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Artificial Neural Networks and Their Applications in the Engineering of Fabrics [chapter]

Savvas Vassiliadis, Maria Rangoussi, Ahmet Cay, Christopher Provatidis
2010 Woven Fabric Engineering  
The evaluation of the wrinkle of the fabrics has been realized on an objective basis with a system based on ANNs (Su & Xu, 1999; Kim, 1999; Mori & Komiyama, 2002) .  ...  ., 2006) , while the seam puckering is evaluated and the sewing thread is optimized through ANN models, respectively (Mak & Li, 2007; Lin, 2004) .  ...  information on theoretical as well as applied areas of knowledge in the field of woven fabric engineering.  ... 
doi:10.5772/10475 fatcat:ugsqercwfnenfb42y3btwslw4i