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Research on Decision Support Service Model based on Big Data

Ahmed Rizk, Beni Suef University
2018 International Journal of Smart Business and Technology  
decision support services based on the hypercycle theory.  ...  Based on the analysis of the research status and related concepts of big data alliances, decision support, service models in various countries, this paper reveals the coupling mechanism of big data alliance  ...  Introduction Big data, as another disruptive technological change in the IT industry after the Internet, the Internet of Things, mobile computing, and cloud computing, is leading a new wave of productivity  ... 
doi:10.21742/ijsbt.2018.6.2.05 fatcat:lrebe6klkbdr3iet6uqwgh54fy

The Mutual Information of University-Industry-Government Relations: An Indicator of the Triple Helix Dynamics [article]

Loet Leydesdorff
2009 arXiv   pre-print
University-industry-government relations provide a networked infrastructure for knowledge-based innovation systems.  ...  This infrastructure organizes the dynamic fluxes locally and the knowledge base remains emergent given these conditions.  ...  As in the case of the Internet, I searched the patent database for the number of occurrences of these terms in the file on a year-to-year basis. 8 For reasons of comparison with the Internet analysis in  ... 
arXiv:0912.1369v1 fatcat:6hlp3o542fhwfguwc6ohrfjx4e

Cities, Sustainability, and Complex Dissipative Systems. A Perspective

Gilberto C. Gallopín
2020 Frontiers in Sustainable Cities  
In the second section, conceptual aspects of the theory of dissipative structures are briefly introduced, focusing on dynamics and characteristic phenomena.  ...  Those trends, in addition to the emerging global problems, are interpreted in the light of the theory of dissipative structures, suggesting they could indicate the proximity of a bifurcation in the trajectory  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to thank the reviewers, some of which provided very constructive and useful comments on the first submitted version of this article.  ... 
doi:10.3389/frsc.2020.523491 fatcat:7dfqmqiecfh3ri3tsigs7vajiu

Developing brands and emerging markets: An empirical application

Philip C Zerrillo, Gregory Metz Thomas
2007 Place Branding and Public Diplomacy  
The framework is developed based upon a review of branding efforts and marketing theory.  ...  The authors present a place brand platform that can be used by developing nations to limit the cyclicality of demand, reliance on mass production, and the necessity for price competition.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank Sameer Kulkarni, Matt Duiven, Natica Trunsukranunt, and Miriam Moorman whose class paper served as an inspiration for this work  ... 
doi:10.1057/palgrave.pb.6000050 fatcat:tp3qsxjd2jekteqpvlbgv5ud2a

The robot and the human. Where's their similarity limit?
Робот и Человек. Где находится предел их сходства?

Genrikh R. Ivanitskii
2018 Physics Uspekhi  
It is shown that the primary goal of robot±human collaboration is to ensure dynamic stability under varying environmental conditions.  ...  Compared with the robotic computer brain', its human counterpart has a multilevel hierarchical organization, with information processing occurring at all levels Ð from the quantum up to the social.  ...  the desire to go deeper into the analysis of this important issue.  ... 
doi:10.3367/ufne.2018.03.038302 fatcat:ffvdt33yabeefjwrrs5fjf4wl4

Cognitive Constructivism and the Epistemic Significance of Sharp Statistical Hypotheses in Natural Sciences [article]

J.M. Stern
2020 arXiv   pre-print
We believe that this alternative perspective, complementary to the one ofered by decision theory, can provide powerful insights and make pertinent contributions in the context of scientific research.  ...  This metaphor has proven to be very useful, leading the development of Bayesian statistics since its XX-th century revival, rooted on the work of de Finetti, Savage and others.  ...  methods based on decision theoretic analysis.  ... 
arXiv:1006.5471v8 fatcat:v375ybolz5bkbe6ordmjnnulhi

Philosophy of Technoscience: From Cis-Continental to Trans-Continental [chapter]

Hub Zwart
2021 Philosophy of Engineering and Technology  
And finally, we outlined how Teilhard's views on the genesis of consciousness, self-consciousness and hyperconsciousness retrieve the historical (dialectical) dimension of phenomenology, thus allowing  ...  us to assess the present as a global unfolding of the noosphere.  ...  The Internet (which began as a project named ARPANET, funded by the U.S. military) can be regarded as one of the most notable results of this initiative.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-84570-4_8 fatcat:hg2qwr43f5eg7lko3sbsd5gswm

A Mathematical Model of Influence of the Interaction between Civilization Center and Barbarian Periphery on the World System Development

Grinin Leonid, Korotayev Andrey
2019 Zenodo  
One of the directions of this interdisciplinary search for the unity of the world in its diversity is Universal Evolutionism (Big History).  ...  The matter is that there are two kinds of history: the history of nature (or more exactly the Universe and the Earth) and the history of humans and mankind.  ...  Acknowledgements It is a pleasure to acknowledge the support and suggestions of Kees de Jager, Leonid Ksanfomality, and Barry Rodrigue.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3685877 fatcat:iq6hwb4l3bbnnlchdxmimazrya

A synthesis and a practical approach to complex systems

Nicolas Brodu
2009 Complexity  
A justification is then given for the development of practical tools and techniques for the investigation of complex systems.  ...  A methodology for the usage of these tools is finally suggested, illustrated by application examples.  ...  An on-going field of research concerns the development of new data-based mathematical techniques for time series analysis.  ... 
doi:10.1002/cplx.20239 fatcat:mom3fply6zeftfxlpsuk6kmjvu

Emergence of Primordial Sociality

Kent Palmer
2022 Zenodo  
Primordial Sociality is based on Wild Being. This is distinguished from Existential Sociality based on the Emergent Meta-system.  ...  of Wild Sociality that then appears on the surface of Ultra Sociality that is completely transcendent (height) or is represented by the utterly unconscious (depth).  ...  Language takes on the role of a control hypercycle to keep the group coordinated. But language takes on the form of an Oath in the Pledge group.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7653747 fatcat:hysf3qd7orbtnkedpfqghjzm5m

III international scientific conference. London. Great Britain. 22-23.12.2022

World Of Conferences
2022 Zenodo  
CHALLENGES AND PROBLEMS OF MODERN SCIENCE Proceedings of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference 22-23 December 2022 London, United Kingdom 2022  ...  Acknowledgments The author gratefully acknowledges the insights, comments, and assistance of Olga Ilyinichna Antonova.  ...  The main thing is not the training of specialists in industries aimed at solving problems that arise in society.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7486813 fatcat:2c4wwjehsjbinlcfzllwgn55qu

Abstracts from the Second Astrobiology Science Conference

2002 International Journal of Astrobiology  
In our coupled model, the photochemical code is based on the work by Schindler & Kasting. 1 The temperature profiles rely on a visible\near-IR radiative-transfer (RT) algorithm from Schindler & Kasting  ...  Remote sensing of planetary properties and biosignatures on extrasolar terrestrial planets Coupled radiative-photochemical calculations of the rise of atmospheric O 2 Kara Krelove $ Pennsylvania State  ...  all other criticisms in the Buseck et al. paper of our report of magnetite crystal chains in ALH84001 are based on error, on lack of familiarity with paleontological processes, or on misunderstanding of  ... 
doi:10.1017/s147355040200112x fatcat:csnt46qubrce5gwltddgsexgk4

Formal Similarities between Cybernetic Definition of Life and Cybernetic Model of Self-Consciousness: Universal Definition/Model of Individual

Bernard Korzeniewski
2013 Open Journal of Philosophy  
of) the world and 4) it is self-referential i.e. recurrently directed on itself (its own reproduction or representation, respectively).  ...  It is argued that the emergence of the biological level of reality from the physical level and of the psychical level from the biological level is closely analogous.  ...  Acknowledgements I am grateful to Guy Brown for a stimulating discussion and suggestions of changes in the text.  ... 
doi:10.4236/ojpp.2013.32049 fatcat:gawl4gf24zb6lde26nbwpfbl4m

On Security Analysis of Periodic Systems: Expressiveness and Complexity

Musab Alturki, Tajana Kirigin, Max Kanovich, Vivek Nigam, Andre Scedrov, Carolyn Talcott
2021 Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy   unpublished
This includes Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 (I4.0) and the underlying communication between sensors and controllers.  ...  We model the presence of various levels of threats to the system by proposing a range of intruder models, based on the number of actions intruders can use.  ...  -15-1-2047 and by the University of Pennsylvania.  ... 
doi:10.5220/0010195100430054 fatcat:gzu3z26i7rectciq2l56nzvomq

The self-organization of cyberprotest

C. Fuchs
2006 WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies   unpublished
Self-organization is a process where a system reproduces itself with the help of its own logic and components, i.e. the system produces itself based on an internal logic.  ...  how Giddens' structuration theory fits into the framework of a theory of social self-organization cf. 21].  ...  Cyberprotest is a global hypercycle of the socio-technological Internet system and the protest system.  ... 
doi:10.2495/is060271 fatcat:je2ysguwhnatbccz55a5ixshvu
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