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Visual Data Mining

Stephen G. Eick, Daniel A. Keim
2002 SIGKDD Explorations  
a one-day workshop on Visual Data Mining was held in conjunction with the KDD-2001 conference. About 50 people attended the workshop, mostly from industry with some academics.  ...  The audience included both data mining algorithm experts and visualization specialists.  ...  The approaches considered addressed dimensional scalability, reducing data sizes via algorithms, and packing more information into the visual presentation by exploiting pixel-based techniques.  ... 
doi:10.1145/507515.507526 fatcat:g7tp26a275epviswbfuhxdqrhm

An Overview of Interaction Techniques and 3D Representations for Data Mining [chapter]

Ben Said, Guillet Fabrice, Richard Paul, Blanchard Julien, Picarougne Fabie
2012 Applications of Virtual Reality  
In addition, we survey representative works on the use of 3D and VR interaction techniques in the context of KDD. Finally, we present possible directions for future research.  ...  In Section 4, we provide an overview of the current state of research concerning 3D visual representations. In Section 5, we present our motivation for interaction techniques in the context of KDD.  ...  An Overview of Interaction Techniques and 3D Representations for Data Mining, Applications of Virtual Reality, Dr.  ... 
doi:10.5772/37263 fatcat:ohd4wsmwbjgc7avdhxnbqe2bne

Developing an open knowledge discovery support system for a network environment

C. Diamantini, D. Potena, M. Panti
2005 Proceedings of the 2005 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, 2005.  
, can help in the design of an effective support system for Knowledge Discovery in Databases in network environments.  ...  of granularity, from the use of a single tool, to the management of whole, distributed, KDD projects.  ...  (see also [13] for an extensive survey), without considering the KDD process as a whole.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iscst.2005.1553323 dblp:conf/cts/DiamantiniPP05 fatcat:bvxiv25yq5bkrnr2qr3s4dj2ia

Seismo-Surfer: A Prototype for Collecting, Querying, and Mining Seismic Data [chapter]

Yannis Theodoridis
2003 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Collecting and querying seismic data is a procedure useful for local authorities in order to keep citizens informed as well as for specialized scientists, such as seismologists, physicists etc., in order  ...  Thus, a spatiotemporal database system, a set of data analysis and knowledge discovery techniques and a userfriendly visualization interface, compose the Seismo-Surfer, a prototype that, further to the  ...  Acknowledgements The author wishes to thank the anonymous referees for their comments.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-38076-0_11 fatcat:ow7eo2zvdjfkpgpdp6ogkf22de

A Taxonomy and Survey of Intrusion Detection System Design Techniques, Network Threats and Datasets [article]

Hanan Hindy and David Brosset and Ethan Bayne and Amar Seeam and Christos Tachtatzis and Robert Atkinson and Xavier Bellekens
2018 arXiv   pre-print
These taxonomies and surveys aim to improve both the efficiency of IDS and the creation of datasets to build the next generation IDS as well as to reflect networks threats more accurately in future datasets  ...  Alongside these challenges, the number of threats is rising exponentially due to the attack surface increasing through numerous interfaces offered for each service.  ...  A Taxonomy and Survey of Intrusion Detection System Design Techniques, Network Threats and Datasets :9 A Taxonomy and Survey of Intrusion Detection System Design Techniques, Network Threats  ... 
arXiv:1806.03517v1 fatcat:d6vf2i7gkzbjvm6zb7s6hqcn2e

KDD Support Services Based on Data Semantics [chapter]

Claudia Diamantini, Domenico Potena, Maurizio Panti
2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In this paper, we present an approach to the characterization of semantic domain information for a particular kind of KDD process: classification.  ...  In order to successfully achieve such a complex goal, many kinds of semantic information about the KDD and business domains is necessary.  ...  His vision of semantics in the KDD field deeply inspired and guided our research.  ... 
doi:10.1007/11603412_9 fatcat:e57bkak2cjet3oqub6oeerg2wm

A survey of data mining and knowledge discovery software tools

Michael Goebel, Le Gruenwald
1999 SIGKDD Explorations  
In this paper, we provide an overview of common knowledge discovery tasks and approaches to solve these tasks.  ...  Finally, we specify features that we consider important for knowledge discovery software to possess in order to accommodate its users effectively, as well as issues that are either not addressed or insufficiently  ...  Users usually are teams of analysis experts (with expertise in KDD technology) and domain experts (with extensive knowledge of the application domain). 3) Fully exploitation of KDD technology within the  ... 
doi:10.1145/846170.846172 fatcat:733gyr2r2vbexp6zw5eq5f347e

A Security Threats Taxonomy for Routing System Intrusion Detection

Fu Miao, Zhenxing Wang, Yi Guo, Liancheng Zhang
2016 2016 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS)  
These taxonomies and surveys aim to improve both the efficiency of IDS and the creation of datasets to build the next generation IDS as well as to reflect networks threats more accurately in future datasets  ...  Alongside these challenges, the number of threats is rising exponentially due to the attack surface increasing through numerous interfaces offered for each service.  ...  A Taxonomy and Survey of Intrusion Detection System Design Techniques, Network Threats and Datasets :9 A Taxonomy and Survey of Intrusion Detection System Design Techniques, Network Threats  ... 
doi:10.1109/cis.2016.0068 dblp:conf/cis/MiaoWGZ16 fatcat:qp7rz34u3fbhhlvfxl5nakdewe

Semantic Web in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: A Comprehensive Survey

Petar Ristoski, Heiko Paulheim
2016 Social Science Research Network  
The survey shows that, while there are numerous interesting research works performed, the full potential of the Semantic Web and Linked Open Data for data mining and KDD is still to be unlocked.  ...  This survey article gives a comprehensive overview of those approaches in different stages of the knowledge discovery process.  ...  Acknowledgment The work presented in this paper has been partly funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under grant number PA 2373/1-1 (Mine@LOD).  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.3199217 fatcat:flyrsd5wonfqhbxbqmyfb7u25e

An Application-Based Review of Recent Advances of Data Mining in Healthcare

Saeed Shirazi, Hamed Baziyad, Hamed Karimi
2020 Journal of biostatistics and epidemiology  
Data mining as an integral part of the knowledge discovery in database (KDD) has gained significant attention over the past few years.  ...  By and large, data mining is the process of finding interesting structures in a considerably voluminous amount of data.  ...  Moreover, an applicationbased paper for the usage of data mining applications in healthcare could be informative for further researches of scientists.  ... 
doi:10.18502/jbe.v5i4.3864 fatcat:gxb6tfvr6rcwdpsbtpmxcpikbi

Investigating and reflecting on the integration of automatic data analysis and visualization in knowledge discovery

Enrico Bertini, Denis Lalanne
2010 SIGKDD Explorations  
In particular it looks at strengths and weaknesses of information visualization (infovis) and data mining, and for which purposes researchers in infovis use data mining techniques and reversely how researchers  ...  in data mining employ infovis techniques.  ...  There is no reason in principle not to use the same technique in information visualization to allow for verification of extracted patterns.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1809400.1809404 fatcat:qoigohdou5f2foqcw3xkjytcdy

Semantic Web in data mining and knowledge discovery: A comprehensive survey

Petar Ristoski, Heiko Paulheim
2016 Journal of Web Semantics  
The survey shows that, while there are numerous interesting research works performed, the full potential of the Semantic Web and Linked Open Data for data mining and KDD is still to be unlocked.  ...  This survey article gives a comprehensive overview of those approaches in different stages of the knowledge discovery process.  ...  Acknowledgment The work presented in this paper has been partly funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under grant number PA 2373/1-1 (Mine@LOD).  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.websem.2016.01.001 fatcat:yz26fm667jbtbgzmdvd4hswopi

A knowledge discovery in databases approach for industrial microgrid planning

Carlos Gamarra, Josep M. Guerrero, Eduardo Montero
2016 Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews  
doi:10.1016/j.rser.2016.01.091 fatcat:53wr2iknkzdw7nbvboszefaryy

Formal Concept Analysis in Knowledge Discovery: A Survey [chapter]

Jonas Poelmans, Paul Elzinga, Stijn Viaene, Guido Dedene
2010 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We use the visualization capabilities of FCA to explore the literature, to discover and conceptually represent the main research topics in the FCA community.  ...  As a case study, we zoom in on the 140 papers on using FCA in knowledge discovery and data mining and give an extensive overview of the contents of this literature.  ...  Acknowledgements Jonas Poelmans is aspirant of the ''Research Foundation -Flanders" or "Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek -Vlaanderen''.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-14197-3_15 fatcat:e2d6pofivza6pcyn72m3tjrbda

Implementation of ML Algorithm's for Cyber Security

Mohammad Asif, Prof. E. M. Chirchi
2021 International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology  
Since information are so critical in ML/DL strategies, we portray a portion of the normally utilized system datasets utilized in ML/DL, examine the difficulties of utilizing ML/DL for digital security  ...  As system movement, action is one of the principle characteristics of malware and botnet task, activity investigation is frequently observed as one of the key methods for recognizing traded off machines  ...  Entities that become arbiters of information are bigger targets for exploitation, but are also in the perfect position to make use of the data and their user base to achieve better security.  ... 
doi:10.32628/cseit217416 fatcat:6ayyuqblnjb5rm7ksurmksejr4
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