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7,831 Hits in 3.1 sec

Qualitative Spatial Reasoning Extracting and Reasoning with Spatial Aggregates

Christopher Bailey-Kellogg, Feng Zhao
2004 The AI Magazine  
A case study application of weather analysis illustrates the effective representation and reasoning supported by both data-poor and data-rich forms of QSR. Articles  ...  for use in subsequent tasks.  ...  For those interested, the SAL source code can be downloaded from www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/cbk/sal.html or www.parc.com/zhao/sal.html.  ... 
doi:10.1609/aimag.v24i4.1730 dblp:journals/aim/Bailey-KelloggZ04 fatcat:arskhyelbjbftnaihkmigrp3ru

Robust Deep-Learning-Based Road-Prediction for Augmented Reality Navigation Systems [article]

Matthias Limmer, Julian Forster, Dennis Baudach, Florian Schüle, Roland Schweiger, Hendrik P.A. Lensch
2016 arXiv   pre-print
A framework is presented that applies the proposed approach to longer distance road course estimation, which is the basis for an augmented reality navigation application.  ...  Road pixels are identified by training a multi-scale convolutional neural network on a large number of full-scene-labeled night-time road images including adverse weather conditions.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Markus Thom and Oliver Hartmann for their valuable support.  ... 
arXiv:1605.09533v1 fatcat:ruv32m2ernb2jlrr6sx3mqtzlq

Topological Sweep for Multi-Target Detection of Geostationary Space Objects [article]

Daqi Liu, Bo Chen, Tat-Jun Chin, Mark Rutten
2020 arXiv   pre-print
The usage of geometric duality also yields an algorithm that is computationally efficient and suitable for online processing.  ...  ., satellites, space debris) in Geostationary orbit (GEO), which is home to major space assets such as telecommunications and navigational satellites.  ...  For example, space-based detectors are more difficult to establish, but they are not as limited by weather and atmospheric effects as groundbased detectors.  ... 
arXiv:2003.09583v3 fatcat:qok44so7undmdlub5zuyyk46ke

Path segmentation for beginners: an overview of current methods for detecting changes in animal movement patterns

Hendrik Edelhoff, Johannes Signer, Niko Balkenhol
2016 Movement Ecology  
Path segmentation methods provide basics for detecting movement changes and the behavioral mechanisms driving them.  ...  Consequently, it is currently difficult for researchers new to path segmentation to gain an overview of the different methods, and choose one that is appropriate for their data and research questions.  ...  Acknowledgements We thank Jan Engler, Femke Pflüger, Maarten Hofman, and Diana Dishman for their valuable input and discussions improving our manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s40462-016-0086-5 pmid:27595001 pmcid:PMC5010771 fatcat:4mmp6jcpsjdmbch6shy5uuadbi

Probabilistic Rail Vehicle Localization With Eddy Current Sensors in Topological Maps

Stefan Hensel, Carsten Hasberg, Christoph Stiller
2011 IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems (Print)  
In particular, we employ Bayesian methods such as hidden Markov models for turnout detection and classification and, in a final step, sequential Monte Carlo sampling to combine the extracted information  ...  in a topological map to obtain a reliable position estimate.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), Bombardier Sweden, and the Karlsruher Verkehrsbetriebe.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tits.2011.2161291 fatcat:4gjeu3omardjvieicwcednupvy

Visualizing Local Weather Characteristics Interpreted from Glider GPS Flight Logs [article]

Tung-Ju Hsieh, Falko Kuester, Tara Hutchinson
2011 Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications  
When the derived thermal features are geo-referenced with 3D terrain models, results support post-flight evaluation and pre-flight planning.  ...  For a given flight task, the pilot can derive an optimal flight path based on the presented visualization techniques and the statistics obtained from the historical records.  ...  This research was supported in part by the Holmes Fellowship Foundation and the Taiwan National Science Council through grants NSC 99-2218-E-027-008-and NSC 100-2221-E-027-090-.  ... 
doi:10.2312/pe/pg/pg2011short/099-103 dblp:conf/pg/HsiehKH11 fatcat:aathq4g7cjhflbjslitwaykbdq

A Spatio-Temporal Schedule-Based Neural Network for Urban Taxi Waiting Time Prediction

Lan You, Zhengyi Guan, Na Li, Jiahe Zhang, Haibo Cui, Christophe Claramunt, Rui Cao
2021 ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information  
We apply a grid-based and functional structuration of an urban space that provides a lower-level data representation.  ...  How to predict the taxi waiting time accurately at a certain time and location is the key solution for the imbalance between the taxis' supplies and demands.  ...  Acknowledgments: The authors want to thank the editors and the reviewers for sharing their expert opinions on our manuscript, which has benefited from their constructive comments and suggestions.  ... 
doi:10.3390/ijgi10100703 doaj:6600f80d48eb40a5bd617144375bceb6 fatcat:deuns6ghkrebhpr7nkkdmr4774

Multi-Modal Contrastive Learning for LiDAR Point Cloud Rail-Obstacle Detection in Complex Weather

Lu Wen, Yongliang Peng, Miao Lin, Nan Gan, Rongqing Tan
2024 Electronics  
However, the inevitable degradation of model performance occurs in complex weather and hinders its practical application.  ...  LiDAR point cloud 3D semantic segmentation (3DSS) provides a new method for unmanned rail-obstacle detection.  ...  Other studies have relied on semantic segmentation, focusing on rail track lines [40] or railway track area segmentation [42] .  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics13010220 fatcat:fcy7gjkxlzdtnfol67jm4taczq


Sirisha Rambhatla, Nikos D. Sidiropoulos, Jarvis Haupt
2018 2018 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP)  
We propose a technique to develop (and localize in) topological maps from light detection and ranging (Lidar) data.  ...  To overcome this inherent trade-off between latency and accuracy, we propose a technique to develop topological maps from Lidar data using the orthogonal Tucker3 tensor decomposition.  ...  We propose to learn a orthogonal Tucker3 model for each length-k segment, and there are L such models to be learnt.  ... 
doi:10.1109/globalsip.2018.8646665 dblp:conf/globalsip/RambhatlaSH18 fatcat:ja26xhnrjzbbfmntfeicdqcx3i

Security and Surveillance [chapter]

Shaogang Gong, Chen Change Loy, Tao Xiang
2011 Visual Analysis of Humans  
Human eyes are highly efficient devices for scanning through a large quantity of low-level visual sensory data and delivering selective information to one's brain for high-level semantic interpretation  ...  security and safety.  ...  explicit object segmentation and tracking.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-85729-997-0_23 fatcat:lodvka4hu5debd7wiovexhca3u

Topological Data Analysis and Machine Learning for Recognizing Atmospheric River Patterns in Large Climate Datasets

Grzegorz Muszynski, Karthik Kashinath, Vitaliy Kurlin, Michael Wehner
2018 Geoscientific Model Development Discussions  
We show that the method is suitable for rapidly analyzing large amounts of climate model and reanalysis output data.</p>  ...  Here we propose an automated method for recognizing atmospheric rivers (ARs) in climate data using topological data analysis and machine learning.  ...  Once properly defined, developing a scheme to identify and track events in time and space can proceed.  ... 
doi:10.5194/gmd-2018-53 fatcat:rl5dnw2fxbeenbjlzt2fxf25oi

Weather forecasting: Storm hunting with fractals

A. Hollingsworth
1986 Nature  
There are many analogies between the methods used in this field and those used, for example, in computational vision (see Global weather forecast models solve a version of the Navier-Stokes equations for  ...  Cloud track winds can be derived from successive half-hourly scans in the visible and infrared.  ... 
doi:10.1038/319011a0 fatcat:iwwtjjvygvgtngi26ormt527am

A Neural Network-Based Method for Fast Capture and Tracking of Laser Links between Nonorbiting Platforms

Bo Li, Siyuan Yu, Jing Ma, Liying Tan, Suneet Kumar Gupta
2022 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience  
In this paper, a neural network approach is used to conduct an in-depth study and analysis of the fast capture tracking method for laser links between nonorbiting platforms.  ...  link beacons is modelled, and the link tracking stability optimization method is proposed under the requirement of link tracking accuracy, which provides an effective solution analysis method to realize  ...  Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/9296770 pmid:35096049 pmcid:PMC8799350 fatcat:gvxbpphhnzbqvc75rmzkfkssyu

Topology Based Object Tracking

Padraig Corcoran
2019 Mathematical and Computational Applications  
A model for tracking objects whose topological properties change over time is proposed.  ...  A generalisation of this model for tracking spatially close objects lying in an ambient metric space is also proposed.  ...  For many real world tracking problems, such as tracking weather phenomena, this is the more appropriate model.  ... 
doi:10.3390/mca24030084 fatcat:aknvj3sivvgpnklyzzizvkh7gy

TOST: A Topological Semantic Model for GPS Trajectories Inside Road Networks

Tao Wu, Jianxin Qin, Yiliang Wan
2019 ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information  
This paper argues for a novel semantic trajectory model named TOST. It considers both semantic and geographic information of trajectory data happens along network infrastructure simultaneously.  ...  To organize trajectory data is a challenging issue for both studies on spatial databases and spatial data mining in the last decade, especially where there is semantic information involved.  ...  Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the three anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments on the manuscript. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/ijgi8090410 fatcat:75gueb6iozbopouuapduotx3x4
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