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The Stereotyping Problem in Collaboratively Filtered Recommender Systems [article]

Wenshuo Guo, Karl Krauth, Michael I. Jordan, Nikhil Garg
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Recommender systems play a crucial role in mediating our access to online information.  ...  We show that such algorithms induce a particular kind of stereotyping: if preferences for a set of items are anti-correlated in the general user population, then those items may not be recommended together  ...  Collaborative filtering and matrix factorization. Collaborative filtering (CF) is one of the most widely used methods for building large-scale recommender systems [15, 30] .  ... 
arXiv:2106.12622v2 fatcat:7l7rqxqjwffkpgdftgph5hkl2m

A multi-agent brokerage platform for media content recommendation

Bruno Veloso, Benedita Malheiro, Juan Carlos Burguillo
2015 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science  
The recommendation service is a rule-based switch hybrid filter, including six collaborative and two content-based filters.  ...  The proposed system provides, to our knowledge, an excellent holistic solution to the problem of recommending multimedia contents.  ...  Acknowledgment This work was partially supported by the ERDF-European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by national funds through FCT-Fundação  ... 
doi:10.1515/amcs-2015-0038 fatcat:wbcxrlu6bvc2len6wk4dt2ctle

Category-Based Filtering and User Stereotype Cases to Reduce the Latency Problem in Recommender Systems [chapter]

Mikael Sollenborn, Peter Funk
2002 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Collaborative filtering is an often successful method for personalized item selection in Recommender systems.  ...  Characterized by the system's inability to select recently added items, the latency problem appears because new items in a collaborative filtering system must be reviewed before they can be recommended  ...  Traditional Recommender systems also encounter the latency problem [9] , i.e. new items incorporated into a Recommender system cannot be used in collaborative recommendations before a substantial amount  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-46119-1_29 fatcat:cobdy3nsbzgsbdpaa5pdcjxvba


Bruno Veloso, Benedita Malheiro, Juan Carlos Burguillo, Jeremy Foss
2017 Figshare  
Typically, recommendation algorithms are unable to make recommendations for new users due to the inherent lack of information, i.e., the cold start problem.  ...  When compared with the standard average user stereotype, the results with the demographic stereotypes show a significant improvement in terms of classification accuracy,  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was partially financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (COM-PETE Programme), within  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.5067265.v1 fatcat:3uudxo3hnzgvnk2qj6h5t2wfpi

Application Domain and Functional Classification of Recommender Systems—A Survey

K. Nageswara Rao
2008 DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology  
To address the problem of information overload and to sift all available information sources for useful information, recommender systems or filtering systems have emerged.  ...  Filtering information or generation of recommendations by the recommender systems mimic the process of information retrieval systems by incorporating advanced profile building techniques, item/user representation  ...  Collaborative Filtering Systems The term collaborative filtering was coined by Doug Terry at Xerox PARC in the early nineties.  ... 
doi:10.14429/djlit.28.3.174 fatcat:yw6e6dms7jcdrl5i6kskma3amy

Toward User Profile Representation in Adapted Mediation Systems

Sara Ouaftouh, Ahmed Zellou, Ali Idri
2016 Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management  
for providing personalized information access in order to make a comparison and identify the most appropriate for our context in mediation systems.  ...  For the same purpose, mediation systems have to identify user preferences in order to offer him the most relevant information .In this work we discuss different representations of user profile models designed  ...  The principal disadvantage of Collaborative filtering systems is the Cold-Start problem which cannot produce recommendations if there are no ratings available.  ... 
doi:10.5220/0006043000810087 dblp:conf/ic3k/OuaftouhZI16 fatcat:3tejfdn3ljdibftyzqsyu2numu

Establishing User Profiles in the MediaScout Recommender System

Guy Shani, Lior Rokach, Amnon Meisles, Lihi Naamani, Nischal Piratla, David Ben-Shimon
2007 2007 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining  
The MediaScout recommender engine uses a novel stereotype-based recommendation engine. Upon the registration of new users the system must decide how to classify the new users to existing stereotypes.  ...  In this paper we present a method to achieve this classification through an anytime, interactive questionnaire, created automatically upon the generation of new stereotypes.  ...  Collaborative Filtering Collaborative filtering stems from the idea that people looking for recommendations often ask for the advise of friends.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cidm.2007.368912 dblp:conf/cidm/ShaniRMNPB07 fatcat:tgl77oapufhwppwreufxjbupue


Miquel Montaner, Beatriz López, Josep Lluís de la Rosa
2012 Artificial Intelligence Review  
The idea of personalized search engines, intelligent software agents, and recommender systems has been widely accepted among users who require assistance in searching, sorting, classifying, filtering and  ...  In this paper, we present a state-of-the-art taxonomy of intelligent recommender agents on the Internet.  ...  Acknowledgements Miquel Montaner wishes to express sincere appreciation to the people at Intelligent Software Agents Group in the Robotics Institute of the Carnegie Mellon University, where the major part  ... 
doi:10.1023/a:1022850703159 fatcat:ixurzjumvvaazkie5qshol6yii

Hybrid Adaptation of Web-Based Systems User Interfaces [chapter]

J. Sobecki
2004 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We can distinguish demographic, content-based, and collaborative recommendations. The combination of these approaches that is called hybrid adaptation enables to overcome their disadvantages.  ...  The interface adaptation is one of the methods for increasing the web-based system usability, especially when we consider differences among the population of users.  ...  Finally, the collaborative filtering uses the feedback from a set of some how similar people concerning a set of items in order to make recommendations.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-24688-6_66 fatcat:hurhzqpuffea3liwtalmhnbr2m

Social Network for Elderly

Simen Kind Gulbrandsen, Eirik Fikkan, Emil Grunt, Kjetil Mehl, Safoura Shamsolketabi, Jaspreet Singh, Miso Vrucinic, Bjørn Magnus Mathisen, Anders Kofod-Petersen
2012 International Conference on Innovations for Community Services  
The work presented here demonstrates ad esign and implementation of asocial network system for elderly,including arecommender system, which will recommend relevant cultural and social events, and friends  ...  The current projected scenario estimates that the median age of the population in the European Union will have risen to 48 years, up from 38.5 in 2005.  ...  Acknowledgements Parts of this work has been carried out in context of the co-living project, which is supported by the EU commission and the Research Council of Norway through the Ambient Assisted Living  ... 
dblp:conf/iics/GulbrandsenFGMSSVMK12 fatcat:ep54ifvhanbsvcixnwpcxmr7j4

Survey on Recommendation System

Lipi Shah, Hetal Gaudani, Prem Balani
2016 International Journal of Computer Applications  
Keywords Recommendation system, content based filtering, collaborative filtering , hybrid approach.  ...  The recommendation system (RS) is crucial in many applications on the web.  ...  Collaborative filtering is totally depends on similar neighbor in the system, but if these similar neighbors are not available in the system in the initial phase that is known as -cold-start‖ problem.  ... 
doi:10.5120/ijca2016908821 fatcat:r4vl4aqmw5edzgb7jf7okpx4ze

PNS: A Personalized News Aggregator on the Web [chapter]

Georgios Paliouras, Alexandros Mouzakidis, Vassileios Moustakas, Christos Skourlas
2008 Studies in Computational Intelligence  
In addition to the presentation of the basic system, we present here the results of a user study, indicating the merits of the system, as well as ways to improve it further.  ...  The system collects news from HTML and RSS Web documents by using source-specific information extraction programs (wrappers) and parsers, organizes them according to pre-defined news categories and constructs  ...  Their feedback is invaluable to us and we promise to do our best to improve the system in the directions that these comments point at.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-77471-6_10 fatcat:j4l7j7tmzbamfi3tr2gdmwz2cq

The Melvyl Recommender Project

Colleen Whitney, Lisa Schiff
2006 D-Lib Magazine  
RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS: CHARACTERISTICS, STRENGTHS, AND KNOWN PROBLEMS The term collaborative filtering was first introduced in 1992 by a Xerox PARC team experimenting with email filtering systems; early  ...  Recommender systems, typically in the form of either a collaborative filtering system (CF), a content-based filtering system (CBF), or a hybrid of the two (CF-CBF) offer the possibility of recommending  ...  Zhang, Xiangmin Issues of applying collaborative filtering recommendations in information retrieval This free server (including source code) allows anyone to easily set up a recommendation system.  ... 
doi:10.1045/december2006-whitney fatcat:nxqoitobcnetlpvcy3lul2ac7q

Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems

Michael D. Ekstrand
2011 Foundations and Trends® in Human–Computer Interaction  
Recommender systems are an important part of the information and e-commerce ecosystem. They represent a powerful method for enabling users to filter through large information and product spaces.  ...  Research in the field is moving in the direction of a richer understanding of how recommender technology may be embedded in specific domains.  ...  In describing use and evaluation of recommender systems, including collaborative filtering systems, we typically focus on two tasks.  ... 
doi:10.1561/1100000009 fatcat:34jiby3txreetnp2n4ew5q7swu

Personal recommender systems for learners in lifelong learning networks: the requirements, techniques and model

Hendrik Drachsler, Hans G.K. Hummel, Rob Koper
2008 International Journal of Learning Technology  
This article argues that there is a need for Personal Recommender Systems (PRSs) in Learning Networks (LNs) in order to provide learners advice on the suitable learning activities to follow.  ...  An initial model for the design of such systems in LNs and a roadmap for their further development are presented.  ...  Acknowledgement The Authors' efforts were (partly) funded by the European Commission in TENCompetence (IST-2004-02787) (http://www.tencompetence.org).  ... 
doi:10.1504/ijlt.2008.019376 fatcat:pphvihryvrhb5ewggairb46msm
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