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Datacenter network based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical System optical switching

Weicheng Jiang, Lanying Li, Yong Li, Weishu Guo
2017 Proceedings of the 2017 7th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2017)   unpublished
Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) optical switching technology is an idea for the network. In this paper, MEMS optical switch is used to construct the datacenter network.  ...  The size of datacenter is growing rapidly. Datacenter network faces enormous challenges in the communication capabilities.  ...  Acknowledgements This work was financially supported by the Education Department of Sichuan Province (16ZB0412) and the Engineering & Technical College of Chengdu University of Technology (C122015007).  ... 
doi:10.2991/icmse-17.2017.3 fatcat:tmxiap5gejhqtmok62es72c5t4

End-to-end demonstration of optical multicasting over a dynamically-reconfigurable hybrid data center network architecture

Howard Wang, Yiting Xia, Kunwadee Sripanidkulchai, Sambit Sahu, T.S. Eugene Ng, Keren Bergman
2013 2013 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series  
A hybrid data center network architecture featuring reconfigurable optical functionalities is presented and evaluated on an end-to-end test bed.  ...  "Switching the Optical Divide: Fundamental Challenges for Hybrid Electrical/Optical Datacenter Networks," In Proc. of SOCC'11: ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, Cascais, Portugal, Oct. 2011.  ...  To overcome this challenge, recent work has reimagined the data center network through the hybridization of electronic packetswitching with optical circuit switching [1, 2] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/phosst.2013.6614528 fatcat:blvrb32wujaxpdkwvgpfq3hcuy


Guohui Wang, David G. Andersen, Michael Kaminsky, Konstantina Papagiannaki, T.S. Eugene Ng, Michael Kozuch, Michael Ryan
2010 Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2010 conference on SIGCOMM - SIGCOMM '10  
In particular, we propose a hybrid packet and circuit switched data center network architecture (or HyPaC for short) which augments the traditional hierarchy of packet switches with a high speed, low complexity  ...  We discuss the fundamental requirements of this hybrid architecture and their design options.  ...  Acknowledgments: We thank Richard Gass of Intel Labs Pittsburgh for his help setuping up the experiments.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1851182.1851222 dblp:conf/sigcomm/WangAKPNKR10 fatcat:gzsr42sdbrahnnlu7xfg7mrvjy


Guohui Wang, David G. Andersen, Michael Kaminsky, Konstantina Papagiannaki, T.S. Eugene Ng, Michael Kozuch, Michael Ryan
2010 Computer communication review  
In particular, we propose a hybrid packet and circuit switched data center network architecture (or HyPaC for short) which augments the traditional hierarchy of packet switches with a high speed, low complexity  ...  We discuss the fundamental requirements of this hybrid architecture and their design options.  ...  Acknowledgments: We thank Richard Gass of Intel Labs Pittsburgh for his help setuping up the experiments.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1851275.1851222 fatcat:slrqs7wuenartlf53547as4oem

Measurement-Driven Algorithm and System Design for Wireless and Datacenter Networks

Varun Gupta
The growing number of mobile devices and data-intensive applications pose unique challenges for wireless access networks as well as datacenter networks that enable modern cloud-based services.  ...  In the first part of this thesis, we address the challenge of wireless content delivery in crowded areas.  ...  Furthermore, using OCS in data centers avoids unnecessary optical-electrical-optical conversions at the electronic packet switches.  ... 
doi:10.7916/d8gb2gh3 fatcat:3nuw6fof3jeqhbsrlc54m47dfq

Bandwidth steering in HPC using silicon nanophotonics

George Michelogiannakis, Larry Dennison, Keren Bergman, Yiwen Shen, Min Yee Teh, Xiang Meng, Benjamin Aivazi, Taylor Groves, John Shalf, Madeleine Glick, Manya Ghobadi
2019 Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis on - SC '19  
Such improvements magnify as we taper the bandwidth of the upper network layer.  ...  As bytes-per-FLOP ratios continue to decline, communication is becoming a bottleneck for performance scaling.  ...  Once configured, SiP switches are "pass-through" in that they perform no OEO (Optical-Electrical-Optical) conversions or computation on passing traffic.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3295500.3356145 dblp:conf/sc/Michelogiannakis19 fatcat:6kxjskmv2ndldlspfv3aknitwe

Network Function Virtualization: A Survey

2017 IEICE transactions on communications  
Papers on NFs are classified as offering solutions for software switches or middleboxes.  ...  Our conclusions are that with the current level of investment in NFV from cloud and Internet service providers, the promised cost savings are likely to be realized, though many challenges remain.  ...  For example, Xia et al. [58] focused on a service chaining problem in an electrical/optical hybrid data center.  ... 
doi:10.1587/transcom.2016nni0001 fatcat:sufxpiozcbbtnek2ao7gpxfgtu

Towards converged, collaborative and co-automatic (3C) optical networks

Yuefeng Ji, Jiawei Zhang, Xin Wang, Hao Yu
2018 Science China Information Sciences  
We discuss the challenges, timely works, and developing trends. Finally, we give the future visions for optical network towards a collaborative, converged and co-automatic optical network.  ...  Collaboration between multiple advanced techniques is leading the way for the development of future information networks.  ...  Transport network (PTN), automatically switched optical network (ASON) to elastic optical network (EON).  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11432-018-9551-8 fatcat:vu5dj7mh3ve4xoh2g3kxnhdaha

Trends in big data analytics

Karthik Kambatla, Giorgos Kollias, Vipin Kumar, Ananth Grama
2014 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing  
Characteristics of hardware platforms and the software stack fundamentally impact data analytics.  ...  Beyond their sheer magnitude, these datasets and associated applications' considerations pose significant challenges for method and software development.  ...  As an example of a hybrid electrical/optical switch, Helios [32] is an architecture promising significant reductions in the number of switching elements, cabling, cost, and power consumption.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jpdc.2014.01.003 fatcat:2v52tvp4tff7xh3cma5gdnlxgq

Electronic Bottleneck Suppression in Next-generation Networks with Integrated Photonic Digital-to-analog Converters [article]

Jiawei Meng, Mario Miscuglio, Jonathan K. George, Aydin Babakhani, Volker J. Sorger
2019 arXiv   pre-print
Importantly, this photonic DAC could create seamless interfaces of next-generation data processing hardware for data-centers, task-specific compute accelerators such as neuromorphic engines, and network  ...  A photonic DAC implementation, in contrast, enables a seamless signal conversion with respect to both energy efficiency and short signal delay, often require bulky discrete optical components and electric-optic  ...  switching networks or provide interfaces to information preprocessors and classifiers at the edge of the network.  ... 
arXiv:1911.02511v3 fatcat:7cefnf7qv5hrhgbobmqsf656oq

Artificial intelligence-driven autonomous optical networks: 3S architecture and key technologies

Yuefeng Ji, Rentao Gu, Zeyuan Yang, Jin Li, Hui Li, Min Zhang
2020 Science China Information Sciences  
and diverse network infrastructures pose great challenges in the optical network management and maintenance for the network operators.  ...  In Section 5, the challenges hidden from the AI-driven applications and the outlook for the furthering related researches are discussed. Finally, the AI-driven optical networks are drawn conclusion.  ...  The datacenter network of hybrid electro-optical structure uses both optical circuit switching (OCS) and electrical packet switching (EPS).  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11432-020-2871-2 fatcat:vrxcbkn5zzcshh5a4an5hyayvm

Costly Circuits, Submodular Schedules: Hybrid Switch Scheduling for Data Centers [article]

Shaileshh Bojja Venkatakrishnan, Mohammad Alizadeh, Pramod Viswanath
2015 arXiv   pre-print
Hybrid switching - in which a high bandwidth circuit switch (optical or wireless) is used in conjunction with a low bandwidth packet switch - is a promising alternative to interconnect servers in today's  ...  Circuit switches offer a very high link rate, but incur a non-trivial reconfiguration delay which makes their scheduling challenging.  ...  The authors would like to thank Prof. Chandra Chekuri and Prof. R. Srikant for the many helpful discussions.  ... 
arXiv:1512.01271v2 fatcat:rm2nvspk5favpk5qbmnw3pme44

Report of the Third Global Experimentation for Future Internet (GEFI 2018) Workshop [article]

Mark Berman, Timur Friedman, Abhimanyu Gosain, Kate Keahey, Rick McGeer, Ingrid Moerman, Akihiro Nakao, Lucas Nussbaum, Kristin Rauschenbach, Violet Syrotiuk, Malathi Veeraraghavan, Naoaki Yamanaka
2019 arXiv   pre-print
Major topic areas included: softwareization and virtualization of radios and networks; testbed support for networking experiments; EdgeNet; a federated testbed of elastic optical networks; and reproducibility  ...  Workshop outcomes include a variety of new and ongoing collaborative efforts, ranging from an agreement to pursue the development of optical "white boxes" in support of elastic optical testbeds to the  ...  This imposes a challenge on network resource management, in both intra-datacenter and inter-datacenter network.  ... 
arXiv:1901.02929v1 fatcat:nyzqaop4tjfo3djh4zmpakrepa

A Survey of Big Data Machine Learning Applications Optimization in Cloud Data Centers and Networks [article]

Sanaa Hamid Mohamed, Taisir E.H. El-Gorashi, Jaafar M.H. Elmirghani
2019 arXiv   pre-print
This survey article reviews the challenges associated with deploying and optimizing big data applications and machine learning algorithms in cloud data centers and networks.  ...  However, the increasing traffic between and within the data centers that migrate, store, and process big data, is becoming a bottleneck that calls for enhanced infrastructures capable of reducing the congestion  ...  All data are provided in full in the results section of this paper.  ... 
arXiv:1910.00731v1 fatcat:kvi3br4iwzg3bi7fifpgyly7m4

Photonic Multiply-Accumulate Operations for Neural Networks

Mitchell A. Nahmias, Thomas Ferreira De Lima, Alexander N. Tait, Hsuan-Tung Peng, Bhavin J. Shastri, Paul R. Prucnal
2019 IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics  
We characterize the performance of photonic and electronic hardware underlying neural network models using multiply-accumulate operations.  ...  First, we investigate the limits of analog electronic crossbar arrays and on-chip photonic linear computing systems.  ...  This has motivated the development of fiber optic technology in telecommunication networks and now, interconnections in datacenters and processors [62] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/jstqe.2019.2941485 fatcat:3hcdk56dgfasxm77dyviuutkou
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