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Supporting User Requirements and Preferences in Cloud Plan Selection

SABRINA DE CAPITANI DI VIMERCATI, Sara Foresti, Giovanni Livraga, Vincenzo Piuri, Pierangela Samarati
2017 IEEE Transactions on Services Computing  
In this paper, we address the problem of supporting users in cloud plan selection.  ...  Index Terms-Cloud plan selection, cloud plan requirements and preferences, cloud plan ranking ✦  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported in part by the EC within the H2020 under grant agreement 644579 (ESCUDO-CLOUD), and within the FP7 under grant agreement 312797 (ABC4EU).  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsc.2017.2777977 fatcat:m75kr2dugncavegr75lsw4yke4

Supporting Users in Data Outsourcing and Protection in the Cloud [chapter]

S. De Capitani di Vimercati, S. Foresti, G. Livraga, P. Samarati
2017 Communications in Computer and Information Science  
Moving data and applications to the cloud allows users and companies to enjoy considerable benefits.  ...  Among these, the need to ensure that possible requirements on security, costs, and quality of services are satisfied by the cloud providers, and the need to adopt techniques ensuring the proper protection  ...  This work was supported in part by the EC within the FP7 under grant agreement 312797 (ABC4EU), and within the H2020 under grant agreement 644579 (ESCUDO-CLOUD).  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-62594-2_1 fatcat:a5r25p4y6bc2nmoyrfljsp6pqm


Ioannis Konstantinou, Verena Kantere, Dimitrios Tsoumakos, Nectarios Koziris
2013 Proceedings of the 2013 international conference on Management of data - SIGMOD '13  
Data service providers need appropriate and flexible query charging mechanisms and query optimization that take into consideration cloud operational expenses, pricing strategies and user preferences.  ...  We demonstrate COCCUS 's operation over centralized and shared nothing CloudDBMS architectures on top of public and private IaaS clouds.  ...  According to P1, the provider selects the query plan closest to the user preferences (e.g. the plan closer to the user budget function) and charges the actual cost of the query plan.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2463676.2465233 dblp:conf/sigmod/KonstantinouKTK13 fatcat:7schidoqwbbpblvnynyaprmwdi

On personalized cloud service provisioning for mobile users using adaptive and context-aware service composition

Elarbi Badidi, Yacine Atif, Quan Z. Sheng, Muthucumaru Maheswaran
2018 Computing  
The selection process is guided by quality-of-context criteria that combine cloudservice provider requirements and user preferences.  ...  Personalization of composite services in mobile environments is an interesting and challenging issue to address, given the opportunity to factor-in diverse user preferences and the plethora of mobile devices  ...  reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00607-018-0631-8 fatcat:ddt5klmnfzgg5adavb65q7ui6u

A Unified Framework for User-Preferred Multi-Level Ranking of Cloud Computing Services based on Usability and Quality of Service Evaluation

Farrukh Nadeem
2020 IEEE Access  
Thus, it is crucial to choose Cloud services whose performance match the user requirements. Such a choice requires a thorough evaluation of Cloud services according to user needs and preferences.  ...  While selecting CSPs, Cloud users should specify the requirements of throughput in SLA [13] . • Agility: It refers to how quickly a user can adapt to use the Cloud service.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3027775 fatcat:naupsujugzc4vjcjwjzhgm42py

A Fuzzy-Based Brokering Service for Cloud Plan Selection

Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Sara Foresti, Giovanni Livraga, Vincenzo Piuri, Pierangela Samarati
2019 IEEE Systems Journal  
In this paper, we propose a novel, user-centric, brokering service for supporting users in the specification of requirements and enabling their evaluation against available cloud plans, assessing how much  ...  Fuzzy logic and fuzzy inference systems are adopted to quantitatively assess the compliance of cloud services with the users' desiderata, and hence to help users in the cloud service selection process.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported in part by the EC within the H2020 program under grant agreement 825333.  ... 
doi:10.1109/jsyst.2019.2893212 fatcat:6makaq35vbeuhe4cjh6fmwdmku

A consensus-based approach for selecting cloud plans

Ala Arman, Sara Foresti, Giovanni Livraga, Pierangela Samarati
2016 2016 IEEE 2nd International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry Leveraging a better tomorrow (RTSI)  
In this paper, we propose an approach enabling users to select a cloud plan that best balances the satisfaction of the requirements of multiple applications.  ...  An important problem when moving an application to the cloud consists in selecting the most suitable cloud plan (among those available from cloud providers) for the application deployment, with the goal  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported in part by the EC within the 7FP under grant agreement 312797 (ABC4EU) and within the H2020 under grant agreement 644579 (ESCUDO-CLOUD).  ... 
doi:10.1109/rtsi.2016.7740642 dblp:conf/rtsi/ArmanFLS16 fatcat:5emdvu6meffybjmvlrtjti5uxq

User-Centric Adaptation Analysis of Multi-Tenant Services

Jesús García-galán, Liliana Pasquale, Pablo Trinidad, Antonio Ruiz-Cortés
2016 ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems  
To support our analysis, we model multi-tenant services and user preferences by using feature and preference models, respectively.  ...  We describe how to engineer the activities of the MAPE (Monitoring, Analysis, Planning, Execution) loop to support user-centric adaptation, and focus on the adaptation analysis.  ...  García for the explanations on the user preferences modelling, and to J.A. Parejo and A. Sayyad for their advices on the experimentation.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2790303 fatcat:hj3furhzlzcvhergxn7ehrwjnu

A Review on Broker Based Cloud Service Model

Nagarajan Rajganesh, Thirunavukarasu Ramkumar
2016 Journal of Computing and Information Technology  
It focuses the importance of suitable service selection and its ranking towards fulfilling the customer's service requirements.  ...  The proposed cloud broker advocates techniques such as reasoning and decision making capabilities for the improved cloud service selection and composition.  ...  A suitable front-end prototype with possible user operations have been planned and resulted as User Interface Portal for Requirements Specification (UIPRS).  ... 
doi:10.20532/cit.2016.1002778 fatcat:jhp24sxomreslp3rkgwradls2y

Empowering Mobile Service Provisioning through Cloud Assistance

Khalid Elgazzar, Patrick Martin, Hossam S. Hassanein
2013 2013 IEEE/ACM 6th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing  
Mobile devices can take advantage of their mobility to provide location-based services and their association to a specific user to customize service offerings to fit personal preferences and current conditions  ...  The framework supports dynamic offloading based on the resource status at the mobile side and current network condition as well as user-defined energy constraints.  ...  In contrast, our framework selects the best execution plan with the minimum response time and energy efficiency, while satisfying the resource constraints with respect to both execution requirements and  ... 
doi:10.1109/ucc.2013.20 dblp:conf/ucc/ElgazzarMH13 fatcat:zejno6zivvgynk3a2wwy4mrfvq

User-Oriented Cloud Service Design based on Market Research Techniques

Andrea Giessmann, Dana Naous, Christine Legner
2016 European Conference on Information Systems  
It supports cloud service providers in addressing specific questions of cloud service design: to analyse user preferences and the many trade-offs between different functional, non-functional and economic  ...  This research-in-progress paper suggests the use of market research techniques, namely conjoint analysis, in the requirements elicitation process for cloud services.  ...  User preference elicitation and analysis for cloud services This method element supports selecting the appropriate CA variant, which fits the cloud domain's specificities and the study's objectives.  ... 
dblp:conf/ecis/GiessmannNL16 fatcat:enrzc3fggrdvtcqwoe6jwma3hm

A Context-Aware and Self-Adaptation Strategy for Cloud Service Selection and Configuration in Run-Time

Asmae Benali, Bouchra El Asri
2019 Computer and Information Science  
This paper proposes a strategy for selecting automatically an appropriate cloud environment that runs out whole requirements, defines a configuration for the associated cloud environment and able to easily  ...  adapt to the change of the environment on either the user or the cloud side or both.  ...  The monitored context defines the current state of User(patient) Preference, the Device Context, and Situational Context. patient preference defines specific preference settings, particularly those have  ... 
doi:10.5539/cis.v13n1p10 fatcat:ylui45n5kfcxnjuc523sdwalsi

VM Placement in non-Homogeneous IaaS-Clouds [chapter]

Konstantinos Tsakalozos, Mema Roussopoulos, Alex Delis
2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In the second phase, we determine the final VM-to-PM mapping considering all low-level constraints arising from the particular user requests and special characteristics of the selected cohort.  ...  Our evaluation shows that in large non-homogeneous physical infrastructures, we significantly reduce the VM placement plan production time and improve plan quality.  ...  This work has been partially supported by the EU D4Science I&II FP7-projects.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-25535-9_12 fatcat:ugga77psubaujbtv5gumepedmu

Linked USDL Extension for Describing Business Services and Users' Requirements in a Cloud Context

Hind Benfenatki, Catarina Ferreira Da Silva, Aïcha-Nabila Benharkat, Parisa Ghodous, Zakaria Maamar
2017 International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering  
along with satisfying users' requirements.  ...  This paper discusses how to extend Linked USDL in a way that permits to describe the services of a marketplace in support of automating the provisioning of service-oriented cloud-based business applications  ...  Non-functional requirements include user deployment and cost preferences, and QoS requirements.  ... 
doi:10.4018/ijssoe.2017070102 fatcat:kw5zb4klknetnnugdsufukui7i

Efficient Resource Management in Cloud Computing Using Non Operational Elements

Yamini R., Germanus Alex Dr.M.
2018 Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science  
In order to assist system administrators this paper focuses an architecture that supports the process of deploying applications in cloud providers, using high level information based on an operational  ...  Estimating resources that the applications require to execute in the cloud is a complicated task. System administrators often do not know the low-level technical details.  ...  After that in the schedule, resource allocation plan is added. Through the Quality of Service and resource allocation plan resource is allocated to the user.  ... 
doi:10.9756/bijiems.8353 fatcat:6poq6ndxu5f6dds55mmwt5bisy
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