixj4zu

No "one-size fits all"

John P. Rula, Vishnu Navda, Fabián E. Bustamante, Ranjita Bhagwan, Saikat Guha
2014 Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications - HotMobile '14  
We build on these preliminary results to argue for a principled approach for selecting incentive and incentive structures to match the variety of requirements of mobile crowdsourcing applications and discuss  ...  of a basic mobile crowdsourced service.  ...  to incentives in mobile crowdsourcing.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2565585.2565603 dblp:conf/wmcsa/RulaNBBG14 fatcat:6hq4ahzsbfdz5oqwln32n6dsne

Deep Learning for Mobile Crowdsourcing Techniques, Methods, and Challenges: A Survey

Bingchen Liu, Weiyi Zhong, Jushi Xie, Lingzhen Kong, Yihong Yang, Chuang Lin, Hao Wang
2021 Mobile Information Systems  
In view of this, we review the current research status of deep learning for mobile crowdsourcing from the perspectives of techniques, methods, and challenges.  ...  With the ever-increasing popularity of mobile computing technology and the wide adoption of outsourcing strategy in labour-intensive industrial domains, mobile crowdsourcing has recently emerged as a promising  ...  A k for protecting worker location privacy in spatial crowdsourcing is presented in Ref. [37] . It employs a mechanism based on differential privacy and geocasting to protect worker's privacy.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2021/6673094 doaj:526bd22b22354287b58ac08179088be1 fatcat:gotbqx6tmvglxmciyhmxezlvfq

An Incentive Mechanism Based on a Bayesian Game for Spatial Crowdsourcing

Lushen Pang, Guoqing Li, XiaoChuang Yao, Yong Lai
2019 IEEE Access  
In this paper, we design a precise incentive mechanism based on a Bayesian game for SC that successfully avoids the conditions limited by the Gibbard-Satterthwaite impossibility theorem.  ...  INDEX TERMS Spatial information, crowdsourcing, incentive mechanism, Bayesian game, Jaccard coefficient.  ...  [38] designed a crowdsourcing tournament to maximize the principal's utility in crowdsourcing and provide continuous incentives for users by rewarding them based on the rank they achieved.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2894578 fatcat:5mfzoslr7nggdaduh3qvnriham

Understanding crowdsourcing projects: A review on the key design elements of a crowdsourcing initiative

Rea Karachiwalla, Felix Pinkow
2021 Creativity and Innovation Management  
This is especially relevant for tournament-based crowdsourcing for challenging, innovative problems.  ...  As previously discussed, incentives are one of the most critical components in tournament-based crowdsourcing (Blohm et al., 2018; Leimeister et al., 2009) .  ... 
doi:10.1111/caim.12454 fatcat:nxupip4hrrhh5jkp2xj42ozgfi

Towards Successful Crowdsourcing Projects: Evaluating the Implementation of Governance Mechanisms

Shkodran Zogaj, Niklas Leicht, Ivo Blohm, Ulrich Bretschneider, J. M. Leimeister
2015 Social Science Research Network  
We address this issue by means of a multiple case analysis in the scope of which we examine crowdsourcing projects on collaboration-based and/or competition-based crowdsourcing systems.  ...  Hence, research and practice are on the lookout for the main factors influencing the success of crowdsourcing projects.  ...  how, govern mechanisms are used in collaboration-based as well as in tournament-based crowdsourcing systems.  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.3140601 fatcat:ciyzdpzlnfd6vbbo7aj6n3vfui

Designing a Crowd-Based Relocation System—The Case of Car-Sharing

Alfred Benedikt Brendel, Sascha Lichtenberg, Stefan Morana, Christoph Prinz, Boris M. Hillmann
2022 Sustainability  
We base our approach on crowdsourcing, a concept by which customers are requested to perform vehicle relocations.  ...  This paper reports on our comprehensive DSR project on designing and instantiating a crowd-based relocation information system (CRIS).  ...  Kolbe for their support and help during this project. Furthermore, we acknowledge support by the Open Access Publication Funds of the Göttingen University.  ... 
doi:10.3390/su14127090 fatcat:c5bvgzzisbh5nmvebc2ynxmb24

Research on the Tournament Incentive Mechanism of the Safety Behavior for Construction Workers: Considering Multiple Heterogeneity

Liuyang Ji, Wenyao Liu, Yifan Zhang
2021 Frontiers in Psychology  
and ability level, based on the tournament mechanism to construct a competition incentive model.  ...  By designing a tournament reward and salary distribution for heterogeneous workers, the occurrence of unsafe behaviors can be reduced.  ...  Incentive mechanism for mobile crowdsourcing using an optimized tournament model. Ieee J. Select.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.796295 pmid:34966339 pmcid:PMC8710510 fatcat:yoottggfd5ddnmlb5og6rr6cuu

Towards Collaborative Mobile Crowdsourcing [article]

Aymen Hamrouni, Hakim Ghazzai, Turki Alelyani, Yehia Massoud
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Mobile Crowdsourcing (MC) is an effective way of engaging large groups of smart devices to perform tasks remotely while exploiting their built-in features.  ...  Afterwards, we investigate the challenges in designing CMC tasks and discuss different team formation strategies involving the crowdsourcing platform and selected team leaders.  ...  There are several studies that proposed different strategies for incentive design in classical MC, e.g., using reverse auction, distributed truthful rounds, and tournaments [11] , [12] .  ... 
arXiv:2104.05626v1 fatcat:24yy6ywbebalzcfun4oz5novzm

A Crowdsourcing Framework for On-Device Federated Learning [article]

Shashi Raj Pandey, Nguyen H. Tran, Mehdi Bennis, Yan Kyaw Tun, Aunas Manzoor, Choong Seon Hong
2020 arXiv   pre-print
First, we show an incentive-based interaction between the crowdsourcing platform and the participating client's independent strategies for training a global learning model, where each side maximizes its  ...  Under this setting, mobile devices perform computations on their local data before uploading the required updates to improve the global model.  ...  Interestingly, incentive mechanism has been studied for years in mobile crowdsourcing/crowdsensing systems, especially with auction mechanisms (e.g., [31] , [32] , [33] ), contract and tournament models  ... 
arXiv:1911.01046v2 fatcat:4vzzsu6mj5gwvhdywlsfhukocu

Crowdsourcing, Sharing Economies, and Development

Araz Taeihagh
2017 Journal of Developing Societies  
What are the similarities and differences between crowdsourcing and sharing economy? What factors influence their use in developing countries?  ...  and differences of different types of crowdsourcing with the sharing economy, thus addressing a gap in the current literature.  ...  and sharing economy for addressing developmental challenges while maximizing positive impacts and minimizing negative side effects.  ... 
doi:10.1177/0169796x17710072 fatcat:c2wo7o6znffsjgukxclrioie6e

Product Empire — Serious play with barcodes

A Budde, F Michahelles
2010 2010 Internet of Things (IOT)  
Mobile Applications, Barcode, Internet of Things, Usergenerated Content, Crowdsourcing, Social Networks I.  ...  This user-generated product repository aims at providing a base to link real world objects with virtual information.  ...  Accordingly, we reason that a well designed playful approach can provide incentives for users to create a product repository as a side-effect of a game.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iot.2010.5678456 dblp:conf/iot/BuddeM10 fatcat:hyvxjgvmpngt3pl3sebtafmjeq

Crowd-Sourcing a Way to Sustainable Urban Logistics: What Factors Influence Enterprises' Willingness to Implement Crowd Logistics?

Hou Bin, Feng Zhao, Guojie Xie, Lijuan Huang, Huanfang Wang, Ruidong Zhu, Li Jiang
2020 IEEE Access  
ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable remarks and comments.  ...  For example, mobile crowdsourcing-based traffic and navigation software Waze can be used by users to share traffic and other road data, while others can use the information to modify driving routes and  ...  For example, Picoto et al. studied the influencing factors of retailers' absorption of mobile commerce based on the TOE theory [37] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3044921 fatcat:n2eu7cnkznborobfp242yhk5bu

Comparing output from two methods of participatory design for developing implementation strategies: traditional contextual inquiry vs. rapid crowd sourcing

Emily M. Becker-Haimes, Brinda Ramesh, Jacqueline E. Buck, Heather J. Nuske, Kelly A. Zentgraf, Rebecca E. Stewart, Alison Buttenheim, David S. Mandell
2022 Implementation Science  
To select the best participatory design approach to inform implementation strategy design for a particular context, researchers should carefully consider unique advantages of each method and weigh the  ...  Only observations and interviews identified implementation strategies related to adapting and tailoring to context; only the innovation tournament identified implementation strategies that used incentives  ...  We hosted the online tournament on the "Your Big Idea Platform" that facilitates crowdsourcing for ideas and solutions.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13012-022-01220-9 pmid:35854367 pmcid:PMC9295107 fatcat:y7xzbsuy7fh4ba457zavbbgtpa
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