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An empirical study on language model adaptation

Jianfeng Gao, Hisami Suzuki, Wei Yuan
2006 ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing  
________________________________________________________________________ This paper presents an empirical study on four techniques of language model adaptation, including a maximum a posteriori (MAP) method  ...  We show that such a metric correlates well with the CER performance of the adaptation methods, and also show that the discriminative methods are not only superior to a MAP-based method in terms of achieving  ...  This paper presents an empirical study of several LM adaptation methods on the task of Japanese text input.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1194936.1194939 fatcat:alftlxlimbhcnnuhsuun47v6ka

An Empirical Study of AML Approach for Credit Card Fraud Detection–Financial Transactions

Ajeet Singh, Anurag Jain
2019 International Journal of Computers Communications & Control  
these frauds, an adaptive machine learning techniques (AMLTs) has studied and also their pros and cons has summarized.  ...  Based on the study of various papers published between 1994 and 2018 on credit card fraud, the following objectives are achieved: the various types of credit card frauds has identified and to detect automatically  ...  Acknowledgment We gratefully acknowledge the funding agency, the University Grant Commission (UGC), Delhi, Government of India for providing financial support to complete this work. And also, 686 A.  ... 
doi:10.15837/ijccc.2019.6.3498 fatcat:wjy3q6batzclzkswvrs6nxddhm

An Empirical Study on Big Data Model and Visualization of Internet+ Teaching

Hua Zhang, Sang-Bing Tsai, Chenxi Huang
2021 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
In this paper, we conduct an in-depth study and analysis of "Internet+ Business English" teaching through teaching big data model and visualization and elaborate on the change of educational objectives  ...  The curriculum of the future will develop toward an intelligent curriculum and introduces the curriculum design and the form of curriculum organization in the context of Internet education.  ...  Conflicts of Interest e authors declare that no conflicts of interest exist concerning this study.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2021/9974891 fatcat:ncrubjm44fby7itmoueh3mdsly

An Empirical Study on Language Model Adaptation Using a Metric of Domain Similarity [chapter]

Wei Yuan, Jianfeng Gao, Hisami Suzuki
2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This paper presents an empirical study on four techniques of language model adaptation, including a maximum a posteriori (MAP) method and three discriminative training models, in the application of Japanese  ...  In particular, we attempt to interpret the results given in terms of the character error rate (CER) by correlating them with the characteristics of the adaptation domain measured using the information-theoretic  ...  We also note that the performance of LI is greatly influenced by domain similarity.  ... 
doi:10.1007/11562214_83 fatcat:ym3rm7yaqnb4bisfxrohy4447i

An Empirical Study of Neural Networks for Trend Detection in Time Series

Alexandre Miot, Gilles Drigout
2020 SN Computer Science  
Even if trend is probably one of the most intuitive notions in time series dynamics, this notion is usually ambiguous and model dependent.  ...  Using those simulated time-series we build a baseline trend estimator showing good performance on various dynamics.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Lionel Massoulard and Sandrine Ungari for their comments and fruitful discussions. Compliance with Ethical Standards  ... 
doi:10.1007/s42979-020-00362-1 fatcat:ltpjd6l2cjewpllojs7r4fr6yy

Feel Blue so Go Online: An Empirical Study of Online Supports among Patients

Lu Yan, Yong Tan
2010 Social Science Research Network  
Our results also reveal the effectiveness of various forms of social support on the dynamic evolution of patients' health conditions.  ...  We find that patients gain benefits from learning from others, and their participation in the online community helps them to improve their health condition and better engage in their disease self-management  ...  The objective of this work is to examine the impact of patients' activities in online social networks on their health outcomes.  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.1697849 fatcat:ftre534y2bbg5ajmqpqxc36tdy

An Empirical Study on Application of Machine Learning and Neural Network in English Learning

He Dong, Sang-Bing Tsai, Chenxi Huang
2021 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
The validity of the English learning model was verified by designing the functional flow based on tests.  ...  In this paper, an adaptive fuzzy neural network (FNN) is used to construct an intelligent system architecture for English learning, and activation function is used to apply the knowledge of computer science  ...  Artificial neural network also has the preliminary ability of self-adaptation and self-organization.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2021/8444858 fatcat:dwwqhi3tdrbhlccst4zo2mxl4a

Identifying and Predicting Trends of Disruptive Technologies: An Empirical Study Based on Text Mining and Time Series Forecasting

Minhao Xiang, Dian Fu, Kun Lv
2023 Sustainability  
trend through the establishment of an ARIMA model.  ...  Based on patent text data, this paper uses the improved LDA2Vec model combined with relevant indicators to identify the main topics in disruptive technologies, and predicts and analyzes the development  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/su15065412 fatcat:g7525g2qnvekvpbrvnqgwjsbzq

Does it matter who pays back Technical Debt? An empirical study of self-fixed TD [article]

Jie Tan and Daniel Feitosa and Paris Avgeriou
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Method: We report on an empirical study that analyzes the self-fixed issues of five types of TD (i.e., Code, Defect, Design, Documentation and Test), captured via static analysis, in more than 44,000 commits  ...  Objective: The goal of our study is to investigate self-fixed technical debt, especially the extent in which TD is self-fixed, which types of TD are more likely to be self-fixed, whether the remediation  ...  Conclusions and Future Work This paper reports on an empirical study that investigated the phenomenon of self-fixed technical debt.  ... 
arXiv:2110.05928v1 fatcat:d7cpxwid3fgcbnhl57mbx2kjye

Consumers' Opinions towards Public Health Effects of Online Games: An Empirical Study Based on Social Media Comments in China

Tao Shu, Zhiyi Wang, Huading Jia, Wenjin Zhao, Jixian Zhou, Tao Peng
2022 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health  
This paper attempts to identify consumers' opinions on the health impact of online game products through non-structured text and large-size social media comments.  ...  Thus, we designed a natural language processing (NLP) framework based on machine learning, which consists of topic mining, multi-label classification, and sentimental analysis.  ...  Thus, it is unfeasible to expect the online game industry to reduce the negative impact of this business model on personal and social health through self-discipline.  ... 
doi:10.3390/ijerph191912793 pmid:36232091 pmcid:PMC9565009 fatcat:ivm3bwhlgre4hdqwq2gj7nxboy

The State of the Practice in Validation of Model-Based Safety Analysis in Socio-Technical Systems: An Empirical Study

Reyhaneh Sadeghi, Floris Goerlandt
2021 Safety  
The state of the practice in validation of model-based safety analysis in socio-technical systems is analyzed through an empirical study of relevant published articles in the Safety Science journal spanning  ...  Furthermore, a wide variety of terminology for validation is observed in the studied articles.  ...  Acknowledgments: The work in this article has been supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).  ... 
doi:10.3390/safety7040072 fatcat:qd62mbismjhzdeuzdqrn2vp4xa

Application of Self-Organizing Maps in Text Clustering: A Review [chapter]

Yuan-Chao Liu, Ming Liu, Xiao-Long Wang
2012 Applications of Self-Organizing Maps  
The self-organizing map is proposed based on this idea, which is similar to the self-organization clustering process in human brain [23] [24] .  ...  Studies have shown that such a treatment will not have an adverse impact on the clustering quality. Then the feature space can be constructed by using the term set which comes from all these terms.  ... 
doi:10.5772/50618 fatcat:z7l5xyj2vbberm4lokkr5sbr3e

Dynamic Connectivity Mapping of Electrocorticographic Data using Bayesian Differential Structural Equation Modeling

Price LR
2016 Biometrics & Biostatistics International Journal  
Results of subjectspecific (intra-individual) relationship maps include effective, contemporaneous and delayed effective connections of across different brain regions.  ...  Advances in the sophistication of imaging techniques necessitate the development of techniques to model the neural and cognitive phenomena they represent.  ...  The organization of this manuscript is as follows. The first section briefly reviews SEM and the advantages of using Bayesian SEM in studies such as ours.  ... 
doi:10.15406/bbij.2016.04.00102 fatcat:tqcuv67lvjfepc3tae2dn4frfu

Minimally Supervised Learning using Topological Projections in Self-Organizing Maps [article]

Zimeng Lyu, Alexander Ororbia, Rui Li, Travis Desell
2024 arXiv   pre-print
In this work, we introduce a semi-supervised learning approach based on topological projections in self-organizing maps (SOMs), which significantly reduces the required number of labeled data points to  ...  The values estimated for newly-encountered data points are computed utilizing the average of the n closest labeled data points in the SOM's U-matrix in tandem with a topological shortest path distance  ...  Conclusion This paper proposed a minimally supervised learning algorithm based on topological projections in a self-organizing map (SOM).  ... 
arXiv:2401.06923v2 fatcat:qkjhofso6jel3itymdwhnombsa

Mapping the Diversity of Galaxy Spectra with Deep Unsupervised Machine Learning [article]

Hossen Teimoorinia, Finn Archinuk, Joanna Woo, Sara Shishehchi, Asa F.L. Bluck
2021 arXiv   pre-print
We propose and implement a deep unsupervised machine learning method to summarize the entire diversity of MaNGA spectra onto a 15x15 map (DESOM-1), where neighbouring points on the map represent similar  ...  Since morphological information was not used in the mapping algorithm, relating galaxy morphology to the star-formation histories encoded in the fingerprints is one example of how the DESOM maps can be  ...  This use case, namely studying the distribution of the baxels of a galaxy, builds on the above model.  ... 
arXiv:2112.03425v1 fatcat:5dhhaxwfw5azjpvue6kw2zsjhu
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