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The MSIIP System for Dialog State Tracking Challenge 4 [chapter]

Miao Li, Ji Wu
2016 Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering  
This paper presents our approach for the Dialog State Tracking Challenge 4, which focuses on a dialog state tracking task on human-human dialogs. The system works in an turn-taking manner.  ...  A probabilistic enhanced frame structure is maintained to represent the dialog state during the conversation.  ...  The DSTC provides a common test bed for the dialog state tracking task. Different with the previous DSTC tasks, the DSTC4 task focus on a state tracking task on human-human dialogs.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-981-10-2585-3_38 fatcat:7pepc4nod5afbgm5g4m4ttp33a

Structured Dialogue State Management for Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems [article]

Anh Duong Trinh
The output of the dialogue state tracking component, so-called dialogue states, are a representation of the aspects of a dialogue relevant to the completion of a task up to that point, and should also  ...  Arguably the biggest challenge lies in the complexity of natural language and interpersonal communication, and the lack of human context and knowledge available to these systems.  ...  The ADAPT SFI Centre for Digital Media  ... 
doi:10.21427/xcmr-7n05 fatcat:733wqbfct5fjpjr6br5i5lsxpu