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Dynamic Characteristics of the End-effector of a Drilling Robot for Aviation

Ying Xu
2018 International Journal of Materials Science and Applications  
This study discusses the dynamic stiffness of the End-effector of a drilling robot for aircraft.  ...  In view of the requirements of automatic drilling processing for aircraft parts, based on the analysis of the working process of the automatic drilling End-effector, the End-effector of drilling unit has  ...  Acknowledgements This paper is one of the periodic achievements of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51365042) and The Project Sponsored by the Scientific Research Foundation  ... 
doi:10.11648/j.ijmsa.20180705.14 fatcat:ig2ca2lbzveh7d2kjj4xvu5h5u

A combined vertical accuracy compensation method for automatic drilling and riveting of aircraft panels with variable curvatures

Junshan Hu, Jie Jin, Yueya Wu, Shanyong Xuan, Wei Tian
2023 Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing and Special Equipment  
method combines online and offline compensation categories in a robot riveting and drilling system.  ...  is suitable for improving the vertical accuracy of drilling and riveting on panels or skins of aerospace products with great variable curvatures without introducing extra measuring sensors.  ...  The end effector used for drilling and riveting: (a) tool coordinate system (TCP) of end effector and (b) laser displacement sensors on end effector Figure 4.  ... 
doi:10.1108/jimse-10-2022-0019 fatcat:n5nhtvue2vcoxe2egvmwdu6r2e

An End-to-End Inclination State Monitoring Method for Collaborative Robotic Drilling Based on Resnet Neural Network

Lu Qian, Peifeng Liu, Hao Lu, Jian Shi, Xingwei Zhao
2024 Sensors  
However, the inherent weaknesses of low rigidity and variable rigidity in robots bring detrimental effects to surface quality and drilling efficiency.  ...  To this end, an end-to-end drilling-state monitoring framework is developed in this paper, where the drilling quality can be monitored through online-measured vibration signals.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. Sensors 2024, 24, 1095  ... 
doi:10.3390/s24041095 pmid:38400253 pmcid:PMC10893434 fatcat:z47msod4qbdqzj33negq3dlhdi

Auto-normalization algorithm for robotic precision drilling system in aircraft component assembly

Wei Tian, Weixue Zhou, Wei Zhou, Wenhe Liao, Yuanfan Zeng
2013 Chinese Journal of Aeronautics  
A novel approach is proposed to detect the normal vector to product surface in real time for the robotic precision drilling system in aircraft component assembly, and the auto-normalization algorithm is  ...  Firstly, the deviation between the normal vector and the spindle axis is measured by the four laser displacement sensors installed at the head of the multi-function end effector.  ...  They would also like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their critical and constructive review of the manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.cja.2013.02.029 fatcat:qwxyy2god5bibeaum4xzctz2uy

Base Detection Research of Drilling Robot System by Using Visual Inspection

Zhanxi Wang, Jing Bai, Xiaoyu Zhang, Xiansheng Qin, Xiaoqun Tan, Yali Zhao
2018 Journal of Robotics  
This paper expounds the principle and method of calibration and base detection by using the visual measurement system for detection and correction of installation error between workpiece and the robot  ...  of the theoretical hole drilling robot.  ...  2016KTZDGY4-12), and the "111 Project" of China (Grant no.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2018/8767531 fatcat:zhimza6pojexzewymboiqqu4wu

Positioning error compensation of an industrial robot using neural networks and experimental study

Bo Li, Wei Tian, Chufan Zhang, Fangfang Hua, Guangyu Cui, Yufei Li
2021 Chinese Journal of Aeronautics  
Finally, a series of experiments of the KUKA KR 500-3 industrial robot with no-load and drilling scenarios are implemented to validate the proposed method.  ...  In this paper, a neural-network-based approach is proposed to improve the robots' positioning accuracy.  ...  It is worthwhile notic-588 ing that in the drilling experiment, the end-effector of the robot 589 is composed of a drilling tool driven by a motorized spindle 590 and a pressure foot driven by a feed motor  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.cja.2021.03.027 fatcat:mahbulonvng7rhapsebtko7dcm

A Mobile Climbing Robot for High Precision Manufacture and Inspection of Aerostructures

T. S. White, R. Alexander, G. Callow, A. Cooke, S. Harris, J. Sargent
2005 The international journal of robotics research  
We describe the mechanical platform, which utilizes vacuum for attachment to vertical and overhanging surfaces, and a traction system that enables rapid movement of the robot over planar and curved surfaces  ...  In this paper we describe the design, development, and experimental trials of a climbing robot for manufacturing and inspection applications within the aerospace industry.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank several colleagues who have supported the work: Billy Beggs of BAE SYSTEMS Advanced Technology Demonstrator Centre for his vision and foresight in development  ... 
doi:10.1177/0278364905055701 fatcat:twgu7f54cnccfae25d4qtglkwe

Development of innovative automated solutions for the assembly of multifunctional thermoplastic composite fuselage

Sadik L. Omairey, Sofia Sampethai, Luka Hans, Chris Worrall, Stuart Lewis, Daniele Negro, Tariq Sattar, Eduardo Ferrera, Elena Blanco, John Wighton, Leo Muijs, Sebastiaan L. Veldman (+4 others)
2021 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology  
AbstractIn this study, the development of innovative tooling and end-effector systems for the assembly of a multifunctional thermoplastic fuselage is presented.  ...  The process of developing these systems including the end-user requirements, technical challenges, tooling and end-effectors design and manufacturing process are detailed in this paper.  ...  Robotic arm To reach all welding spots required for the floor beam to frame and fuselage assembly, this end-effector uses a robotic arm attached to the gantry system from one end, and to the gripper system  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00170-021-07829-2 fatcat:pdcwt4bfh5brjjhzd64g3yoyfy

Corrective Shared Autonomy for Addressing Task Variability [article]

Michael Hagenow, Emmanuel Senft, Robert Radwin, Michael Gleicher, Bilge Mutlu, Michael Zinn
2021 arXiv   pre-print
One flexible solution is to introduce the input of a human with superior experience and cognitive abilities as part of a shared autonomy policy.  ...  However, current methods for shared autonomy are not designed to address the wide range of necessary corrections (e.g., positions, forces, execution rate, etc.) that the user may need to provide to address  ...  Other end-effectors, such as a roller for composite layup, require that the end-effector (e.g. roller) is consistent with the direction of motion. C.  ... 
arXiv:2102.07165v1 fatcat:e5zag5mpv5bnzj6po6phfqonga

A Point Cloud-Based Feature Recognition and Path Planning Method

Changhong Chen, Shaofeng Wang, Shunzhou Huang, Chengwei Fei
2022 Shock and Vibration  
When the number of features to be inspected is different, the average moving distance can be saved by 10.7% by using the end effector after path optimization.  ...  The feasibility of in situ automatic ultrasonic phased array detection for irregular porous castings using by visual positioning is verified.  ...  Ren [16] proposed a general pose testing method of industrial robot. is testing method is illustrated with a KUKA KR210 R2700 industrial robot with a drilling end effector. e pose accuracy and repeatability  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/1050038 fatcat:gwgfvz3vp5covfa66c5mecfz5u

Robot Protection in the Hazardous Environments [chapter]

Weidong Wang, Wenrui Gao, Siyu Zhao, Wenwu Cao, Zhijiang Du
2017 Robots Operating in Hazardous Environments  
The purpose of this chapter is to present several protection approaches for rescue robots in the hazardous conditions. And four types of rescue robots are presented, respectively.  ...  First, design factors and challenges of the rescue robots are analyzed and indicated for these accidents.  ...  Museum (shown in Figure 14 ) and other places for fire drills to testifying the validation of this robot and the protection technology.  ... 
doi:10.5772/intechopen.69619 fatcat:hyt6ybin4zfodavwozy2ke5wqu

Variable Stiffness Identification and Configuration Optimization of Industrial Robots for Machining Tasks

Jiachen Jiao, Wei Tian, Lin Zhang, Bo Li, Junshan Hu, Yufei Li, Dawei Li, Jianlong Zhang
2022 Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering  
In addition, by analyzing the redundant kinematic characteristics of the robot machining system, a configuration optimization method is further developed to maximize the index.  ...  Studying robot stiffness characteristics and optimization methods is an effective method of improving the stiffness performance of a robot.  ...  The roughness of the surface was R a 2.356, as measured using a roughness meter (Sanfeng SJ-210).  ... 
doi:10.1186/s10033-022-00778-1 fatcat:bah4a2jan5aktjrd42hkljyphi

Force Sensing for Multi-Legged Walking Robots: Theory and Experiments Part 1: Overview and Force Sensing [chapter]

A. Schneider, U. Schmucker
2006 Mobile Robotics, Moving Intelligence  
of the characteristic beam length to the end-effector size.  ...  In 1974, a hexapod with legs arranged radially about a central vertical axis was made in the Aviation Instrument Institute in Saint-Petersburg.  ...  Games like soccer are a good example which comprise many of the aforementioned challenges in a single comprehensive and in the same time entertaining framework.  ... 
doi:10.5772/4734 fatcat:xetc5x3i4vd2nan2gh5fun3zmi

Improved human–robot team performance through cross-training, an approach inspired by human team training practices

Stefanos Nikolaidis, Przemyslaw Lasota, Ramya Ramakrishnan, Julie Shah
2015 The international journal of robotics research  
We first present a computational formulation of the robot mental model, which encodes the sequence of robot actions necessary for task completion and the expectations of the robot for preferred human actions  ...  We design and evaluate a method of human-robot cross-training, a validated and widely used strategy for the effective training of human teams.  ...  Shah, published in the Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2013).  ... 
doi:10.1177/0278364915609673 fatcat:csvtihrplza7zops6gmw25vlnm

A Method for Improving the Pose Accuracy of a Robot Manipulator Based on Multi-Sensor Combined Measurement and Data Fusion

Bailing Liu, Fumin Zhang, Xinghua Qu
2015 Sensors  
An improvement method for the pose accuracy of a robot manipulator by using a multiple-sensor combination measuring system (MCMS) is presented.  ...  It is composed of a visual sensor, an angle sensor and a series robot.  ...  Further, Hayati (1983) presented a revised D-H model for proposing a linear model, which related the parameter errors to the end-effector positioning error of the serial robot directly.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s150407933 pmid:25850067 pmcid:PMC4431257 fatcat:eyskxoxrfvallmbpaitgvdfhpy
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