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Kommu Raju, Dr. Pinakapani Peri
2022 Zenodo  
It has found the magnificent higher importance level of the "Position" on the Micro, Small and Medium Sectors.  ...  Purpose: The study explains the Management strategy's role for the increase in the scalability of the MSMEs through the deserved objectives.  ...  troops of support to get it to the micro, small and medium enterprises.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7117975 fatcat:gj43eyhldjbm3gi3fvagnubgqu

Aricon Initiative: Barriers in Adopting the Virtual Enterprise Approach in the New Product Development (NPD) Context [chapter]

Roxana Belecheanu, Kulwant S. Pawar, Johann c. k. h. Riedel, Roberto Santoro, Marco Conte
2004 Processes and Foundations for Virtual Organizations  
ARICON aims to develop a readiness assessment tool and methodology, for evaluating companies' capability to enter and peiform in a Virtual Enterprise arrangement.  ...  This paper reports 011 the empirical stage of the project, lIamely the elicitation of typical problems and barriers for co-operation in a Virtual Enterprise.  ...  These will identify interoperability gaps for companies. • To apply the developed tools and methods in pilot projects in small, medium and large organisations at different European sites.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-35704-1_13 fatcat:bkgrcub6gvg5bp734hucfehes4

Cyber Autonomy Toolbox – Project Management Digital Transformation

Iryna Leroy
2021 Academic and Applied Research in Military and Public  
There are now many diverse digital transformation projects being implemented in several business domains – ranging from small and medium businesses like an Italian family restaurant to the global oil and  ...  It is the responsibility of the business to adopt best practices and techniques to reinforce national security and offer effective tool support for effective Cyber Autonomy with digital transformation  ...  It could jeopardise the future of information security for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and the adoption of technologies in the EU. 14 Building Cyber Autonomy should include a project management  ... 
doi:10.32565/aarms.2021.2.ksz.7 fatcat:ur4liqmxo5gh3o63opz2kcbi3e

Architectural design for integrated support of complex engineering projects

John P.T. Mo, Martin D. Hilton
2018 Journal of Aerospace Operations  
This study identifies the 16 transitional needs and proposes changes to the Enterprise Business Management System processes, tools and work product 17 templates to achieve concurrent system and service  ...  This transformation is in response to changes in the Defence industry 13 context, where Defence has transitioned from bespoke system acquisition to the integration of COTS and MOTS systems 14 coupled with  ...  Evaluation of the proposed 421 architecture will be done after the new tendering process is complete. 48 nal systems to manage defence related projects in such a volatile environment is a complex and  ... 
doi:10.3233/aop-170075 fatcat:oayycjihjvf77p4vw3bf5ad72y

Improvement Projects – Characteristics and Classification

2020 Journal of Organizational Management Studies  
The level of application of project management and project tools was also examined in a group of small and medium enterprises operating in Europe.  ...  Which project management tools are useful for managing them?  ...  Information Management, 6 (1), 91-102. • Bessant, J., Caffyn, S. and Gallagher, M. (2001)'An evolutionary model of continuous improvement behaviour,'Technovation, 21 (2), 67-77. • Bhuiyan, N., Baghel,  ... 
doi:10.5171/2020.145875 fatcat:msov6th7m5atte4x5m6ujqihrq

Simulation of Supply-Chain Networks: A Source of Innovation and Competitive Advantage for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Giacomo Liotta
2012 Technology Innovation Management Review  
Large enterprises are inclined to use simulation tools whereas small and medium-sized enterprises seem to underestimate its advantages.  ...  selection as supplier to a defence contractor.  ... 
doi:10.22215/timreview625 fatcat:uwwzgvvxdjda7i5hozoz6w5t6i


Luise Zeininger, Sabina Irimie
2015 Risk in Contemporary Economy  
The main objective of this paper is to provide a perspective on the main characteristics of approaching Risk Management by micro, small and medium enterprises' top management based on both European Union  ...  and culture, to top management risk aversion.  ...  Managers of small and medium enterprises might also inspire their risk management approach form the public entities legislation.  ... 
doaj:a8af609ca8bd4dbf8f3a8e096b3376f6 fatcat:ue7zrp4r35grxiyuw2zvuijgfu

Selected aspects of the supply chain management in the aerospace industry

2013 INCAS Bulletin  
Authors inform on selected definitions in this topic, levels of supply chain and its maturity.  ...  The authors are focusing on introducing of the explanation of main specifics of SCM in aerospace industry (original equipment manufacturer, processes and requirements for the suppliers selection) and subsequently  ...  Just as large companies, small and medium enterprises need integrated enterprise software systems that support them effectively in the implementation of business objectives and in the future will be for  ... 
doi:10.13111/2066-8201.2013.5.1.13 fatcat:hi25gd6p75d63k3xly4rooqr5m


Laura Baronienė, Vytautas Žirgutis
2017 Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues  
Data of measure "Procesas LT" in enterprises of the IT sector shows level of concern and counterfactual impact evaluation creates possibility to verify the expediency of EU funds.  ...  This article is created to develop scientific data security approach using productivity as one of the main measurement for the information management systems benefit.  ...  is intended to encourage micro, small and medium sized enterprises to introduce innovative management methods and management systems in order to create favourable conditions for increasing enterprise  ... 
doi:10.9770/jssi.2017.6.3(10) fatcat:vvmnfz6m6rci7dq6fe7tivjvpe

Establishing agile supply networks through competence profiling

N. Armoutis, P. G. Maropoulos, P. Matthews, C. Lomas
2008 International journal of computer integrated manufacturing (Print)  
Focusing on the organisational competence notion, this work introduces a methodology to find suitable engineering Small-Medium Enterprise (SME) partners and to suggest effective agile supply networks.  ...  The ideas described have been tested with over two hundred engineering SMEs in the North East region of England. Participant companies are mainly engaged in the defence and aerospace industry.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank The Virtual Research Lab for a Knowledge Community in Production for their support in funding this research  ... 
doi:10.1080/09511920701607683 fatcat:yqldrbokj5cdbafpyxiuxghcom

Enterprise Architecture: Twenty Years of the GERAM Framework

Peter Bernus, Ovidiu Noran, Arturo Molina
2014 IFAC Proceedings Volumes  
past applications in networked enterprise building and more recent proposals in environmental, disaster and healthcare management.  ...  Thus, this paper is about the use of systems thinking and systems theory in EA and about how it is possible to reconcile and understand, based on a single overarching framework, the interplay of two major  ...  A Dynamic Business Model of the creation of an Enterprise Network and its Virtual Enterprises (VEs) Finally, the last case (illustrated in Fig.1 ) describes how a Small or Medium Enterprise (SME) created  ... 
doi:10.3182/20140824-6-za-1003.01401 fatcat:k3hz4ni7cne2lm53zgoxe3d4tq

Changes in the vector of industrial policy and possibilities for the innovative development of the industrial regions

O. A. Romanova, E. N. Starikov
2015 R-Economy  
1 In the present paper, reasons for the increased interest in industrial policy in both developed and developing countries are explained.  ...  In the context of economic sanctions against Russia, it is shown that the emergence of a new industrial policy vector is connected to the need for import substitution and concomitant changes in the development  ...  and ways of achievement.»  ... 
doi:10.15826/recon.2015.3.006 fatcat:bk5kbqvm7nanzoesohbubijlya

Performance Management for Social Enterprises

Maureen Meadows, Matthew Pike
2009 Systemic Practice and Action Research  
Social enterprises need to evidence superior social outcomes, are normally accountable to a complex range of stakeholders and yet are often rated low to medium in terms of organisational capacitythus whilst  ...  Experience to date suggests that the medium term snapshot provided by the Scorecard is the most valuable, allowing organisations and especially boards and senior executives to keep a 'strategic grip' in  ...  One example is the exploration by Manville (2007) of the implementation of a performance management system using the Balanced Scorecard within a not for profit small and medium sized enterprise (SME)  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11213-009-9149-5 fatcat:jgyvjql3zrgdpg4mtxosujib7i

A systems approach to life cycle risk prediction for complex engineering projects

Matthew Cook, John P.T. Mo, Duc Pham
2018 Cogent Engineering  
In order to successfully deliver challenging and complex engineering projects, it is essential that an organisation has an in-depth understanding of the technical and commercial risks.  ...  It allows the continued management and visualisation of risks and enables a process of dynamic analysis to both reduce and/or mitigate residual risks progressively to acceptable levels.  ...  Systems engineering management process used in a typical defence company.  ... 
doi:10.1080/23311916.2018.1451289 fatcat:holhbgfs6rashog6fodgi2obtq

Application of Proper Asset Management Methodology and Technology in Defence Sector of Sri Lanka

Prasad Perera, Samudaya Nanayakkara, Asoka Perera
2019 Figshare  
The use of IT and Enterprise systems for defence entities in Sri Lanka is evaluated.  ...  It is time to rethink and modernize the Asset Management methodology of the Defence entities in Sri Lanka. The modern world has seen Information Technology being used in most of the business areas.  ...  The huge cost that was pumped for the war effort was saved and finally it was available for development projects in the country.  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.7712390.v1 fatcat:ypaw6jp4o5b4hn3y6fpk2jz5si
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