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Relationship Between Social Media Usage and Academic Achievement amomg Tertiary Students in Malaysian Public University

Ibrahim Mohammed Hamad Amin, Norlizah C. Hassan, Habibah Ab Jalil
2019 International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development  
Full understanding of the social media and how it is being utilized in education is needed, especially in knowing the relationship between social media used and academic achievement among tertiary students  ...  The increasing use of social media among tertiary students is one of the highly growing phenomena in the academia.  ...  Acknowledgement We are very grateful to all the participants for their contribution to this research, and to all who had contributed to this study.  ... 
doi:10.6007/ijarped/v8-i4/6671 fatcat:xrhnjxblanb7tkhmymdv4vl4tu

Students Perception of Mobile Learning during COVID-19 in Bangladesh: University Student Perspective

Bikram Biswas, Sajib Kumar Roy, Falguni Roy
2020 Aquademia Water Environment and Technology  
as students can get a response at any time, be it office hour or not, from their teachers by using mobile devices, while 88.9% think that the use of social media helps to strengthen the communication  ...  This study also focuses on the uses of social media in higher education through mobile learning in Bangladesh.  ... 
doi:10.29333/aquademia/8443 fatcat:ljnjxh7uuje3lktl33vpglie7m

Separating Work and Play: Privacy, Anonymity and the Politics of Interactive Pedagogy in Deploying Facebook in Learning and Teaching

Rob Cover
2014 Digital Culture & Education  
Theorising the relationship between privacy and the use of Facebook and other social networking sites as teaching and learning tools, this article presents a summary of its use in media and communications  ...  As a teaching and learning tool, Facebook provides an environment in which anonymity and the separation of different elements of one's learning, study and social or personal lives are made more complex  ...  This paper addresses a number of critical questions that emerged in the author's use of Facebook as a first-year teaching and learning tool in a Media and Communications course in 2010, particularly focusing  ... 
doaj:401c2bc071e548099c6b079e6a78e055 fatcat:a32kv4esy5eynauohzp67evgcy

Personalised and self regulated learning in the Web 2.0 era: International exemplars of innovative pedagogy using social software

Catherine McLoughlin, Mark J. W. Lee
2010 Australasian Journal of Educational Technology  
The authors conclude with a discussion of some of the key implications for practice, including an outline of the current challenges faced by tertiary educators.</p></blockquote><p> </p>  ...  Used appropriately, these tools can shift control to the learner, through promoting learner agency, autonomy and engagement in social networks that straddle multiple real and virtual learning spaces independent  ...  instructor and learner perspectives, as well as for the integration of Web 2.0 tools and strategies.  ... 
doi:10.14742/ajet.1100 fatcat:ycfnhqcz4nbu3hwvsfsxkguyya

Multicultural Learning Partnerships in The Café: Integrating ICT into Transnational Tertiary Education in Australia Using the Collaborative Application for Education1

Josh McCarthya
2014 Journal of International and Comparative Education  
The findings of the study are discussed in light of the growing use of social media within learning and teaching in tertiary education, and the importance of providing first year students, particularly  ...  environment that meets the needs of modern-day tertiary students and teaching staff.  ...  This is a significant problem in using Facebook as an educational tool, as it can impact on a student's willingness to participate and as a result, can impact on their performance within the learning environment  ... 
doi:10.14425/00.73.59 fatcat:mkxzrr7a4na6rgvnbamaqx4txy

Assessing the Influence of Advertising on Student Enrolment in Private Tertiary Institutions in Ghana

Bede Akorige Atarah, Augustine Awuah Peprah
2014 International Journal of Business and Social Research  
The results showed that advertising in addition to serving as a source of information to students also influenced the enrolment decision of some students.  ...  Private tertiary institutions have increasingly advertised their products in recent years to the general public in Ghana through various media.  ...  A student's PROBLEM for university education could be triggered by many factors either within or outside the student concerned.  ... 
doi:10.18533/ijbsr.v4i3.408 doaj:6b09eba6d9a540f4aa180bb7ecbb0c3a fatcat:lrelfck7vzgmdmypualcbey7k4

Who am I? Developing Pre-service Teacher Identity in a Digital World

Shaun Nykvist, Michelle Mukherjee
2016 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
More specifically, the study identifies how students currently use social and digital media in their personal and professional lives to identify themselves online in order to promote a positive image.  ...  With many educational institutions mandating that educators use digital technologies as a tool to support and enhance teaching, pre-service teacher education needs to ensure that students understand and  ...  It is in this context that a strong link can be drawn between the use of social media tools such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and that of belonging.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.02.012 fatcat:rgrk6w2lfzebbg5l3hl2jxod4e

Using Social Networking Sites as Medium of Instruction at Tertiary Education During Covid-19 Situation in Bangladesh

Md. Fajlay RABBİ, Marzia Khatan SMİTA, Shoeab MOHAMMAD
2020 International Journal of Educational Research Review  
The second concern would be the threat towards students' privacy by using SNSs as a learning tool.  ...  In this study, a complete review will be provided to discuss both the benefits of using Social Networking Site as a learning tool for students and as well as discussing the associated problems of using  ... 
doi:10.24331/ijere.741644 fatcat:5qkb3akvbnd23mfw3rltiqbejm

The Twenty First Century E- Learning Education Management & Implication for Media Technology Adoption in the Period of Pandemic

Ugochukwu O. Matthew, Jazuli S. Kazaure, Ado Saleh Kazaure, Ogechukwu N. Onyedibe, Abraham N. Okafor
2022 EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning  
RESULTS :The research observed that out of six multimedia e-learning education tools used, e-mail functionalities, chat apps, audio/video computing application and discussion forum were mostly used to  ...  Multimedia is a creative combination of computer hardware , software and lifeware that allows for integration of video, animation, audio, graphical information and text resources in an interactive engagement  ...  In the perspective of the Nigeria peculiarities, the media acted as a double-edged sword as it permits students to be aware of information void of obstructions and in another development used to coordinator  ... 
doi:10.4108/eetel.v8i1.2342 fatcat:oupbbc7jdzhhvpy5gllimokvg4

Exploring the Internet Usage for English Language Learning

Anne Suryani
2013 Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi  
background, educational institution, government, community, also student's and teacher's perspectives.  ...  Abstract: In this article, I discuss the idea about how Information and Communication Technologies – particularly the internet- can be developed as a tool to support independent learning.  ...  Second, as the state language, its has missions as (1) the official language of the state; (2) the medium of instruction in education; (3) the communication tool for planning and implementing national  ... 
doi:10.24002/jik.v3i2.233 fatcat:kc5nzx7f3va2jg55raw3ngpoci

The pedagogy of hyperlinkages: Knowledge curatorialism and the archive of kindness

J. Auerbach
2022 South African Journal of Higher Education  
This article uses a student assessment developed in the "emergency" conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic in South Africa as a tool for refracting and reflecting (Strassler 2011) the changing realities of  ...  Here, it argues that the Humanities and Social Sciences will need to play a leading role in providing the language and tools for thinking through the pedagogy of hyperlinkages, where the boundaries between  ...  The learning objective was for them to gain competencies in social media analytics, as well as the challenges presented by social media and group work.  ... 
doi:10.20853/36-5-4602 fatcat:22cwoxumsjha7n25t42heuiotm

Redesigning an Educational Technology Course under a Competency-Based Performance Assessment Model

Ignacio Rodriguez, Katherina Gallardo
2017 Pedagogika  
As a result, acompetency-based performance assessment model and a student performance reportemerge.  ...  This process implied the understanding of paradigm change, the integration of cognitive theory foundations, the selection of a learning taxonomy, the application of performance and authentic assessment  ...  Change from Learning Objectives to Competencies The original learning objectives were listed in the course syllabus as follows: (a) identify a variety of multimedia, web, and social media tools for communication  ... 
doi:10.15823/p.2017.48 fatcat:ionnmr52hfb2vmhvlo76vjylfq

Utilizing Web 2.0 Tools in a Group Based Learning Environment: A Malaysian Classroom Perspective

Wai-Jing Kwok, Tse-Kian Neo
2015 International Journal of Social Science and Humanity  
Blog serves to be a tool in order for the students to have interaction with their peers and to form a classroom learning community within that learning environment.  ...  Working cooperatively is a concern for the student in order to learn in the cooperative learning environment.  ...  It served as a tool for social networking, peer to peer media sharing as well as media communication usage [5] .  ... 
doi:10.7763/ijssh.2015.v5.472 fatcat:alz3zethpnavxhn7q237jygfbu

Learning English as a Second Language through Social Media: Saudi Arabian Tertiary Context

Amin Ali Al Mubarak
2016 International Journal of Linguistics  
Apart from that, some of the problems encountered when using social media and combined group work in the learning and teaching of English as a second language at Tertiary level are also highlighted.  ...  It is found that majority of the participants use social media to enhance their communication skills.  ...  The use of social media in educational environment showed that most of the students are concerned with having chances to learn and they used the social media as a tool to enhance their language skills.  ... 
doi:10.5296/ijl.v8i6.10449 fatcat:tdorpols7begri2yqwamr3seea

Transition Issues in Higher Education and Digital Technologies: The Experiences of Students with Disabilities in New Zealand

Edgar Pacheco
2020 Figshare  
However, there is still limited understanding of transition issues and how digital technologies, such as social media and mobile devices, are used by this group of students to manage these issues.  ...  The findings draw from observations, a researcher diary, focus groups, individual interviews, and data from social media.  ...  Social media was also used as a personal learning environment.  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.12003981.v1 fatcat:tslvvgnfyfgnxjrhweylx5bexa
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