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Super Characters: A Conversion from Sentiment Classification to Image Classification [article]

Baohua Sun, Lin Yang, Patrick Dong, Wenhan Zhang, Jason Dong, Charles Young
2018 arXiv   pre-print
We propose a method named Super Characters for sentiment classification.  ...  Text features are extracted automatically from the generated Super Characters images, hence there is no need of any explicit step of embedding the words or characters into numerical vector representations  ...  Super Characters Method The Super Characters method converts the sentiment classification problem into an image classification problem.  ... 
arXiv:1810.07653v1 fatcat:pwzswhj2unbgboruyxog2hpuuy

Super Characters: A Conversion from Sentiment Classification to Image Classification

Baohua Sun, Lin Yang, Patrick Dong, Wenhan Zhang, Jason Dong, Charles Young
2018 Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis  
We propose a method named Super Characters for sentiment classification.  ...  Text features are extracted automatically from the generated Super Characters images, hence there is no need of any explicit step of embedding the words or characters into numerical vector representations  ...  Super Characters Method The Super Characters method converts the sentiment classification problem into an image classification problem.  ... 
doi:10.18653/v1/w18-6245 dblp:conf/wassa/SunYDZDY18 fatcat:5aldcammbzcd3h3of3a7hiabaq

Character index

2011 2011 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo  
doi:10.1109/icme.2011.6011827 fatcat:wjy7yvkmvbbf3hj4wbyjapx5gu

Automatic Identification of Character Types from Film Dialogs

Marcin Skowron, Martin Trapp, Sabine Payr, Robert Trappl
2016 Applied Artificial Intelligence  
We study the detection of character types from fictional dialog texts such as screenplays.  ...  Comparative in-depth analysis of a single screenplay leads on to the discussion of possible limitations of this approach and to directions for future research.  ...  This requires that conversation "in character" is generated from a coherent character model. The intermediate goal of the research is therefore to study how character is revealed in dialog.  ... 
doi:10.1080/08839514.2017.1289311 pmid:29118463 pmcid:PMC5652896 fatcat:vsi3ofdwcnbs3g6gx3lo5eh364

Extraction and Analysis of Fictional Character Networks

Vincent Labatut, Xavier Bost
2019 ACM Computing Surveys  
A character network is a graph extracted from a narrative, in which vertices represent characters and edges correspond to interactions between them.  ...  A number of narrative-related problems can be addressed automatically through the analysis of character networks, such as summarization, classification, or role detection.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their work and feedback, which helped significantly improve this article. Part of this work was funded by Agorantic FR 3621.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3344548 fatcat:zujg55eixfct7blvj6lxwo4usq

Linguistic Anthropology in 2013: Super-New-Big

Angela Reyes
2014 American Anthropologist  
As the "super-new-big" purports to identify a contemporary moment in which we are witnessing unprecedented change, I interrogate the degree to which these concepts rely on assumptions about "reality" as  ...  Considero cómo los super-nuevos-grandes nos invitan a escudriñar varias reconceptualizaciones de diversidad (¿es super?), medios (¿son nuevos), y bases de datos (¿son grandes?)  ...  CONCLUSION The super-new-big purports to identify a contemporary moment in which we are witnessing unprecedented change.  ... 
doi:10.1111/aman.12109 fatcat:ajosjlllcfgjhbdizt5e2uwa6y

Modeling the Semiotic Structure of Game Characters

Daniel Vella
2014 Conference of the Digital Games Research Association  
This paper draws on understandings of character from the fields of narratology and literary theory to highlight the double-layered ontology of character as both a possible individual and as a semiotic  ...  When game studies has tackled the player-character, it has tended to do so by means of an oppositon to the notion of the avatar, with the result that the ontological and semiotic nature of the character  ...  Meanwhile, the second set of CSs, produced from the second playthrough, results in an image of a character we can call Joel 2 .  ... 
dblp:conf/digra/Vella14 fatcat:soivo3prvrgido2bv54takmcnu

Super Tuesday: Regional Politics and Presidential Primaries

Robert M. Stein, Barbara Norrander
1994 The Journal of southern history  
The placement of Hart moved from a moderate position in 1984 to the most liberal position in 1988, even more liberal than Jackson's classification.  ...  Once again, issues are related to candidate preferences if those issues conform to the dominant campaign image of a candidate. Not all attempts to create such an image, however, are successful.  ...  This information is from a phone conversation with John Kessel, October 11, 1989. 3.  ... 
doi:10.2307/2210777 fatcat:hrl7cazz4fcwfmuiqzev7eez5y

A Structural Model for Player-Characters as Semiotic Constructs

Daniel Vella
2016 Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association  
This paper draws on understandings of character from the fields of narratology and literary theory to highlight the double-layered ontology of character as both a possible individual and as a semiotic  ...  means of comparative references to a wide range of player-characters in a variety of games.  ...  Meanwhile, the second set of CSs, produced from the second playthrough, results in an image of a character we can call Joel2.  ... 
doi:10.26503/todigra.v2i2.37 fatcat:4limnf22ovgl5l7k22cw2negu4

Super Tasters and Mighty Movers: Extending The Food Friends® Messages into Early Elementary School

A. D'Hooge, L. Bellows, C. Fitzgerald, S. Johnson, J. Anderson
2012 Journal of nutrition education and behavior  
A 5 unit "booster" program, based on Social Cognitive Theory, was developed utilizing The Food Friends ® characters and themes of 'Super Tasters' and 'Mighty Movers'.  ...  The main themes found from the formative surveys and interviews included: 1) nutrition was not a consistent lesson topic; 2) physical activity was left for gym class and/or recess; and 3) the need for  ...  The Be A Super Taster involved a hands-on food tasting activity, such as a citrus tasting or making hummus, related to the monthly character.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2012.03.171 fatcat:ce5nyovljfhj7jgvr5sh2byqre

'We want to be there for everyone': imagined spaces of encounter and the politics of place in a super-diverse neighbourhood

Myrte S. Hoekstra, Fenne M. Pinkster
2017 Social & Cultural Geography  
Finally, we would like to thank all our informants for sharing their experiences with us. Disclosure statement No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.  ...  Acknowledgements We would like to thank Yvonne Franz, Julia Dahlvik, Sako Musterd and the anonymous reviewers of Social & Cultural Geography for their helpful comments on an earlier draft of this article  ...  image and create social mixing.  ... 
doi:10.1080/14649365.2017.1356362 fatcat:dhado7jxpjf4vcxxqxgg2fa72a

Effective Use of Word Order for Text Categorization with Convolutional Neural Networks [article]

Rie Johnson, Tong Zhang
2015 arXiv   pre-print
In addition to a straightforward adaptation of CNN from image to text, a simple but new variation which employs bag-of-word conversion in the convolution layer is proposed.  ...  classification.  ...  Two types of CNN are tested: seq-CNN is a straightforward adaptation of CNN from image to text, and bow-CNN is a simple but new variation of CNN that employs bag-of-word conversion in the convolution layer  ... 
arXiv:1412.1058v2 fatcat:n2kj2e4uorgbvewhfuh344qsv4

An Ethnographic Analysis of Names of Round Characters in Wole Soyinka's The Strong Breed

Idowu Olusola Odebode
2012 Theory and Practice in Language Studies  
Modern English Orientalists work to explore the Arabian characters with reference to Islam. Islamist Arabs are represented as a threat to the West.  ...  This article highlights the progress of the images of Arabs in English literature. Europe owes a debt of gratitude to Arabia and the East.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported in part by a grant from Teaching Reform Fund of Dalian University of Technology (No. MS201280). 1.  ... 
doi:10.4304/tpls.2.9.1776-1782 fatcat:ar4o6sw57bha7i3cfhxogoqk4q

Semi-supervised Sequence Learning [article]

Andrew M. Dai, Quoc V. Le
2015 arXiv   pre-print
With pretraining, we are able to train long short term memory recurrent networks up to a few hundred timesteps, thereby achieving strong performance in many text classification tasks, such as IMDB, DBpedia  ...  In other words, the parameters obtained from the unsupervised step can be used as a starting point for other supervised training models.  ...  To do this, we train a LSTM on the CIFAR-10 image dataset, consisting of 60,000 32x32 colour images divided into 10 classes.  ... 
arXiv:1511.01432v1 fatcat:pl4e2i5akfchrk7yc5oqqo473a

A Comprehensive Review of Visual-Textual Sentiment Analysis from Social Media Networks [article]

Israa Khalaf Salman Al-Tameemi, Mohammad-Reza Feizi-Derakhshi, Saeed Pashazadeh, Mohammad Asadpour
2023 arXiv   pre-print
benchmark datasets, and the efficacy of multiple classification methodologies suited to each field.  ...  To serve as a resource for academics in this rapidly growing field, we introduce a comprehensive overview of textual and visual SA, including data pre-processing, feature extraction techniques, sentiment  ...  After separating text from images using optical character recognition, multimodal sentiment scoring was performed by combining the sentiment ratings from images and texts.  ... 
arXiv:2207.02160v2 fatcat:o43nitxecfdhhpgp25eggjixfy
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