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Parallel computing works!

Marcin Paprzycki
1996 IEEE Parallel & Distributed Technology Systems & Applications  
A Hierarchical Scheme for Surface Recon- struction and Discontinuity Detection Vision (both biological and computer-based) is a complex process that can be characterized by multiple stages where the  ...  Importantly, the use of a template-based methodology does not imply a degradation in the numerical quality of the model equations or solution method used.  ...  The data available for the tracking task consist, essentially, of line of sight measurements from various sensing platforms to individual objects in the target ensemble at (fairly) regular time intervals  ... 
doi:10.1109/mpdt.1996.7102339 fatcat:r6x46zu2pfd4rin4qpzt7ftqqq

Bioaerosol detection through simultaneous measurement of particle intrinsic fluorescence and spatial light scattering [article]

John E. Barton, UH Research Archive, UH Research Archive
Traditional bio-detection methods have generally slow response times and require the use of reagents.  ...  Conversely, techniques based on light scattering phenomena are reagent-free and are able to operate in real-time.  ...  Detection and sampling methods for bioaerosols The most commonly used detection and identification techniques involve a two step process.  ... 
doi:10.18745/th.14272 fatcat:j4ymb43k4vb67ankn2k27vunhm