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Temporal information extraction from clinical text

Julien Tourille, Olivier Ferret, Xavier Tannier, Aurelie Neveol
2017 Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Volume 2, Short Papers  
In this paper, we present a method for temporal relation extraction from clinical narratives in French and in English.  ...  Related Work Temporal information extraction from clinical texts has been the topic of several shared tasks over the past few years.  ...  Introduction Temporal information extraction from electronic health records has become a subject of interest, driven by the need for medical staff to access medical information from a temporal perspective  ... 
doi:10.18653/v1/e17-2117 dblp:conf/eacl/FerretTNT17 fatcat:kke3464swzggxlycvuad6wbwta

A hybrid system for temporal information extraction from clinical text

Buzhou Tang, Yonghui Wu, Min Jiang, Yukun Chen, Joshua C Denny, Hua Xu
2013 JAMIA Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association  
Objective To develop a comprehensive temporal information extraction system that can identify events, temporal expressions, and their temporal relations in clinical text.  ...  This project was part of the 2012 i2b2 clinical natural language processing (NLP) challenge on temporal information extraction.  ...  Institute (NHLBI), and by award number 1R13LM01141101 from the NLM.  ... 
doi:10.1136/amiajnl-2013-001635 pmid:23571849 pmcid:PMC3756274 fatcat:c2punx4abngdlp2mjveldyuriu

UtahBMI at SemEval-2016 Task 12: Extracting Temporal Information from Clinical Text

Abdulrahman AAl Abdulsalam, Sumithra Velupillai, Stephane Meystre
2016 Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2016)  
The 2016 Clinical TempEval continued the 2015 shared task on temporal information extraction with a new evaluation test set.  ...  Acknowledgments We would like to thank the Mayo clinic and the 2016 Clinical TempEval challenge organizers for providing access to the clinical corpus, and arranging NLP shared task.  ...  Conclusion Temporal information extraction and reasoning from clinical text remains a challenging task.  ... 
doi:10.18653/v1/s16-1195 dblp:conf/semeval/AbdulsalamVM16 fatcat:q3xtfniikzho5lymkeiutx7an4

Investigating the Challenges of Temporal Relation Extraction from Clinical Text

Diana Galvan, Naoaki Okazaki, Koji Matsuda, Kentaro Inui
2018 Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis  
We explore to adapt the tree-based LSTM-RNN model proposed by Miwa and Bansal (2016) to temporal relation extraction from clinical text, obtaining a five point improvement over the best 2016 Clinical TempEval  ...  tasks of event and time expressions but poorly in temporal relation extraction, showing a gap of around 0.25 point below human performance.  ...  Up to now, there have been several attempts on tackling temporal relation extraction from clinical text mostly led by the Clinical TempEval challenges.  ... 
doi:10.18653/v1/w18-5607 dblp:conf/acl-louhi/GalvanOMI18 fatcat:ou2gb4gcl5crvarry5psyezq4e

TNorm: A Pattern Learning Approach for Temporal Expression Classification and Normalization from Chinese Narrative Clinical Texts (Preprint)

Xiaoyi Pan, Boyu Chen, Heng Weng, Yongyi Gong, Yingying Qu
2019 JMIR Medical Informatics  
The goal of the study was to propose a novel approach for extracting and normalizing temporal expressions from Chinese narrative clinical text.  ...  This study illustrates an automatic approach, TNorm, that extracts and normalizes temporal expression from Chinese narrative clinical texts.  ...  Thus, extraction and normalization of temporal information from these unstructured texts is exceedingly valuable for clinical timeline construction as well as diagnosis procedure identification for clinical  ... 
doi:10.2196/17652 pmid:32716307 fatcat:3dvqvqev2rf2jopuvyf27yjlj4

Temporal reasoning over clinical text: the state of the art

Weiyi Sun, Anna Rumshisky, Ozlem Uzuner
2013 JAMIA Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association  
Scope We review the major applications of text-based temporal reasoning, describe the challenges for software systems handling temporal information in clinical text, and give an overview of the state of  ...  Objectives To provide an overview of the problem of temporal reasoning over clinical text and to summarize the state of the art in clinical natural language processing for this task.  ...  ; (2) extraction of temporal information from natural language text; and (3) temporal inference over the extracted information.  ... 
doi:10.1136/amiajnl-2013-001760 pmid:23676245 pmcid:PMC3756277 fatcat:e4ehiljfcfekhlklclj2lbiebe

A pattern learning-based method for temporal expression extraction and normalization from multi-lingual heterogeneous clinical texts

Tianyong Hao, Xiaoyi Pan, Zhiying Gu, Yingying Qu, Heng Weng
2018 BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making  
Though a variety of commonly used NLP tools are available for medical temporal information extraction, few work is satisfactory for multi-lingual heterogeneous clinical texts.  ...  Methods: A novel method called TEER is proposed for both multi-lingual temporal expression extraction and normalization from various types of narrative clinical texts including clinical data requests,  ...  A comprehensive system for extracting temporal information from clinical texts was proposed by Tang et al. [20] .  ... 
doi:10.1186/s12911-018-0595-9 pmid:29589563 pmcid:PMC5872502 fatcat:jjux5wwb4jfcxlz32jo6ndfpku

Current Development and Technology in the Information Extraction for Clinical Narrative Text

Yan Ge
2015 International Journal of Computer Science and Application  
The information extractions from clinical narrative text are more complicated than those from other biomedical texts, such as books, articles, literature abstracts, and so on.  ...  In this paper, we review recent published researches on the implication and technology of information extraction from free-text clinical narratives.  ...  Typical Systems for Information Extraction from Clinical Narrative Text There are many software systems support information extraction from clinical text.  ... 
doi:10.12783/ijcsa.2015.0402.01 fatcat:4cch3i72jjbo5hvnbbssvwnnpi

Recognizing Temporal Information in Korean Clinical Narratives through Text Normalization

Youngho Kim, Jinwook Choi
2011 Healthcare Informatics Research  
In this paper, we describe an approach that can be used to extract the temporal information found in Korean clinical narrative texts.  ...  of human efforts were needed to deliver information from the text.  ...  A number of approaches and systems have been developed to extract temporal information from natural language texts. Most of their work aimed to extract temporal information from the newswire text.  ... 
doi:10.4258/hir.2011.17.3.150 pmid:22084809 pmcid:PMC3212741 fatcat:g6v6bsf6tjfn5kfztqmedqgx7e

Temporal Relation Extraction in Clinical Texts

Yohan Bonescki Gumiel, Lucas Emanuel Silva e Oliveira, Vincent Claveau, Natalia Grabar, Emerson Cabrera Paraiso, Claudia Moro, Deborah Ribeiro Carvalho
2022 ACM Computing Surveys  
Therefore, we propose a review of temporal relation extraction in clinical texts.  ...  The publication of several studies on temporal relation extraction from clinical texts during the last decade and the realization of multiple shared tasks highlight the importance of this research theme  ...  Temporal Relation Extraction Example In this section, we provide an example in Figure 1 to justify the benefit of extracting temporality from clinical texts.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3462475 fatcat:gfeitsdyungmvnfyowf6tjshee

CMedTEX: A Rule-based Temporal Expression Extraction and Normalization System for Chinese Clinical Notes

Zengjian Liu, Buzhou Tang, Xiaolong Wang, Qingcai Chen, Haodi Li, Junzhao Bu, Jingzhi Jiang, Qiwen Deng, Suisong Zhu
2017 AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings  
The goal of this study was to analyze the challenges of temporal expression (TE) extraction and normalization in Chinese clinical notes by assessing the performance of a rule-based system developed by  ...  Compared with HeidelTime for Chinese newswire text, our system is much better, indicating that it is necessary to develop a specific TE extraction and normalization system for Chinese clinical notes because  ...  In the clinical domain, there also have been a few temporal information extraction systems.  ... 
pmid:28269878 pmcid:PMC5333232 fatcat:adqnh3vxezdqhont27rf2uscym

Recognition of Time Expressions in Spanish Electronic Health Records

Marjan Najafabadipour, Massimiliano Zanin, Alejandro Rodríguez-González, Consuelo Gonzalo-Martín, Beatriz Nuñez García, Virginia Calvo, Juan Luis Cruz Bermudez, Mariano Provencio, Ernestina Menasalvas
2019 Zenodo  
Therefore, in this paper we propose a Temporal Tagger for identifying and normalizing time expressions appeared in Spanish clinical texts.  ...  clinical texts, written in this particular language.  ...  SUTime [16] [17], a pattern-based extraction annotator, is basically developed for retrieval of time information from English free texts.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2871454 fatcat:2zv6yollz5d2bhjrqhty2y4eey

Extracting temporal constraints from clinical research eligibility criteria using conditional random fields

Zhihui Luo, Stephen B Johnson, Albert M Lai, Chunhua Weng
2011 AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings  
In this paper, we present an ontology-based approach to extracting temporal information from clinical research eligibility criteria.  ...  We manually annotated 150 free-text eligibility criteria using the temporal labels and trained a parser using Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) to automatically extract temporal expressions from eligibility  ...  We thank Mary Regina Boland for her help on the evaluation of the temporal ontology.  ... 
pmid:22195142 pmcid:PMC3243135 fatcat:2i47bqpih5hkpgtelijqa35o3q

Task-Oriented Extraction of Temporal Information: The Case of Clinical Narratives

R. Gaizauskas, H. Harkema, M. Hepple, A. Setzer
2006 Thirteenth International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME'06)  
Most recent work on temporal relation extraction from text has addressed text drawn from the newswire domain and has attempted to extract all temporal relational information, as specified by proposed temporal  ...  about times of clinical investigations (X-rays, ultrasounds, etc.) from clinic letters.  ...  Introduction While the task of extracting all the temporal information from a text is a worthwhile long term objective for natural language analysis, there may be many cases where extracting limited information  ... 
doi:10.1109/time.2006.27 dblp:conf/time/GaizauskasHHS06 fatcat:x7fjlgh7aze4phvw25wpcyjal4

A Text Structuring Method for Chinese Medical Text Based on Temporal Information

2018 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health  
This paper proposes a novel text structuring method to extract knowledge from EMR texts and reorganize them in chronological order according to the temporal information in the text.  ...  Chinese Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) contains a large number of complex medical free text which includes a variety of information, such as temporal information, patients' symptoms and laboratory data  ...  Extracting data from text is an important way to structure the text data. However, some information from data may be missed during the extraction process.  ... 
doi:10.3390/ijerph15030402 pmid:29495428 pmcid:PMC5876947 fatcat:dpdyclallfagpigy7qk3ixtfsi
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