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TIE Breaking: Tunable Interdomain Egress Selection

Renata Teixeira, Timothy G. Griffin, Mauricio G. C. Resende, Jennifer Rexford
2007 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking  
In this paper, we propose a flexible mechanism for routers to select the egress point for each destination prefix, allowing network administrators to satisfy diverse goals, such as traffic engineering  ...  The separation of intradomain and interdomain routing has been a key feature of the Internet's routing architecture from the early days of the ARPAnet.  ...  TIE: TUNABLE INTERDOMAIN EGRESS SELECTION In this section, we propose a mechanism for selecting an egress point for each ingress router and destination prefix in a network.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tnet.2007.893877 fatcat:sgpmdvtkmvadhfgrdrvfu2krnq

Network Protocols Designed for Optimizability

Jennifer Rexford
2006 2006 40th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems  
Designing a communication network is a challenging task that requires selecting a network topology, as well as specific protocols and mechanisms, to meet current and future demands.  ...  As an another example, the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)the interdomain routing protocol for the Internet-has a tie-breaking rule that depends on the order the router learns about candidate paths.  ...  A more flexible egress-selection mechanism would allow each router to select the egress point based on a weighted sum of the link weights and a constant term.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ciss.2006.286491 fatcat:bsirx253ond3hgjw5syoamsmyu

Dynamics of hot-potato routing in IP networks

Renata Teixeira, Aman Shaikh, Tim Griffin, Jennifer Rexford
2004 Proceedings of the joint international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems - SIGMETRICS 2004/PERFORMANCE 2004  
point of ✄ ; then, when the path cost to ✄ changes to ✞ ✟ ✞ , ✆ selects egress point ☎ .  ...  Despite the architectural separation between intradomain and interdomain routing in the Internet, intradomain protocols do influence the path-selection process in the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).  ...  For example, the final tie-breaks in the BGP decision process vary from vendor to vendor.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1005686.1005723 dblp:conf/sigmetrics/TeixeiraSGR04 fatcat:ewjzztjw5bgwjkhcvamter4gwi

Dynamics of hot-potato routing in IP networks

Renata Teixeira, Aman Shaikh, Tim Griffin, Jennifer Rexford
2004 Performance Evaluation Review  
When choosing between multiple equally-good BGP routes, a router selects the one with the closest egress point, based on the intradomain path cost.  ...  Despite the architectural separation between intradomain and interdomain routing in the Internet, intradomain protocols do influence the path-selection process in the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).  ...  For example, the final tie-breaks in the BGP decision process vary from vendor to vendor.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1012888.1005723 fatcat:76k3bstpcres3odwtqvmfhhjmy

BGP-XM: BGP eXtended Multipath for transit Autonomous Systems

Jose M. Camacho, Alberto García-Martínez, Marcelo Bagnulo, Francisco Valera
2013 Computer Networks  
This algorithm can be combined with different multipath selection algorithms, such as the K-BESTRO (K-Best Route Optimizer) tunable selection algorithm proposed in this paper.  ...  Multipath interdomain routing has been proposed to enable flexible traffic engineering for transit Autonomos Systems (ASes).  ...  In order to select multiple paths and perform multipath routing, the path selection and tie-break rules must be modified.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2012.11.011 fatcat:zgpvencsxbdurghsovu2cffmra