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The Impact of Typicality for Informative Representative Selection

Jawadul H. Bappy, Sujoy Paul, Ertem Tuncel, Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury
2017 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)  
In this work, typicality is used to identify a subset of the most informative samples for labeling, which is then used to update the model using active learning.  ...  In this paper, motivated by the theories in data compression, we propose a novel sample selection strategy which exploits the concept of typicality from the domain of information theory.  ...  This work was partially funded by NSF grant IIS-1316934 from the National Robotics Initiative.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr.2017.89 dblp:conf/cvpr/BappyPTR17 fatcat:w4a4yh2qvfepnd3yv7l6wgmzmm

Attitudes toward groups and behavioral intentions toward individual group members: The impact of nondiagnostic information

Steven Fein, James L Hilton
1992 Journal of Experimental Social Psychology  
In addition, the information that was relatively high in typical diagnosticity reduced the perceived representativeness of the party member more than did the information that was low in typical diagnosticity  ...  Moreover, the effect that individuating information had on the representativeness of the party member was correlated significantly with the impact that the information had on the consistency between subjects  ...  they affect the representativeness of the candidates, thus reducing the impact that more diagnostic information has on voting decisions.  ... 
doi:10.1016/0022-1031(92)90034-h fatcat:4axt7smb65dm5cwo5ujfq77cpm

An Information Theory Approach to Identifying a Representative Subset of Hydro-Climatic Simulations for Impact Modeling Studies

I.G. Pechlivanidis, H. Gupta, T. Bosshard
2018 Water Resources Research  
Therefore we recommend that any selection process should not be solely driven by climatic variables but, rather, should also consider variables of the impact model.  ...  Here a framework rooted in the information theoretic Maximum Information Minimum Redundancy concept is proposed for identifying a representative subset from an available ensemble of hydro-climatic projections  ...  on the manuscript; T.B. contributed with the basic idea, compilation of model outputs, supporting information figures, and commenting on the manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.1029/2017wr022035 pmid:30344354 pmcid:PMC6175403 fatcat:ezd6y4jvczclrapcflyjviyyiq

Development of a Pollution Prevention Tool for Design of Continuous Chemical Processes [chapter]

D. W. Pennington, P. L. Yue
1997 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
Performing a pollution prevention assessment of a chemical process design is typically resource intensive.  ...  A software prototype, P2TCP (Pollution Prevention Tool for Continuous Processes) is presented.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge the research funding of the project from the Sino Software Corporation and the contributions made by Dr. J. F. Porter and Dr. G. McKay.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-1-5041-2869-8_28 fatcat:woycunhbvvf5pgmp4zekpt6q2u

Surrogate species selection for assessing potential adverse environmental impacts of genetically engineered insect-resistant plants on non-target organisms

Keri Carstens, Bonifacio Cayabyab, Adinda De Schrijver, Patricia G Gadaleta, Richard L Hellmich, Jörg Romeis, Nicholas Storer, Fernando H Valicente, Michael Wach
2013 GM crops & food  
Opinions and views expressed in the present article are strictly those of the authors and do not represent those of the organizations where the authors are currently employed. www.landesbioscience.com  ...  Disclosure of Potential Conflict of Interest No potential conflict of interest was disclosed.  ...  conditions in the laboratory or greenhouse and typically involves the exposure of a select group of representative species to levels of the pesticide many times higher than levels expected from environmental  ... 
doi:10.4161/gmcr.26560 pmid:24637519 pmcid:PMC5033195 fatcat:s4g6km3r4va7jdjfxfmh2ba6my

Applying ISO 16840–2 Standard to differentiate impact force dissipation characteristics of selection of commercial wheelchair cushions

Martin Ferguson-Pell, Grace Ferguson-Pell, Farhood Mohammadi, Evan Call
2015 Journal of rehabilitation research and development  
Results from applying the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 16840-2 test method for determining the impact damping characteristics of 35 wheelchair cushions plus a high resilience (HR70  ...  Manufacturers will therefore be able to provide users and clinicians with information about the impact force dissipation properties of the cushions that will enable them to make more informed product choices  ...  Sample of Cushions Tested The ISO 16840-2 test method was applied to a large sample (36) of representative wheelchair cushions selected for a report on the characteristics of wheelchair cushions for the  ... 
doi:10.1682/jrrd.2014.04.0115 pmid:26230038 fatcat:xrigmpr6rbbwrotfgq6apjgzwu

A Weight Assignment Algorithm for Incomplete Traffic Information Road Based on Fuzzy Random Forest Method

Longhao Wang, Jing Wu, Rui Li, Yanjiao Song, Jiayue Zhou, Xiaoping Rui, Hanwei Xu
2021 Symmetry  
One of the keys in time-dependent routing is determining the weight for each road network link based on symmetrical and complete traffic information.  ...  Subsequently, the fuzzy reasoning method is used to obtain the weight of road links missing traffic information by calculating their similarities with typical road section samples.  ...  Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable. Data Availability Statement: The study did not report any data. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/sym13091588 fatcat:mhqvz25bpngsdouzvb2cspnbxa

Determinate Node Selection for Semi-supervised Classification Oriented Graph Convolutional Networks [article]

Yao Xiao, Ji Xu, Jing Yang, Shaobo Li
2023 arXiv   pre-print
The DNS algorithm identifies two categories of representative nodes in the graph: typical nodes and divergent nodes.  ...  In this paper, we propose an efficient method for the deterministic selection of labeled nodes: the Determinate Node Selection (DNS) algorithm.  ...  Acknowledgments This work has been supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China under grant XXX, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grants XXX and XXX.  ... 
arXiv:2301.04381v1 fatcat:uq6hy23jo5gvbknjhags6hspyu

A Broad, Quantitative Model for Making Early Requirements Decisions

Martin S. Feather, Steven L. Cornford, Kenneth A. Hicks, James D. Kiper, Tim Menzies
2008 IEEE Software  
His research interests include practical AI for software engineering, focusing on how to build and assess AI tools that find the least number of constraints that most effect a software project (the "less  ...  He is a member of the IEEE, a former research chair at the NASA IV&V facility, and co-chair of the Promise workshop on repeatable experiments in software engineering.  ...  Acknowledgments We conducted our research at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ms.2008.29 fatcat:gfohxr7pa5ekpjlscsaxkcrdia

Diversity and equality in honours and awards programs – steps towards a fair representation of membership

Mary Anne Holmes, LaToya Myles, Blair Schneider
2020 Advances in Geosciences  
committees; and ensuring selection committees focus on the criteria for the award rather than non-pertinent, often personal, information, as well as additional strategies that allow us to recognize our  ...  This network works wonderfully for the people lucky enough to be in it, but typically neglects the full range and breadth of scholarship and service within the society.  ...  We wish to thank Alberto Montanari and an anonymous reviewer for their helpful suggestions to improve the manuscript. Review statement.  ... 
doi:10.5194/adgeo-53-41-2020 fatcat:t7y43hpxhvh5hhopkwrm6wamne

Multi-Excitation Infrared Fusion for Impact Evaluation of Aluminium-BFRP/GFRP Hybrid Composites

Jue Hu, Hai Zhang, Stefano Sfarra, Stefano Perilli, Claudia Sergi, Fabrizio Sarasini, Xavier Maldague
2021 Sensors  
A new image fusion framework including feature extraction, feature selection and fusion steps is proposed to fully utilize the information from two excitation modalities.  ...  Features from different perspectives are compared and selected via intensity contrast on deformation area for fusion imaging.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s21175961 pmid:34502852 fatcat:jkutxtmg6vbvhin3popuahix3e

Measurement of Dynamic Behavior of Running- Specific Prostheses by an Impact Test

Hiroki Nakayama, Yuki Takahashi, Katsumasa Tanaka
2020 Proceedings (MDPI)  
The impact experiment was conducted to produce a typical ground foot strike contact, and to obtain the dynamic behavior of blades during and after impact.  ...  The objective of this study was to evaluate rebound characteristics for running-specific prostheses by quantifying their dynamic behavior by an impact experiment.  ...  Selection of the blade has no choice but to rely on subjective information, such as word-of-mouth information on the blade, catalog information provided by manufacturers and the types of blades used by  ... 
doi:10.3390/proceedings2020049145 fatcat:vrt2bpijfrhozmqg4bkcgvyfu4

Real-Time Mobility Analysis Through Google Maps

Ingmar Weber, Nan Tang, Soon-Gyo Jung, Rade Stanojevic, Noora Al-Emadi, Ji Lucas
2020 Zenodo  
A dashboard built for this data is being used by the Qatari Ministry of Public Health.  ...  fine-grained estimates of economic impact.  ...  For that day, the sum of live/recent information, shown in red, was 176, whereas the sum of normalized typical visit information, shown in blue, is 157.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3965385 fatcat:zz4whummtndy3pbm3u2szsdk4a

Economic Evaluations of School Sealant Programs and the Consent Conundrum

S.S. Huang, R. Niederman
2018 Journal of Dental Research  
The views presented in this publication are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health or the Patient-Centered Outcomes  ...  The authors declare no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the authorship and/or publication of this article.  ...  Assessing the impact of SSPs on school populations when the school population is not well represented in the sample is difficult.  ... 
doi:10.1177/0022034518806838 pmid:30354919 pmcid:PMC6900435 fatcat:jp67olnjr5h3fjt2eify6dychq

Monitoring air quality, objectives and design

Bjarne Sivertsen
2008 Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly  
The best possible definition of the air pollution problem, together with the analysis of the personnel, budget and equipment available, represent the basis for the final design.  ...  Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are an important tool, particular for the presentation of data.  ...  it is therefore necessary to locate monitoring stations so that they are representative for different impacts.  ... 
doi:10.2298/ciceq0803167s fatcat:vrgf4li7q5hwbiwn3oezjcmf2u
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