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Optimised Image Autofocusing For Polarimetric Isar

Marco Martorella
2006 Zenodo  
Publication in the conference proceedings of EUSIPCO, Florence, Italy, 2006  ...  In particular, ISAR image focusing takes advantage from a fully polarimetric radar.  ...  The parameters of the simulations are shown in table I Results A comparison of the ISAR images that are obtained by using single channel ISAR processing and fully polarimetric ISAR processing are shown  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.53301 fatcat:cv3rntmwbve6fcszvcucbkw7ia

Robustness of features for automatic target discrimination in high-resolution polarimetric SAR data

Albertus C. van den Broek, Rob J. Dekker, Phillippe Steeghs, Edmund G. Zelnio, Frederick D. Garber
2003 Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery X  
We have studied the robustness of features against aspect variability for the purpose of target discrimination using polarimetric 35 Ghz ISAR data.  ...  For the study we composed several feature vectors out of individual features extracted from the images. The features are divided into three categories: radiometric, geometric and polarimetric.  ...  For the first case we calculated fully polarimetric images for 794 aspect angles with a resolution of 10 cm from the ARL-ISAR data.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.484885 fatcat:rtzgowxqnbf3zno2zwxnjjocom

Target detection and recognition with polarimetric SAR

Rob J. Dekker, Albertus C. van den Broek, Robert Trebits, James L. Kurtz
2000 Radar Sensor Technology V  
From the SAR images we conclude that polarimetric features can be useful to discriminate targets from clutter.  ...  Examples are polarimetric decomposition techniques, of which two have been explored using the ISAR data.  ...  The benefit of polarimetry at even higher resolutions has been investigated by using US fully polarimetric ISAR data. The organisation of the paper is as follows.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.391848 fatcat:dqcs4ezlrrcpln4qosedrme27q

CLEAN Technique for Polarimetric ISAR

M. Martorella, A. Cacciamano, E. Giusti, F. Berizzi, B. Haywood, B. Bates
2008 International Journal of Navigation and Observation  
This paper addresses the problem of estimating the position and the scattering vector of target scattering centres from polarimetric ISAR images.  ...  To reduce the amount of data processed by the classifier, scattering centres are extracted from the ISAR image and used for classifying and recognising targets.  ...  The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the Defense Advanced Research  ... 
doi:10.1155/2008/325279 fatcat:jyx4vetgu5cm5l5bjdsup3472q

Target Recognition by Means of Polarimetric ISAR Images

M. Martorella, E. Giusti, L. Demi, Z. Zhou, A. Cacciamano, F. Berizzi, B. Bates
2011 IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems  
Moreover, the use of fully polarimetric radar systems in radar imaging applications such as SAR and ISAR has enhanced both image quality and classification capabilities.  ...  Automatic target recognition (ATR) is generally the reason why inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging systems are employed.  ...  The main novelty in the proposed approach lies in the use of fully polarimetric ISAR images.  ... 
doi:10.1109/taes.2011.5705672 fatcat:nigm2hpgwffjdbhucijboy7vem

DVB-S based passive polarimetric ISAR – methods and experimental validation

Iole Pisciottano, Fabrizio Santi, Debora Pastina, Diego Cristallini
2020 IEEE Sensors Journal  
In this work, we focus on passive polarimetric ISAR for ship target imaging using DVB-S signals of opportunity.  ...  ISAR images at each polarimetric channel.  ...  for target classification.  ... 
doi:10.1109/jsen.2020.3037091 fatcat:daqhtxlthrattj26catq6zomkm

Applying Polarimetric Target Decomposition to 2D Turntable ISAR Imagery of a Complex Vehicle

Sevket Demirci, Raffaele Solimene
2022 International Journal of Antennas and Propagation  
The capabilities of polarimetric target decomposition in SAR-based ATR applications are investigated by using 2D turntable ISAR imagery of a T-72 tank.  ...  For a more detailed description of scattering mechanisms, either the Cameron or eigenvector/eigenvalue decomposition can be employed since their classification images are shown to be mostly consistent  ...  Conclusions e feasibility of using polarimetric target decomposition in wide-angle SAR/ISAR imaging-based ATR applications was evaluated by means of experimental ISAR data of a T-72 tank.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/1233714 fatcat:5es6s2gmb5cb5afqpy6v66m6hu

Interpretation and Analysis of Target Scattering from Fully-Polarized ISAR Images Using Pauli Decomposition Scheme for Target Recognition

S. Demirci, O. Kirik, C. Ozdemir
2020 IEEE Access  
An assessment of polarimetric inverse synthetic aperture radar (Pol-ISAR) imaging is accomplished for realistic target models with the use of our recently developed high-frequency radar crosssection simulator  ...  First, the intensity images in linear and circular polarization bases are directly utilized to evaluate the data quality and to characterize target features for classification.  ...  For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3018868 fatcat:n3wahplktzbrnoyd4nmtwfah5q

Polarimetric Characterization and Temporal Stability Analysis of Urban Target Scattering

G. Margarit, J.J. Mallorqui, L. Pipia
2010 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing  
This paper studies the polarimetric-dispersion properties of urban targets and their evolution along time in terms of the geometrical configuration.  ...  The relations between target geometry and the scattering behavior have been defined through the analysis of large stacks of simulated images.  ...  There, the marked target symmetry has made possible the development of a new classification approach [15] , [20] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/tgrs.2009.2035052 fatcat:ivnshf2vjbgoli4rcuvqlpx4bu

A Fast ISAR Tomography Technique for Fully Polarimetric 3-D Imaging of Man-Made Targets

Kejiang Wu, Xiaojian Xu
2021 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing  
In this work, we propose a fast ISAR tomography technique for fully polarimetric 3-D imaging of man-made targets.  ...  The 3-D inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) tomography is an enabling technique for applications such as the exact diagnosis of scattering mechanisms for complex targets.  ...  In this article, we focus on developing a new ISAR tomography technique for fully polarimetric 3-D imaging of man-made targets.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tgrs.2021.3097725 fatcat:73uj6hbp6fce5nf2kyqocmhz3q

Superresolution Polarimetric ISAR Imaging Based on 2D CP-GTD Model

Da-hai Dai, Jing-ke Zhang, Xue-song Wang, Shun-ping Xiao
2015 Journal of Sensors  
This paper presented a new approach to superresolution ISAR imaging based on a scattering model called coherent polarized geometrical theory of diffraction (CP-GTD) which is better matched to the physical  ...  The superiority of the CP-GTD is verified by experiment results based on simulated and real data.  ...  Acknowledgments This work is supported partly by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (no. 61302143) and National High-Tech R&D Program of China (no. 2013AA122202).  ... 
doi:10.1155/2015/293141 fatcat:vlh7jzb6ljhh5mr3ync2bqhcma

On the Usage of GRECOSAR, an Orbital Polarimetric SAR Simulator of Complex Targets, to Vessel Classification Studies

Gerard Margarit, Jordi J. Mallorqui, Juan M. Rius, Jesus Sanz-Marcos
2006 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing  
Index Terms-Coherent target decompositions (CTD), polarimetric inverse SAR (POLISAR), polarimetric SAR (POLSAR), SAR image shifts, SAR simulation, ship classification, synthetic aperture radar (SAR).  ...  Several simulated polarimetric images are presented to analyze the potentialities of coherent target decompositions for classifying complex geometries, thus basing an operational algorithm.  ...  Armon for providing the blueprints of the Spanish fishing vessel, A. Smith (Phoenix Systems) for useful comments on SAR image distortions, and GiD's supporting team for the free licenses.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tgrs.2006.881120 fatcat:f4twaxliuzbprgzy66c6gb2oiy

MSA System Concept for Mediterranean Sea Surveillance

Fabrizio Berizzi, Amleto Gabellone, Enzo Dalle Mese, Amerigo Capria, Marco Martorella, Walter Matta
2011 Information & Security An International Journal  
It presents analysis of the main potentials and limits of existing Maritime Surveillance Systems (MSSs) operating on the Mediterranean Sea and identified technology gaps.  ...  The paper concludes with a few considerations on signal processing and data fusion techniques, required for the implementation of the MSA system capabilities.  ...  Figure 3 : 3 Four channels polarimetric ISAR images. Figure 4 : 4 Polarimetric ISAR images. R=HH+VV, G=HH-VV, B=2HV Figure 5 : 5 2D HF radar architecture.  ... 
doi:10.11610/isij.2717 fatcat:2al574jvevcnpjgd2o6ntqfmlu

Unsupervised classification of multifrequency and fully polarimetric SAR images based on the H/A/Alpha-Wishart classifier

L. Ferro-Famil, E. Pottier, Jong-Sen Lee
2001 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing  
These classification schemes are applied to full polarimetric P, L, and C-band SAR images of the Nezer Forest, France, acquired by the NASA/JPL AIRSAR Sensor in 1989.  ...  A (6 6) polarimetric coherency matrix is defined to simultaneously take into account the full polarimetric information from both images.  ...  His research covers a wide spectrum of areas from radar image processing (SAR, ISAR), polarimetric scattering modeling, supervised/unsupervised polarimetric segmentation and classification to fundamentals  ... 
doi:10.1109/36.964969 fatcat:oo34eztyo5dnbpht3nwzdqnf7u

Quantitative comparison of classification capability: fully polarimetric versus dual and single-polarization SAR

Jong-Sen Lee, M.R. Grunes, E. Pottier
2001 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing  
This paper addresses the land-use classification capabilities of fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) versus dual-polarization and single-polarization SAR for P-, L-, and C-Band frequencies  ...  A variety of polarization combinations will be investigated for application to crop and tree age classification.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the NASA JPL AIRSAR Team for their sustained effort in providing valuable polarimetric SAR data.  ... 
doi:10.1109/36.964970 fatcat:wndld3fcmbd5regrsdwi4dsj7a
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