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Three-dimensional shape and two-dimensional surface reflectance contributions to face recognition: an application of three-dimensional morphing

Alice J. O'Toole, Thomas Vetter, Volker Blanz
1999 Vision Research  
Both the three-dimensional shape and two-dimensional surface reflectance information contributed substantially to human recognition performance, thus constraining theories of face representation to include  ...  We measured the three-dimensional shape and two-dimensional surface reflectance contributions to human recognition of faces across viewpoint.  ...  Thanks are due also to Niko Troje for the stimulus creation and processing and to Shimon Edelman and Heather Wild for helpful comments on this manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0042-6989(99)00034-6 pmid:10664810 fatcat:2rdee7iyvng4hlvgzukjinlskq

Spin Images and Neural Networks for Efficient Content-Based Retrieval in 3D Object Databases [chapter]

Pedro A. de Alarcón, Alberto D. Pascual-Montano, José M. Carazo
2002 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The main contribution of this work is the introduction of a three-level indexing schema based on artificial neural networks.  ...  The spin image representation facilitates the task of aligning the query object with respect to matched models (coarsegrain registration).  ...  Object Representation and Shape Features Three-dimensional object recognition uses the true 3D shape of objects in its model representation. 3D data can come in the form of depth-maps, isolated 3D points  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-45479-9_24 fatcat:igbk77dh2fguxge4to3mcvetaq

Intelligent shape recognition for complex industrial tasks

H.S. Yang, S. Sengupta
1988 Control Systems Magazine  
This paper proposes an intelligent shape representation and recognition system that can handle a large class of objects under less constrained situations.  ...  In the representation phase, objects are described by using these essential features; in the recognition phase, searching for the best candidate is restricted to the models represented by these features  ...  For three-dimensional objects, the Shape Representer consists of a wireframe representation based on edges and vertices, an extended Gaussian image, a three-dimensional relational modeler based on surface  ... 
doi:10.1109/37.473 fatcat:kxpbrfzp4zdjppcd46slb5as3e

Shape and Enlightenment: Reconstruction and Recognition under Variable Illumination [chapter]

David J. Kriegman, Peter N. Belhumeur, Athinodoros S. Georghiades
2000 Robotics Research  
This paper summarizes recent work on developing appearance-based methods for modeling the variability due to illumination in the images of objects.  ...  The methods have been tested within the domain of face recognition on two databases, one with 660 images of 10 faces in fixed pose but variable lighting, and one with 1350 images of 10 faces with variable  ...  Kriegman and A.S. Georghiades were supported under NSF NYI IRI-9257990 and ARO DAAG55-98-1-0168. P. N.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-0765-1_10 fatcat:6p4p4hyt7zgijdk6paxw7dlzle

Object recognition using shape-from-shading

P.L. Worthington, E.R. Hancock
2001 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence  
We consider how curvature and shape-index information delivered by this algorithm can be used to recognize objects based on their surface topography.  ...  We explore two contrasting object recognition strategies. The first of these is based on a lowlevel attribute summary and uses histograms of curvature and orientation measurements.  ...  Three of the range images are of Bach, two of Brahms, and one each of Beethoven and Chopin.  ... 
doi:10.1109/34.922711 fatcat:65pusdlkfnbz7icb736wg6uldm

Learning by a generation approach to appearance-based object recognition

H. Murase, S.K. Nayar
1996 Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition  
W e propose a methodology f o r the generation of learning samples an appearance-based object recognition.  ...  representation.  ...  Recently, a recognition system with 100 complex rigid objects in its database was developed that is solely based on appearance matching.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icpr.1996.545985 dblp:conf/icpr/MuraseN96 fatcat:t5rwzrxjtzckrfintl4wst4bnq

Review of Local Descriptor in RGB-D Object Recognition

Ema Rachmawati, Iping Supriana Suwardi, Masayu Leylia Khodra
2014 TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)  
Three different approaches are used in involving depth images into compact feature representation, that is classical approach using distribution based, kernel-trick, and feature learning.  ...  We review the use of local descriptors as the feature representation which is extracted from RGB-D images, in instances and category-level object recognition.  ...  Object surface is assumed to represent object categories information, because the object surface can be described by a tangent plane orientation (i.e normal vector on each coordinate surface).  ... 
doi:10.12928/telkomnika.v12i4.388 fatcat:4rdsur3agfbg3b57boz3xoasxq

From surfaces to objects: computer vision and three dimensional scene analysis

1990 ChoiceReviews  
That style combines surface patches segmented from the three dimensional scene description, surface patch based object models, a hierarchy of representations, models and recognitions, a distributed network-based  ...  The middle chapters, seven and eight, describe how objects are represented and selected, and thus how one can pass from an iconic to a symbolic scene representation.  ...  The following abbreviations are used: ANCAI -American National Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI -International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence SRI -Stanford Research Institute  ... 
doi:10.5860/choice.27-2755 fatcat:cpli4dhclfblfgummz5ohq72ce

Exploiting Multi-layer Features Using a CNN-RNN Approach for RGB-D Object Recognition [chapter]

Ali Caglayan, Ahmet Burak Can
2019 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In order to utilize the CNN model trained on large-scale RGB datasets for depth domain, depth images are converted to a representation similar to RGB images.  ...  Finally, multi-level information is fused to produce a strong global representation of the entire object image.  ...  To this end, depth maps are colorized by computing three dimensional surface normals and treating each dimension as a color channel.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-11015-4_51 fatcat:a4iezbiv3vfrraal333akeipba

How Are Three-Dimensional Objects Represented in the Brain?

H. H. Bulthoff, S. Y. Edelman, M. J. Tarr
1995 Cerebral Cortex  
In all experiments, subjects were presented with realistically rendered images of computer-generated three-dimensional objects, with tight control over stimulus shape, surface properties, illumination,  ...  two-dimensional images of the stimuli.  ...  Viewpoint-invariant three-dimensional representations A recognition scheme based on viewpoint-invariant three-dimensional representations may b e expected to perform poorly only for those views which b  ... 
doi:10.1093/cercor/5.3.247 pmid:7613080 fatcat:afsh7cjy25aoffkgdbamkgzbwq

3D Object Retrieval by Shape Similarity [chapter]

Jeong-Jun Song, Forouzan Golshani
2002 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Our feature extraction mechanism is based on observation of human behavior in recognizing objects.  ...  The proposed method leads us to achieve effectiveness and robustness in similar 3D object search supporting both query by 3D model and query by 2D image.  ...  Object-centered representation often uses explicit three-dimensional descriptions of objects of interest in Euclidian space like solid geometry and surface-based representation.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-46146-9_84 fatcat:xqx7wvnd3za4belxqrvliosspy

Information measures for object recognition accommodating signature variability

H.L. Cooper, M.I. Miller
2000 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory  
Index Terms-Infrared imaging, mutual information, object recognition, performance analysis of recognition systems.  ...  Principal component analysis of object signatures is used to represent and efficiently accommodate variation in object signature due to changes in the thermal state of the object surface.  ...  To analyze the dimensionality of this representation for object signatures, the normalized power spectrum ( plotted versus ) of the eigenbasis representing object signatures is shown in the left panel  ... 
doi:10.1109/18.857799 fatcat:6aqd7mywpbbdxi4imebggyq7wy

Representing three-dimensional objects by sets of activities of receptive fields

Shimon Edelman
1993 Biological cybernetics  
The present report concentrates on investigating the utility of collections of RFs in representing three-dimensional objects under changing viewing conditions.  ...  Results of computational experiments suggest that a representation scheme based on this algorithm for the choice of stable pairs of RFs would perform consistently better than a scheme involving random  ...  for useful references, and an anonymous referee for constructive and detailed suggestions.  ... 
doi:10.1007/bf00202564 fatcat:e4alfgzgt5cs5pk4lxklha7qk4

What is the set of images of an object under all possible lighting conditions?

P.N. Belhumeur, D.J. Kriegman
1996 Proceedings CVPR IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  
IR n and that the dimension of this illumination cone equals the number of distinct surface normals.  ...  Furthermore, we show that the cone for a particular object can be constructed from three properly chosen images.  ...  In earlier face recognition work, we implemented a classi cation method based on the minimum distance of an image to a three dimensional linear subspace (i.e. L) that was constructed for each person.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr.1996.517085 dblp:conf/cvpr/BelhumeurK96 fatcat:ii3xyirp35gefa44uhfv5asoq4

Face Recognition with Region Division and Spin Images [chapter]

Yang Li, William A. P. Smith, Edwin R. Hancock
2006 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Our representation is based on the spin image histograms for an arrangement of image patches.  ...  Experiments show the method to be reliable and accurate, and the recognition precision reaches 98% on CMU PIE sub-database.  ...  The spin image representation is based on the availability of surface height data and can not be applied directly to fields of surface normals or needle maps.  ... 
doi:10.1007/11892755_11 fatcat:wcz3yudzq5br3ln35srbuv7tnu
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