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Natural Surface Characterization by Multifractals

Fabio Arduini, Stefano Fioravanti, Daniele D. Giusto
1990 IAPR International Workshop on Machine Vision Applications  
This paper deals with multifractal theory applied to image analysis. Multifractals show many interesting peculiarities in the characterization of textured surfaces.  ...  In the paper, a method for the computation of multifractal parameters is proposed, together with some application results.  ...  The Takagi fractal surface is very regular and its texture is even: it could be a n artificial object; the surface generated by the FBM algorithm could be a natural surface.  ... 
dblp:conf/mva/ArduiniFG90 fatcat:5k2u2hpravgpdjt5nmzywryvem

Dynamic Terrain Generation Based on Multifractal Techniques [chapter]

Joost van Lawick van Pabst, Hans Jense
1996 High Performance Computing for Computer Graphics and Visualisation  
Each topic involves the theory of multifractals.  ...  The multifractal formalism was chosen for both the analysis of realworld terrain data, as well as the generation of synthetic terrain surfaces.  ...  Thanks are due to Felix Herrmann for fruitful discussions about the multifractal formalism.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-1011-8_13 fatcat:mtedcbo45rc6jbaqprdydshfra

Multifractal Distribution of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors from 2D Multiplicative Cascade Multifractal Fields

Qiuming Cheng
2005 Mathematical Geology  
Finally, it is demonstrated by a one-dimensional case study of de Wijs' data from a profile in a zinc mine, that incorporation of spatial association and singularity can improve the interpolation result  ...  Synopsis This paper introduces the multifractal interpolation method (MIM) developed for handling singularities in data analysis and for data interpolation.  ...  Research 'Research and development of multifractal methods and GIS technology for mineral exploration and environmental assessments' (ERC-OGP0183993).  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11004-005-9223-1 fatcat:w5fxz3dcszbwpocmwigjybfhoy

Quantitative Evaluation of the Spatial Variation of Surface Soil Properties in a Typical Alluvial Plain of the Lower Yellow River Using Classical Statistics, Geostatistics and Single Fractal and Multifractal Methods

Jiang Zhan, Yujiang He, Guizhang Zhao, Zhiping Li, Qiaoling Yuan, Lili Liu
2020 Applied Sciences  
Multifractal spectral analysis does not need to consider the normality of data and can quantitatively represent local characteristics; therefore, its results have high reliability.  ...  the lower Yellow River is quantitatively studied, by using classical statistics, geostatistics and single fractal and multifractal methods.  ...  Acknowledgments: We gratefully acknowledge the Geological Environment Survey Institute, Henan Province, and its fruitful cooperation on experiments in both the field and laboratory.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app10175796 fatcat:epyintpdmvcpjb6636ddxeinny

Multifractal Method for the Instantaneous Evaluation of the Stream Function in Geophysical Flows

Antonio Turiel, Jordi Isern-Fontanet, Emilio Garcia-Ladona, Jordi Font
2005 Physical Review Letters  
Multifractal or multiaffine analysis is a promising new branch of methods in nonlinear physics for the study of turbulent flows and turbulentlike systems.  ...  We show an application of MSSM to oceanography as a way to obtain the current field from sea surface temperature satellite images; we validate the result with independent dynamical information obtained  ...  The methodological basis has its roots in the existence of a multifractal/multiscaling hierarchy, so potentially it is of application in any dynamical system possessing such structure.  ... 
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.95.104502 pmid:16196934 fatcat:gcexxviaxnbr3bvgydzrkiqth4

Obtaining and monitoring of global oceanic circulation patterns by multifractal analysis of Microwave Sea Surface Temperature images

Antonio Turiel, Jordi Sole, Veronica Nieves, Emilio Garcia-Ladona
2007 2007 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium  
Recent advances in the theory of turbulence, with the introduction of the Microcanonical Multifractal Formalism has favored the development of new techniques for the analysis of remotely sensed data, particularly  ...  Applications include the characterization of transport, estimation of eddy-mediated mixing, the characterization of the coupling of ENSO perturbation with the equatorial instabilities and a long etc.  ...  INTRODUCTION The advances in the acquisition of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) images, with the introduction of new sensors and merged/interpolated products is giving rise to an unprecedented capability  ... 
doi:10.1109/igarss.2007.4423195 dblp:conf/igarss/TurielSNG07 fatcat:kgglf7zus5fspoj3fdawdnuram

A Geometric Approach for the Modeling of Heterogeneity in Physical Structures and Processes in Water Sources

Victor Peñaranda, Edgar Monroy, Iman Rousta
2018 International Journal of Engineering and Technology  
The following manuscript shows some ideas about the analysis of complex systems and exhibiting a few fractal tools, highly useful for their applications in geophysics and groundwater systems analysis.  ...  This kind of systems are depicted by attributes like the interactions between physical processes in a wide variety of scales, lithology and porous media anisotropies, heterogeneous patterns of fluid dynamics  ...  [11] [12] [13] Among the models that use concepts from the fractal and multifractal theory, the Fractal -Multifractal (FM) approach is highlight here.  ... 
doi:10.21817/ijet/2018/v10i6/181006092 fatcat:wixu37rswngqdha4vb4cxnke3q

Application of Multifractal and Joint Multifractal Analysis in Examining Soil Spatial Variation: A Review [chapter]

Asim Biswas, Hamish P., C. Si.
2012 Fractal Analysis and Chaos in Geosciences  
Acknowledgement The funding for this work was provided through a CSIRO Land and Water post doctoral fellowship. The thoughtful comments from Dr. Gallant are highly appreciated.  ...  A detailed review of the applications of fractal theory in soil science can be found in reference [38] .  ...  [44] highlighted the usefulness of multifractal parameters of soil properties in the interpolation and mapping of those properties.  ... 
doi:10.5772/51437 fatcat:n6ikevrypjg4ljpdwrpc25cdfa

Image Quality Assessment by Quantifying Discrepancies of Multifractal Spectrums

Hang ZHANG, Yong DING, Peng Wei WU, Xue Tong BAI, Kai HUANG
2014 IEICE transactions on information and systems  
However, subjective IQA metrics are cumbersome and easily affected by experimental environment. These problems further limits its applications of evaluating massive pictures.  ...  Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed metric is highly effective for evaluating perceived image quality and it outperforms many state-of-the-art methods. key words: image quality assessment  ...  Quantifying the surface morphology is difficult since it is not easy to describe the surface mathematically.  ... 
doi:10.1587/transinf.2014edp7036 fatcat:v5k2seailjaencakqfdgnhxz5m

A novel iterative approach for mapping local singularities from geochemical data

2007 Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics  
It has been shown that the outcome of the local singularity analysis consists of two components: singularity component characterized by local singularity index and the non-singular component by prefractal  ...  A local singularity analysis based on multifractal modeling was developed for detection of local anomalies for mineral exploration.  ...  The authors thank F. Agterberg at the Geological Survey of Canada and an anonymous reviewer for their critical reading of this manuscript with constructive comments.  ... 
doi:10.5194/npg-14-317-2007 fatcat:hdahtrq7nbfqbizhm5zsisgc2y

A fast MATLAB program to estimate the multifractal spectrum of multidimensional data: Application to fractures

Jeferson de Souza, Sidnei Pires Rostirolla
2011 Computers & Geosciences  
A MATLAB s program based on the Hou algorithm for estimation of fractal dimension and multifractal spectrum of fractures is presented.  ...  The program performance was tested with many synthetical fractals and field data. Interpolation and sampling effects on the fractal dimension and multifractal spectrum estimation were also studied.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank S. Laroca and S.M.D. Queiró s for reading of the paper, R.C. de Freitas for having supplied the geological data, M.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2010.09.001 fatcat:i6auaun7q5g27jyebdcze2gche

Scaling and stochastic cascade properties of NEMO oceanic simulations and their potential value for GCM evaluation and downscaling

Sébastien Verrier, Michel Crépon, Sylvie Thiria
2014 Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans  
They can be used to evaluate classical turbulence theories that predict scaling with specific exponents and to evaluate the quality of GCM outputs from a statistical and multiscale point of view.  ...  Based on classical multifractal analysis tools, multifractal properties were evidenced for several oceanic state variables (sea surface temperature and salinity, velocity components, etc.).  ...  The study of the latter led to the development of the theory of multifractal cascades [Mandelbrot, 1974; Schertzer and Lovejoy, 1987; Meneveau and Sreenivasan, 1987; She and Leveque, 1994; Dubrulle, 1994  ... 
doi:10.1002/2014jc009811 fatcat:ag6afvmzfzepha3z3i34g7soem


2012 Fractals  
Huang et al. interpolating functions and then test it on four geometrically distinct rainfall data sets to show that this generalization can provide excellent results.  ...  In the past years, we have developed a promising deterministic geometric procedure, the fractal-multifractal (FM) method, capable of generating patterns as projections that share textures and other fine  ...  The Original Fractal-Multifractal Approach In its original form, 3 a FM pattern is obtained as the projection of the graph of a fractal interpolating function weighed by a multifractal measure.  ... 
doi:10.1142/s0218348x12500247 fatcat:uhdybstk5ne5ddonzb7obbpp6u

A fractal-multifractal approach to groundwater contamination. 1. Modeling conservative tracers at the Borden site

C. E. Puente, O. Robayo, M. C. Díaz, B. Sivakumar
2001 Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment (Print)  
The possibility of modeling the dynamics of groundwater contamination plumes using a deterministic fractal-multifractal (FM) approach, via projections off fractal interpolating functions, is investigated  ...  It is shown that the FM approach leads to noticeable trends in"surrogate" (fractal) parameter space that allow viewing the plume's evolution in a simple and wholistic fashion.  ...  depth¯uctuates over the year within the range 0.5±1.0 m below surface; (c) its aquifer is approximately 10 m thick in the vicinity of the experimental site, underlain by a thick silty clay aquitard; and  ... 
doi:10.1007/pl00009791 fatcat:yjclth2epzftfdshndmjechz74

Page 5837 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 93k [page]

1993 Mathematical Reviews  
(Russian) [Application of functional analysis in approximation theory] Edited by N. B. Tikhomirov. Tver. Gos. Univ., Tver’, 1990. 191 pp. 1.50 r. Contents: Yu. G.  ...  Halsey puts it, “*Multifractality’ is a fancy word for a relatively simple concept ... frequently such ‘fractal measures’ can be characterized by the scal- ing of their moments, with the scaling exponents  ... 
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