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TAI-SARNET: Deep Transferred Atrous-Inception CNN for Small Samples SAR ATR

Zilu Ying, Chen Xuan, Yikui Zhai, Bing Sun, Jingwen Li, Wenbo Deng, Chaoyun Mai, Faguan Wang, Ruggero Donida Labati, Vincenzo Piuri, Fabio Scotti
2020 Sensors  
To solve the problem, an effective lightweight Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model incorporating transfer learning is proposed for better handling SAR targets recognition tasks.  ...  improving the model's recognition performance on small sample SAR target datasets.  ...  [45] propose a method for classification of small samples based on deep CNN.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s20061724 pmid:32204506 pmcid:PMC7146637 fatcat:zgag5vn4l5abvjktxuplcnxpei

SAR Target Recognition via Meta-Learning and Amortized Variational Inference

Ke Wang, Gong Zhang
2020 Sensors  
The challenge of small data has emerged in synthetic aperture radar automatic target recognition (SAR-ATR) problems.  ...  Most SAR-ATR methods are data-driven and require a lot of training data that are expensive to collect.  ...  The model was also compared with deep transferred atrous-inception synthetic aperture radar network (TAI-SARNET), TAI-SARNET with transfer learning (TAI-SARNET-TF), and MobileNet.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s20205966 pmid:33096933 fatcat:clkcauglbfeurnvnblxnkzfuni