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The Absent-Minded Driver Problem Redux [article]

Subhash Kak
2017 arXiv   pre-print
This paper reconsiders the problem of the absent-minded driver who must choose between alternatives with different payoff with imperfect recall and varying degrees of knowledge of the system.  ...  The classical absent-minded driver problem represents the case with limited information and it has bearing on the general area of communication and learning, social choice, mechanism design, auctions,  ...  This paper reexamines the problem of the absent-minded driver.  ... 
arXiv:1702.05778v1 fatcat:3deac27tjbbepanogy3xefwh4e

Hardware Watermarking for Finite State Machines, with Symmetric Circuit Encryption [article]

James Gil de Lamadrid, Seonho Choi
2022 arXiv   pre-print
We then discuss the difficulty of the problem associated with cracking our watermark circuit. This analysis shows that, with full implementation, our method can be made quite secure.  ...  In circuitry, including additional circuitry that is hard to produce, one must contend with the prospect of increasing power consumption of the circuit, decreasing the speed of the circuit, and introducing  ...  Reconstructing the REDUX To illustrate the complexity of the problem, we assume that the REDUX is an LP R(k).  ... 
arXiv:2203.12097v1 fatcat:jopygainefhxxglk6hic7thxpi

The Wheelchair and the Whale: Disability and the End of the World [chapter]

Dan Holloway
2023 Worlds Ending. Ending Worlds  
We think of disabled people as simplybeing absent from manyidealised visions of the future. But it is more complicated.  ...  Such am odel might rest on ideas comingf rom realised eschatology,w hich recognises disabled bodies and minds as part of the community of an ideal world.  ...  These are two not so different visions of ad ivided end of the world: Heavens in which the disabled are absent unless our bodies and minds are transformed into vehicles more suitedt ot he surroundings.  ... 
doi:10.1515/9783110787009-013 fatcat:lvup4chptbepnk2krrb4oymrce

Writing Russia's Future: Paradigms, Drivers, and Scenarios

Edwin Bacon
2012 Europe-Asia Studies  
of key drivers.  ...  empirical versus the ideological and cultural as key drivers in shaping the future.  ...  Absent the specific setting of the business or policy worlds, academic scenarists tend to the development of a limited number of scenarios without the need for a normative, problem-based response. identified  ... 
doi:10.1080/09668136.2012.698046 fatcat:izaikiekafejfhl7etzf5fjhjy

Autobahn: using genetic algorithms to infer strictness annotations

Yisu Remy Wang, Diogenes Nunez, Kathleen Fisher
2016 SIGPLAN notices  
The ghc compiler for Haskell has optimizations to reduce those costs, but the optimizations are not sufficient.  ...  Users examine the suggested annotations for soundness and can instruct AUTOBAHN to automatically produce modified sources.  ...  Acknowledgments We thank Norman Ramsey for teaching the course that inspired this project. We thank Nathan Ricci for providing the gcSimulator use case.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3241625.2976009 fatcat:molxpvirinb6vby5esvn6sqd7e

Byrd v United States: Unauthorized Drivers of Rental Cars Have Fourth Amendment Rights? Not as Evident as It Seems

Tracey Maclin
2019 The Supreme court review  
No discerning student of the Supreme Court would contend that Justice Anthony Kennedy broadly interpreted the Fourth Amendment during his thirty years on the Court.  ...  King was criticized by individuals and organizations across the political spectrum, 3 and it has been characterized as "a Tracey Maclin is Professor of Law, Boston University School of Law.  ...  After narcotics were discovered on Brown, an officer said to Drayton, "Mind if I check you?"  ... 
doi:10.1086/702282 fatcat:56ld5oeigrfyjiihcg6emafxx4

Can Sharing Be Taxed?

Shu-Yi Oei, Diane M. Ring
2015 Social Science Research Network  
The past few years have seen the rise of a new model of production and consumption of goods and services, often referred to as the "sharing economy."  ...  We argue that, contrary to the claims of some commentators, the application of substantive tax law to sharing is mostly (though not completely) clear, because current law generally contains the concepts  ...  Thus, though arguably not the prime driver of the design, regulatory realities were presumably not absent entirely from initial business conversations either.  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.2570584 fatcat:5fynmvqqcfccncvl752va6c234


2013 English Linguistics  
The discussions in this paper strengthen the argument that step-by-step procedures explain language.*  ...  This article is a revised and extended version of the paper I presented at the 29th Conference of the English Linguistic Society of Japan (held at Niigata University, November 2011) and which I subsequently  ...  This prediction is confirmed by the following data: (45) a. * Of which car did the (driver, picture) cause a scandal? b. *Of which car did the driver run in the park?  ... 
doi:10.9793/elsj.30.1_75 fatcat:wwwovkogp5ganmqqobprotptue

Full Disclosure: Cognitive Science, Informants, and Search Warrant Scrutiny

Mary Bowman
2012 Social Science Research Network  
., Inside the Judicial Mind, 86 CORNELL L. REV. 777, 804-05 (2001) [hereinafter Guthrie et al., Judicial Mind]. 266 . 266 Rodney J.  ...  Black and Hispanic informants."' 3 9 The article then detailed findings that confirmed the disproportionate number of stops for Black and Hispanic drivers as compared to White drivers, and the higher incidences  ...  This information must be provided based on the knowledge of all officers involved in the investigation in any way who have had contact with the informant.  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.2191780 fatcat:cstvtpvgxjhuno2kritty4aawq

Resurrection from a Death Sentence: Why Capital Sentences Should Be Commuted upon the Occasion of an Authentic Ethical Transformation

B. Douglas Robbins
2001 University of Pennsylvania law review  
It is a problem of the law generally, id., and a philosophical quandary of other minds, see supra Part I.B (discussing the problem of other minds within the context of character retributivism). 2 See  ...  Murphy concedes that the very backbone of the criminal law, the mens rea requirement, faces "nontrivial cognitive problems" from an other minds charge.  ...  ter-the-fact error, as it might be called, where the new man who once desened his punishment now does not.  ... 
doi:10.2307/3312991 fatcat:nfwitlaykbhsvcgbs6luecnja4

Sustainably unpersuaded

Hronn Brynjarsdottir, Maria Håkansson, James Pierce, Eric Baumer, Carl DiSalvo, Phoebe Sengers
2012 Proceedings of the 2012 ACM annual conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI '12  
We then detail problems that emerge from this narrowing of vision, such as how the framing of sustainability as the optimization of a simple metrics places technologies incorrectly as objective arbiters  ...  We conclude by suggesting alternative approaches to move beyond these problems.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Funded in part by NSF Grants IIS-1018340, IIS-1049405, ISS-0847293 and the Hans Werthén Foundation.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2207676.2208539 dblp:conf/chi/BrynjarsdottirHPBDS12 fatcat:l2e5dvsm2jb7ln63wyufwdjasi

How knowledge deficit interventions fail to resolve beginning farmer challenges

Adam Calo
2017 Agriculture and Human Values  
use the term "Central Coast" to refer to the growing regions of Santa Cruz, San Benito, and Monterey counties in California.  ...  The beginning farmer "movement": good food redux?  ...  With these structural barriers in mind, I analyze the efforts aimed at solving beginning farmer problems by analyzing the funded proposals of the BFRDP.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10460-017-9832-6 fatcat:pkqz6kfhhfa7zmpiuzlvkz2ppq

Resistance Redux

Dennis K. Mumby, Robyn Thomas, Ignasi Martí, David Seidl
2017 Organization Studies  
The last 15 years have witnessed renewed interest in resistance in and around organizations.  ...  We offer four fields of possibility for resistance scholarship: individual infrapolitics, collective infrapolitics, insubordination, and insurrection (the "Four I's" of Resistance).  ...  The driver criticized Kalanick for changes in Uber's business model that had hurt his ability to make a living.  ... 
doi:10.1177/0170840617717554 fatcat:awh3blpe5jfj7jdg73f2ixzpym

The Foundation Review 8.2 Full Issue

2016 The Foundation Review  
The Place-Based Initiative Life Span Redux • Set the table for establishing trust.  ...  With this in mind, the first question to consider is the type of grant the board is interested in evaluating.  ...  stalled the development of the field.  ... 
doi:10.9707/1944-5660.1308 fatcat:xaxghg2annez5gumkcxlcph73e

Scientific Culture and Educational Research

Michael J Feuer, Lisa Towne, Richard J Shavelson
2002 Educational Researcher  
And yet there is trepidation in the ranks.  ...  And it is another matter still to know if and how the field should respond; this is our topic. In this article we make the following arguments: 1.  ...  to disciplined, creative, and open-minded thinking.  ... 
doi:10.3102/0013189x031008004 fatcat:dcgr6nyhfbeq5o5c72q6jyxa4e
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